Moses 4:1–19

“Moses 4:1–19,” The Pearl of Great Price Teacher Manual (2017)

“Moses 4:1–19,” The Pearl of Great Price Teacher Manual

Moses 4:1–19

The Plan of Salvation and the Fall

Moses 4:1–6: How Lucifer Became the Devil

Some Important Principles, Doctrines, and Events

Suggestions for Teaching

Invite a student to read 2 Nephi 2:15 aloud. You may want to suggest that students mark the phrase it must needs be that there was an opposition in their scriptures. Then invite five students to read aloud the story of the Fall in Moses 4:5–31, taking the parts of the narrator, Satan, Eve, Adam, and the Lord God. Ask a student to read Moses 1:39 aloud. Discuss ways that Satan’s actions assisted the Lord in accomplishing His purposes.

Moses 4:1–2. Our Father’s Plan of Salvation

Invite a student to read Moses 4:1–2 aloud while the rest of the class follows along, looking for how the Savior and Satan responded to Heavenly Father’s plan of salvation. Review the statement by Elder Neal A. Maxwell in the commentary under “Moses 4:1–2. The Plan of Our Father in Heaven” in the student manual. Ask students to explain what we must do, and what Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have done, for us to be saved.

Moses 4:2. “My Beloved and Chosen from the Beginning”

Explain to students that one of the names for Jesus Christ is “the Firstborn.” Ask them to find scripture references in the Topical Guide that use the title Firstborn under “Jesus Christ, Firstborn.” Explain that Jesus was the firstborn spirit child of our Heavenly Father in the premortal existence, thus becoming our Eldest Brother. From the beginning He has held the preeminent position after the Father (see Colossians 1:13–15; D&C 93:21).

Invite students to contrast the desires of Satan with the desires of Jesus Christ (“my Beloved Son”) in Moses 4:1–2. Why did Satan rebel against God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Father’s plan of salvation? Display and invite a student to read aloud the commentary under “Moses 4:4. Satan’s Desires” in the student manual. How can understanding the desires of Satan and Jesus Christ help us understand our own relationship with God?

Moses 4:1–6. The Devil

Ask students to study the following scriptures and make a list of the truths these verses teach about Satan: Isaiah 14:12–15; 2 Nephi 2:17–18; Alma 30:53, 60; Doctrine and Covenants 10:22–27; 29:36–40; 76:25–29; Moses 4:1–6. How can knowing the truth about the devil help us?

Moses 4:3. Preserving the Agency of Man

Invite a student to read Moses 4:1–3 aloud. Ask students to explain Satan’s plan for the salvation of Heavenly Father’s children. Ask students why they think Satan wanted to destroy our agency, or freedom to choose how to act. In what ways do men sometimes try to control others, as Satan did? Review Doctrine and Covenants 121:34–46 and list the principles of the priesthood that help preserve the agency of man (see also Matthew 20:26; John 13:15; Mosiah 18:24–26; Alma 13:10–11).

Moses 4:4. Satan’s Power

Invite a student to read Moses 4:4 aloud. Ask some or all of the following questions: What is the difference between being deceived and being blinded? How would leading us “captive at his will” achieve for Satan his main objective in obtaining the Father’s honor and power (see D&C 29:29, 36)? Who are the only ones that Satan will not be able to deceive or blind? What does “hearken unto my voice” mean? How many people today know that God has spoken, and is speaking, in our time? Of that group, how many are listening? And of those, how many are hearkening? Why is missionary work and following the living prophets so important?

Moses 4:6. Knowing the Mind of God

Invite two students to take turns reading Moses 4:6 and Doctrine and Covenants 10:43 aloud. Ask students why they think it was important that Satan not know the mind of God. Discuss ways we can know the mind of God (see 1 Nephi 10:17–19; 15:8–11).

Moses 4:7–19: The Fall of Adam and Eve

Some Important Principles, Doctrines, and Events

Suggestions for Teaching

Moses 4:12, 18. Adam Also Partook


Ask students to list the different options Adam had after he knew that Eve had partaken of the forbidden fruit. Why did Adam choose to partake (see Moses 4:12, 18)? What would have happened if he had decided not to partake? How was Adam able to make the right choice?

Moses 4:13–17. First Consequences of the Fall

Ask a few students to take turns reading Moses 4:13–17 aloud. Discuss the changes that came upon Adam and Eve after they partook of the forbidden fruit (see also Alma 42:2–10). In what ways were these changes good (see 2 Nephi 2:25; Moses 5:10–11)? How was the Fall a glorious step forward, not backward, for Adam and Eve and all humankind?

Moses 4:15–19. Accountability

Review Moses 3:17; 4:15–19 and help students understand that while God gave Adam and Eve freedom to choose, He also made them accountable for their choices. What questions did God ask Adam and Eve in Moses 4:15, 17, 19? How did these questions help Adam and Eve give an accounting of their actions? Why does Heavenly Father want His children to understand their accountability for their actions?
