undefined undefined Abraham 1:1–4 Abraham Sought the Blessings of the Fathers
Abraham 1:1–4 Abraham Sought the Blessings of the Fathers

“Abraham 1:1–4,” The Pearl of Great Price Teacher Manual (2017)

“Abraham 1:1–4,” The Pearl of Great Price Teacher Manual

Abraham 1:1–4

Abraham Sought the Blessings of the Fathers

Some Important Principles, Doctrines, and Events

  • Because of the people’s wickedness, Abraham’s life was endangered by his continued residence in the land of Chaldea (see Abraham 1:1; see also Abraham 1:5, 12).

  • melchizedek ordaining abraham

    In ancient times the Melchizedek Priesthood was passed from father to son. Abraham was a rightful heir of the Melchizedek Priesthood, but because his father was not worthy, Abraham sought the priesthood from other priesthood holders (see Abraham 1:2–4; see also D&C 84:14–16; 86:8–11; 107:40–52).

  • The blessings of the Melchizedek Priesthood include some of the greatest gifts God offers to mankind, including authority, happiness, peace, rest, knowledge, and posterity (see Abraham 1:2; see also D&C 84:33–38; 132:20–24, 28–31).

Suggestions for Teaching

Abraham 1:1. “In the Land of the Chaldeans”

map of mesopotamia

Invite students to share about times they or their families have moved, and why. Which student has made the longest move? How many miles (kilometers) was it? If students have access to the Latter-day Saint edition of the King James Bible, ask them to turn to map 9, “The World of the Old Testament,” in the Bible Maps section. Study the map together and ask students to calculate approximately how many miles (kilometers) Abraham traveled from Ur to Haran to Egypt. (Note: There are two possible sites on the map where Ur may have been located.) Review Abraham 1:1, 5, 12, and discuss why Abraham sought a new home.

Abraham 1:2. Abraham Sought for His Blessings

Discuss what it means to “seek.” Ask a student to read Abraham 1:2 aloud. List on the board what Abraham was seeking. Display the following statement by President Spencer W. Kimball (1895–1985), and invite a student to read it aloud:

Spencer W. Kimball

“Remember that Abraham sought for his appointment to the priesthood. He did not wait for God to come to him; he sought diligently through prayer and obedient living to learn the will of God. …

“As we follow Abraham’s example, we will grow from grace to grace, we will find greater happiness and peace and rest, we will find favor with God and with man. As we follow his example, we will confirm upon ourselves and our families joy and fulfillment in this life and for all eternity” (Spencer W. Kimball, “The Example of Abraham,” Ensign, June 1975, 7).

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Video presentation—“Power of God”

You may want to show the video “Power of God” (3:24) to help students understand the significance and power of the priesthood of God. This video is available on LDS.org.

Abraham 1:3–4. “It Came Down from the Fathers”

Invite a priesthood holder to share how and from whom he received the priesthood. Ask a student to read Abraham 1:3–4 aloud. Discuss what these verses say about how the priesthood was conferred anciently. Invite students who hold the priesthood to share how they prepared to be ordained and how they felt when they received the priesthood (or were advanced in the priesthood). Write the following words on the board: authority, happiness, peace, rest, knowledge. Explain that these are blessings of the priesthood.