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Lesson 17 Teacher Material: Belonging to the Lord’s Church

“Lesson 17 Teacher Material: Belonging to the Lord’s Church,” Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon Teacher Material (2021)

“Lesson 17 Teacher Material,” Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon Teacher Material

Lesson 17 Teacher Material

Belonging to the Lord’s Church

As He did with His followers in Palestine, Jesus Christ organized His Church among the Nephites and Lamanites. He called twelve disciples and gave them priesthood authority to lead His Church. This lesson will provide students with the opportunity to focus on the ordinance of the sacrament and identify what they can do to make it a more meaningful and Christ-centered experience. Students will also determine what they can do to help others feel a sense of belonging and fellowship in their own wards or branches.

Suggestions for Teaching

Jesus Christ institutes the sacrament and commands the people to meet together often and forbid none from joining in their worship.

Show the following image, and remind students that as part of His ministry among the Nephites and Lamanites, Jesus Christ bestowed priesthood authority on His twelve disciples and organized His Church (see 3 Nephi 11:18–22; 12:1; 18:5, 37; 26:17–21).

Christ with Three Nephite Disciples, by Gary L. Kapp

Point out that while there are many aspects of the Church we can learn more about, this lesson will focus on just two aspects. Display the following questions, and invite students to select the question they would most like to explore further:

  • What can I do to make the sacrament a more meaningful part of my church experience?

  • How can I help create a more welcoming and inclusive experience at church for all people?

Improving Our Teaching and Learning

Small group discussions and assignments can help students learn more deeply. Forming small groups can allow a greater number of students to participate and can provide a safe environment where they can share thoughts, feelings, and experiences with each other. Small groups can also help students develop social and communication skills. To help students have a meaningful experience in small groups, it might be helpful to provide the following: (1) resources such as quotes, copies of general conference talks, or other handouts, (2) clear instructions and thought-provoking questions, and (3) plenty of discussion time.

Invite students to form small groups (three to four people per group) with those who have selected the same question. Give each group the handout that corresponds with their question. (Both handouts are located at the end of this lesson.) Invite students to use the questions and resources on the handout to foster a meaningful discussion. As groups discuss, you might want to circulate through the room and offer guidance and support as needed.

After giving groups plenty of time to discuss their topic, invite students to share with the class some of the principles they learned from the Savior’s teachings to the people. You might find it helpful to focus on one topic for a few minutes and then to address the next topic.

Students may identify principles similar to the following:

  • When we partake of the sacrament, we witness to Heavenly Father our willingness to always remember Jesus Christ and obey His commandments.

  • As we partake of the sacrament and strive to always remember Jesus Christ, we will have the Holy Ghost with us.

  • The Lord commands us to be inviting and inclusive of all God’s children and to help them come unto Him.

As principles are identified, you might ask students to write them on the board. Consider asking students to share any thoughts or questions they have about any of these principles.

Display the following questions, and invite students to select one or both of them to ponder. You could encourage students to record any thoughts and impressions that come to them.

  • What will I do to prepare myself to partake of the sacrament and make it a more meaningful and Christ-centered experience?

  • What will I do to help others to feel welcome and to feel a sense of belonging in the Church of Jesus Christ?

For Next Time

Invite students to think about some of the conditions in the world around them that can make it challenging to live the gospel. Encourage students to study the preparation material for the next class, looking for what they can learn from the examples of people in the Book of Mormon who strived to live righteously despite living in a wicked environment.

Blessings of the Sacrament

Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon Teacher Material—Lesson 17

Instructions for Discussion Leaders

Use the following instructions to facilitate a discussion with the members of your group. Encourage all members of your group to participate. However, no one should feel pressured to share their thoughts.

What can I do to make the sacrament a more meaningful part of my church experience?

Review 3 Nephi 18:6–12; 20:8–9 and the teachings from Elders David A. Bednar and D. Todd Christofferson in section 2 of the preparation material. Then discuss the following questions:

  • What do we witness to Heavenly Father when we partake of the sacrament?

  • In what ways can the sacrament draw us closer to the Savior? How is your life different when you are more focused on Jesus Christ and when you feel closer to Him?

  • According to Elders Bednar and Christofferson, how should the sacrament affect our lives and character each week? Would anyone be willing to testify of these blessings from their own experience?

  • What has most helped you to make the sacrament a meaningful and Christ-centered experience?

Blessings of the Sacrament

teacher handout

Welcoming All People to the Church

Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon Teacher Material—Lesson 17

Instructions for Discussion Leaders

Use the following instructions to facilitate a discussion with the members of your group. Encourage all members of your group to participate. However, no one should feel pressured to share their thoughts.

How can I help create a more welcoming and inclusive experience at church for all people?

You may want to begin your discussion by identifying a few common reasons why people might not feel included in their ward or branch. Take some time to review 3 Nephi 18:22–25 and the statement by Sister Carol F. McConkie in section 3 of the preparation material. Then discuss the following questions:

  • What teachings and principles from these verses do you think are important for all members of the Church to understand? Why?

  • What meant the most to you about Sister McConkie’s statement? What do you think it means to “see [others] through Christlike eyes”? (Carol F. McConkie, “Lifting Others” [video], ChurchofJesusChrist.org).

  • What examples from the Savior’s life illustrate His desire to be inviting and inclusive of all God’s children regardless of their circumstances?

  • How can we follow the Savior’s example to be more inclusive and inviting to members and visitors who attend our wards or branches? What have people done that have helped you feel included and welcomed at church?

Welcoming All People to the Church

teacher handout 2