Abraham 2:14–25 Abraham Continued His Journey

“Abraham 2:14–25,” The Pearl of Great Price Teacher Manual (2017)

“Abraham 2:14–25,” The Pearl of Great Price Teacher Manual

Abraham 2:14–25

Abraham Continued His Journey

Some Important Principles, Doctrines, and Events

Suggestions for Teaching

Abraham 2:14–15. Abraham Taught the Gospel

Invite a student to read Abraham 2:4, 15 aloud. Ask students to compare the people Abraham took with him when he left Ur to the people he took with him when he left Haran. How had Abraham already begun to bless the families of the earth, as the Lord prophesied in verse 11? Invite students to share about some of their experiences of helping people by sharing the gospel with them.

Abraham 2:15–20. From Haran to Canaan

Ask a few students to take turns reading Abraham 2:15–20 aloud. Invite the rest of the class to follow along and list what happened (including what Abraham did) as Abraham’s group traveled from Haran to Canaan. Ask students how this journey can be compared to our journey through life. For example, what are some ways the Lord has led, protected, and blessed us? How is the Lord a “covering” and a “rock” in our lives (see also Isaiah 4:5–6; Helaman 5:12)?

Abraham 2:21–25. “Let Her Say … She Is Thy Sister”

Invite students to compare Abraham 2:21–25 with the biblical account in Genesis 12:10–13. What important clarification does the account in the book of Abraham add? You may want to display, invite a few students to take turns reading aloud, and then discuss the commentary under ”Abraham 2:24–25. Sarai‘s Obedience” in the student manual. Ask a few students to take turns reading Genesis 12:14–20 aloud to learn what happened to Sarai, Pharaoh, and Abraham.

Abraham 2. Abraham and Sarai Obeyed the Lord

Invite students to find each of the commandments the Lord gave to Abraham and Sarai in Abraham 2 and how they responded to them. Ask students which verse or verses in Abraham 2 help explain Abraham’s obedience. The Prophet Joseph Smith (1805–44) taught, “I made this my rule: When the Lord commands, do it ” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 160). Invite students to think about how they have applied these principles in their own lives.
