Sharing the Gospel
List of Terms

“List of Terms,” Who Is Jesus Christ? (2015)

“List of Terms,” Who Is Jesus Christ?

List of Terms

AtonementThe sacrifice made by Jesus Christ by which we can be forgiven of our mistakes and sins and return to live with God again.

BaptismThe introductory ordinance of the gospel of Jesus Christ and an essential step in receiving forgiveness of sins. Baptism shows our willingness to follow Christ’s example and to make promises and commitments with God.

BeatitudesPart of the teachings of Jesus Christ, encouraging the development of desirable characteristics.

Book of MormonA sacred ancient record (600 B.C.–420 A.D.), comparable to the Bible, made by special servants of God (prophets). This record testifies of Jesus Christ and contains the teachings of God.

ChurchThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, restored by Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in modern times. This term also refers to the buildings where members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints meet and to the meetings held there.

GodThis term usually refers to our Heavenly Father. However, in some instances the term “God” may also apply to Jesus Christ.

Good SamaritanThe main character in one story (or parable) told by Jesus Christ. This parable teaches us how to treat one another.

Heavenly FatherThe Father of our inner selves, the part of us that makes us uniquely us (that part is often called our “spirit”).

Holy BibleA sacred ancient record (4,000 B.C.–90 A.D.) made by special servants of God (prophets) that testifies of Jesus Christ and contains the teachings of God.

Jesus ChristThe Son of God. Born approximately 2,000 years ago, He taught how to live in accordance with God’s will, lived a perfect life, suffered for all human temptations and sins, was crucified, and was raised to live again forever. He made it possible for us to become clean from sin and to live in the presence of our Heavenly Father after we die.

MiraclesDivine acts of healing or blessings that are not explainable by our current knowledge. They demonstrate Jesus Christ’s love, compassion, and divinity as the Son of God. Miracles were and are a response to human need, faith, and prayer.

MissionariesTypically young men and women who serve for up to 24 months by their own choice. They are not paid; in fact, most pay their own expenses.

Prodigal SonThe main character in one of the stories (or parables) told by Jesus Christ. This parable teaches us of the importance of forgiveness.

ScripturesA general label for a special collection of sacred ancient and modern books that come through prophets, testify of Jesus Christ, and contain the teachings of God. The Holy Bible and the Book of Mormon are among those books that are considered scripture.
