“Moses 7:42–69,” The Pearl of Great Price Teacher Manual (2017)
“Moses 7:42–69,” The Pearl of Great Price Teacher Manual
Moses 7:42–69
Enoch Foresaw the Days of Noah, the Time of Jesus Christ, and the Last Days
Moses 7:42–57: Enoch Saw the Days of Noah and Jesus Christ
Some Important Principles, Doctrines, and Events
A knowledge of Jesus Christ and His Atonement should cause us to be glad and lift up our hearts, despite any feeling of being overwhelmed by the wickedness that may surround us (see Moses 7:42–47; see also John 16:33; Moroni 9:25–26).
Jesus Christ is the “Lamb” who was chosen in the premortal life to be slain for the sins of the world. His blood sanctifies us through faith in Him (see Moses 7:45–47; see also John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:18–21; Mormon 9:6).
The earth serves its divine purpose (see Moses 7:48–49, 54–56; see also 1 Nephi 19:12; D&C 88:17–20, 25–26; Moses 5:35–37).
The Lord covenanted with Enoch that after the Flood of Noah he would never again destroy the earth with a flood (see Moses 7:50–52; see also Joseph Smith Translation, Genesis 9:21–25 [in the Bible appendix]; Isaiah 54:9).
At the time of Christ’s Resurrection, all of the righteous who had died before Christ were also resurrected. The wicked who had died still await their resurrection (see Matthew 27:52–53; Mosiah 15:20–24; Moses 7:53–57).
Suggestions for Teaching
Moses 7:41–47. “I Will Refuse to Be Comforted”
Ask the class to share some recent events that indicate the world’s wickedness. Invite a student to read Moses 7:41–43 aloud. Then ask students to describe events in Noah’s day. According to verses 44–45, how did Enoch feel when he saw the events of Noah’s day? What did the Lord show Enoch in verses 46–47 that gave him comfort? How can what Enoch saw be a comfort to us?
Moses 7:48–49. “The Mother of Men”
Invite a student to read aloud the words spoken by the earth in Moses 7:48, and invite another student to read aloud what Enoch said in verse 49. Discuss the events that occurred in verse 56. Display and ask a student to read aloud the statement by President Joseph Fielding Smith in the commentary under “Moses 7:48. The Earth Spoke” in the student manual. Ask students what they think the earth might be saying about what is happening on it today.
Moses 7:50–52, 59–60. “The Lord Could Not Withhold”
Invite students to share in their own words what Enoch asked of the Lord in Moses 7:50, 59. What were the Lord’s responses in verses 51–52, 60? Ask students what they learn from these verses about the Lord and covenants. What do they learn about prayer? How could this knowledge help us make and keep covenants with the Lord?
Moses 7:53. “The Rock of Heaven”
Ask a student to read Moses 7:53 aloud, and then invite students to search the scriptures (using the Topical Guide, if necessary) to find verses that refer to the Lord as a “rock” or “stone.” Invite them to share the scriptures they find and share what the imagery of the rock or stone means to them.
Moses 7:55–57. The First Resurrection
List and discuss what the Lord showed Enoch would happen at the death and Resurrection of Christ (see Moses 7:55–57). Who came forth from prison, and why (see D&C 76:71–74; 138:29–34)? Who were “reserved in chains,” and why (see Mosiah 15:26; D&C 76:81–85; 88:100–101)? Ask students what the righteous do when they go to the spirit world (see D&C 138:57). When will they be resurrected (see 1 Corinthians 15:23; D&C 88:95–102)?
Moses 7:58–69: Enoch Saw the Day When the Earth Would Rest
Some Important Principles, Doctrines, and Events
Before the earth rests (during the Millennium), there will be great spiritual and physical tribulations among the wicked and the Lord will bless the righteous (see Moses 7:61–62, 66; see also Matthew 24:21–22; Revelation 7:13–17; 1 Nephi 14:12–17; 2 Nephi 30:10).
Before the earth rests, many of the Lord’s elect will gather to Zion, a New Jerusalem (see Moses 7:62–63; see also D&C 29:7–8; 45:65–71).
The earth will rest at the Second Coming of Christ, when the people of the city of Enoch will return to earth to dwell among the righteous for a thousand years (see Moses 7:63–65).
Suggestions for Teaching
Moses 7:60–67. Before the Earth Shall Rest
Explain to students that the Lord showed Enoch events that would occur in our day. Write on the board the following concepts from Moses 7:60–66:
Invite students to share their understanding of each of these prophecies and to give examples of ways some of them are already being fulfilled. Ask a student to read Moses 7:67 aloud, and then discuss what students can do to be among the elect at the “hour of their redemption.”
Moses 7:60–67. Preserved in the Midst of Tribulation
Invite a student to read Moses 7:66 aloud. Ask students to find phrases in verses 60–67 that help them to be of good cheer, in spite of the tribulations prophesied for our day (see also D&C 58:2; 59:2; 61:36; 68:6; 78:18; 101:22).
Moses 7:64. “The Earth Shall Rest”
Draw the earth on the board and next to it write the question the earth asked in Moses 7:48. Ask students to give the answer to the earth’s question (which Enoch also asked in verses 54 and 58; see verse 64 for the answer). You may want to assign seven students to report what the following scriptures teach about what will happen on the earth when it is at rest: 1 Nephi 22:26; 2 Nephi 30:12–18; Doctrine and Covenants 43:29–33; 45:58–59; 63:49–53; 101:22–34; Articles of Faith 1:10. Ask students which of these events they most look forward to during the earth’s millennial “rest,” and why.