Sharing the Gospel
Jesus Christ

“Jesus Christ,” Who Is Jesus Christ? (2015)

“Jesus Christ,” Who Is Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ healing blind man

Jesus Christ healing a blind man

Jesus Christ is the Son of Heavenly Father. From His example and teachings, we learn how our Heavenly Father wants us to live. Like His Father, Jesus Christ loves each of us.

Jesus lived on the earth over 2,000 years ago. He organized a Church to help and support us, and He performed many miracles, such as healing the sick and raising people from the dead. He made it possible for us to overcome our sins, mistakes, weaknesses, pain, and sorrows. Because of Him we will live again after we die. He is our Savior. As we believe in Him, God will give us strength to fulfill our duties and face our challenges.

A record of Jesus’s life and teachings is found in the Holy Bible. Another book, titled the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, provides additional understanding of Him.
