Young Single Adults
Young Single Adult Focus

“Young Single Adult Focus,” Young Single Adult Focus (2023)

“Young Single Adult Focus,” Young Single Adult Focus

Young Single Adult Focus


President Russell M. Nelson

“I bless you to take charge of your own testimony. And I bless you to have the desire and strength to keep your covenants. As you do, I promise that you will experience spiritual growth, freedom from fear, and a confidence that you can scarcely imagine now. You will have the strength to have a positive influence far beyond your natural capacity.”

—Russell M. Nelson (“Choices for Eternity” [worldwide devotional for young adults, May 15, 2022], Gospel Library)

As young single adult leaders, you are called to help young single adults in your ward and stake feel the love of Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, and follow Them. You are to help all young single adults make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their sense of belonging within the Savior’s Church.

Young Single Adult Voice

As young single adults (ages 18 to 30) talk about their experience in the Church, many share that they:

  • Have a high need to feel valued and understood and to be part of a cause aimed at serving and helping God’s children.

  • Feel judged and that they don’t fit or belong in existing Church culture.

  • Feel “off track” because they are not married.

  • Have a love for the gospel and feel that they can capably contribute to the work of salvation and exaltation.


Your ability to help and bless young single adults (YSAs) will grow as you:

  • Establish a YSA committee in your stake (multistake where needed).

  • Call and allow YSAs to lead the committee.

  • Focus the committee on helping all YSAs participate in the work of salvation and exaltation.

  • Allow YSA committees the flexibility to adapt approved resources to meet the unique needs of YSAs in their area.

  • Advise YSA committee members to propose and support YSA conferences and YSA gathering places.

  • Help YSA leaders follow the process of:

    • Listening to YSAs.

    • Counseling together and adapting solutions.

    • Implementing solutions.

How the YSA Plan Works

YSA Plan graphic

Some examples of programs and activities that can be adapted are temple and family history work, the second hour of church, conferences, devotionals, social activities, institute, For the Strength of Youth conferences, welfare and self-reliance, JustServe, and sharing the gospel.

Young Single Adult Action Plan

This document is a summary of how to help all YSAs deepen their connection to Jesus Christ and their sense of belonging within His Church. The actions described below are a summary of the guidelines provided in General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, chapter 14, and Strengthening Young Single Adults (2022), Gospel Library.

Ward Council

Both geographic and YSA units

  • Make sure elders quorum, Relief Society, and YSA leaders in your unit have a list of all YSAs with records in your ward or branch.

  • Make it a priority to contact all YSAs with records in your unit.

  • When interacting with YSAs, it is vital that you listen to them. Be aware of and genuinely interested in their challenges, questions, successes, hopes, and ideas.

  • Welcome YSAs personally and warmly into the elders quorum and Relief Society, making sure each has an inspired assignment and knows who their bishop, elders quorum president, and Relief Society president are.

  • Provide opportunities for gospel learning, service, worship, and social activities tailored to YSA needs (see Strengthening Young Single Adults).

  • Recommend YSAs to the stake presidency to serve on the stake YSA committee.

  • Meet with stake YSA committee members from your unit periodically. Be familiar with YSA efforts and provide support as needed.

Stake Presidencies

Both geographic and YSA stakes

  • Provide the stake YSA committee with a list of all YSAs with records in your stake.

  • Make it a priority to contact all YSAs with records in your stake.

  • Release all married adults from the stake YSA committee.

  • Call and set apart YSAs from each ward (ideally one man and one woman) to the stake YSA committee.

  • Call and set apart one man and one woman as chairs of the stake YSA committee.

  • In locations where an institute council is functioning, either combine the institute council with the YSA committee or include representatives from the YSA committee on the institute council.

  • Assign one counselor in the stake presidency and a member of the stake Relief Society presidency as advisers to this committee.

  • Teach members of the stake YSA committee their duty to help all YSAs strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ and in His atoning sacrifice. Use the scriptures, General Handbook, chapter 14, and Strengthening Young Single Adults.

  • Teach members of the stake YSA committee about the importance of listening to YSAs and the opportunity to adjust approved Church programs to meet YSA needs. Use Strengthening Young Single Adults.

  • YSA stake presidencies should coordinate with geographic stake presidencies regarding YSAs who choose to attend a geographic unit and ministering to YSAs who do not attend church.

Church Symbol
