“Lesson 23 Teacher Material: Obedience to God’s Commandments,” Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon Teacher Material (2021)
“Lesson 23 Teacher Material,” Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon Teacher Material
Lesson 23 Teacher Material
Obedience to God’s Commandments
This unit will provide students with the opportunity to consider what they can do to exercise greater trust in the Lord as they face the challenges of life. In this lesson students will be able to explain how Jesus Christ demonstrated perfect trust in Heavenly Father by keeping all of His commandments. Students will also identify blessings of obedience and consider what they can do to more fully emulate Jesus Christ’s example of obedience.
Suggestions for Teaching
Jesus Christ obeys the will of Heavenly Father in all things.
Display the accompanying images of Jesus Christ, or show the video “Special Witness—Elder Hales” (2:49). In the video, Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles discusses the Savior’s perfect obedience to Heavenly Father. Then invite students to review 2 Nephi 31:6–7, 10; 3 Nephi 11:11; 27:13 and look for what we can learn about obedience from the Savior’s example.
Special Witness - Elder Hales
Elder Robert D. Hales bears his testimony of the scriptures and the life of the Savior.
What can we learn about obedience from the example of Jesus Christ? (Students may identify a number of truths similar to the following: By humbly submitting to the will of Heavenly Father in all things, Jesus Christ set the perfect example of obedience for us to follow.)
Why do you think Jesus Christ’s willingness to obey the Father was essential to the success of His earthly mission? How is obedience essential to your success in this life and the next?
How can the Savior’s example of obedience inspire and strengthen you to be more submissive to the will of Heavenly Father?
To help students better understand what they can accomplish through their own obedience, you may want to share the following statement by Elder Von G. Keetch of the Seventy:
True obedience … is giving ourselves entirely to [Heavenly Father] and allowing Him to chart our course both in calm waters and in troubled ones, understanding that He can make more of us than we could ever make of ourselves. …
… [The commandments] mark the way that we should act—and more importantly, they illuminate who we should become. (“Blessed and Happy Are Those Who Keep the Commandments of God,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2015, 117)
What could you do to more fully emulate the Lord’s example of obedience? (It may be helpful to give students time to ponder and record their thoughts and feelings.)
Invite students to read 1 Nephi 2:20–21, and consider sharing the following scenario:
Marcel is frustrated with the Book of Mormon’s promise that those who keep the commandments of God will prosper. He diligently keeps the commandments but has very little money and struggles to pay his bills each month. He does not feel very prosperous.
Invite students to review what they learned in section 2 of the preparation material that could help Marcel broaden his understanding of different ways the Lord can prosper and bless those who keep His commandments.
What could you share with Marcel to help him expand his understanding of the different ways we can prosper and be blessed as we keep the commandments of God?
To deepen your discussion, you may want to display the following passages and invite students to select one or two to study: 1 Nephi 3:7; 1 Nephi 17:3; 1 Nephi 20:18; 1 Nephi 22:31; Mosiah 2:41; Alma 12:9–10; Alma 50:22–23; 3 Nephi 14:24–25.
After students study their selected scriptures, display the following incomplete statement and ask students to share how they would complete it: As I keep the commandments of God, …
Improving Our Teaching and Learning
Bear testimony. Watch the video “Bearing Testimony” (1:57), and consider the role testimony plays in your class. Do your students regularly have the opportunity to testify of how the truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ have affected their lives? Have they heard and felt your witness of the Lord’s gospel? What more could you do to foster an environment where the sharing of testimony is a common and natural part of the learning experience?
2.6.3 Bearing Testimony
A panel discusses the importance of bearing testimony during class so that the Holy Ghost can touch the hearts of the students (Randall L. Hall, Kim B. Clark, Elaine S. Dalton, Richard I. Heaton, S&I Aug. Broadcast, 2009).
When have you or someone you know experienced any of the blessings identified in these passages by keeping the commandments of God? (You might encourage students to share what they learned as they discussed this question with a friend or family member in preparation for class.)
The stripling warriors obey with exactness.
You might want to display the accompanying image and invite a student to recount the story of the stripling warriors (see section 3 of the preparation material).
Invite students to review Alma 57:21, 27; 58:40 and look for what these passages teach us about obedience. Consider which of the following questions you could ask to best help your students discover what they need to learn from the example of the stripling warriors.
What can we learn about obedience from the experience of the stripling warriors? (Students may identify a truth similar to the following: As we strive to obey the commands of God with exactness and put our trust in Him continually, He will bless us.)
What do you think it means to strive for exact obedience? How is exact obedience different from casual obedience? (You may want to review the statement by President Russell M. Nelson in section 3 of the preparation material. Based on your discussion, you may also consider sharing the following statement by President Nelson: “Obedience brings success; exact obedience brings miracles” [in R. Scott Lloyd, “Elder Nelson Delivers Spiritual Thanksgiving Feast to MTCs,” Church News, Dec. 4, 2013, ChurchofJesusChrist.org].)
What teaching or commandment do you need to approach with more exactness? (Invite students to quietly ponder this question and consider writing a plan for what they can do to achieve this change.)
Why is it important to rely on the enabling power of the Savior’s Atonement as we strive to obey God’s commandments with exactness? (It may be helpful to review the second statement by Elder David A. Bednar in section 3 of the preparation material.) When have you felt the Savior’s enabling power assist you to be more obedient to the commandments of God?
To help students assess what they have learned about obedience, consider discussing the following scenario:
Maria and Francesco have recently become engaged and have set a date to be married. Now that they have made a commitment to be married, they have become increasingly casual about keeping the law of chastity. They feel justified in “bending the rules” because they love each other and have made the commitment to be married.
Based on what you have learned about obedience to God’s commandments, what advice would you give to Maria and Francesco?
How could exact obedience bless, guide, and protect Maria and Francesco as they prepare for their upcoming marriage?
For Next Time
Point out that during the next class, we will learn about the bondage of the people of Limhi and the people of Alma. Encourage students to complete the preparation material for the next class and look for how the deliverance of these people was made possible only when they put their full trust in the Lord.