
“Knowledge,” Young Women Personal Progress (2009), 37–44

“Knowledge,” Young Women Personal Progress, 37–44


Seek learning, even by study and also by faith (D&C 88:118).

I will continually seek opportunities for learning and growth.

Required Value Experiences

Complete the following three required value experiences. Have your parent or leader sign and date each experience after you finish.

  1. Learn about the importance of gaining knowledge by reading Proverbs 1:5; 4:7; 2 Nephi 28:30; and Doctrine and Covenants 88:78–80, 118; 90:15; 130:18–19; 131:6. Think about why you need to gain knowledge and understanding about how to apply gospel principles to your present and future home and family life. Write in your journal what you have learned about knowledge, and discuss it with a family member or Young Women leader.

  2. In your journal list talents you have and others you would like to develop. Read Matthew 25:14–30. Learn a new skill or talent that will help you care for your own future family or home (for example, playing the piano, singing, budgeting, time management, cooking, sewing, or child care). Share with your family, class, or Young Women leader what you have learned.

  3. Memorize Article of Faith number thirteen and recite it to a parent, a leader, or another adult. Then visit a museum or exhibit or attend a performance that involves dance, music, speech, or drama. Using this article of faith as a guide, evaluate what you saw and heard. In your journal write your thoughts about how you can use this article of faith as a guide for all you do so the Holy Ghost will be your constant companion. Share those thoughts with a parent or leader.

Additional Value Experiences

Complete three additional value experiences. You may select from the following options or write up to two of your own. Your parent or leader must approve those you write yourself before you begin. Have your parent or leader sign and date each experience after you finish.

  1. Select a gospel principle you would like to understand better (for example, faith, repentance, charity, eternal families, or baptismal covenants). Read scriptures and the words of latter-day prophets that relate to the principle. Prepare a five-minute talk on the subject and give the talk in a sacrament meeting, in a Young Women meeting, to your family, or to your class. Record in your journal how you can apply this gospel principle in your life.

  2. Learn about an area of work or service that interests you. Talk to someone who works in that field and find out what that person’s job responsibilities are, what training or education the person obtained to do the job, and what contributions this person’s job makes to society. Record your findings in your journal.

  3. Memorize two of your favorite hymns from the hymnbook. Learn the correct conducting pattern for the hymns (see Hymns, 383–85) and then conduct them at least two times at a family home evening, in a Young Women or other Church meeting, or at seminary. Read the scriptures listed at the bottom of each hymn.

  4. At Young Women camp you learn skills in first aid, safety, sanitation, and survival. Review these teachings in your Young Women Camp Manual and note in your journal how you could apply them in your home to keep your family safe. Develop a list of basic supplies your family will need in case of an emergency. Teach a family home evening lesson or share with a Young Women leader what you have learned and what additional skills you would like to learn to be prepared for emergencies.

Personalized Value Experiences

Value Project

After you have completed six knowledge value experiences, create a project that will help you practice what you have learned. This should be a significant effort that will take at least ten hours to complete. Prayerfully seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost to select a meaningful project.

Have your parent or leader approve the project before you begin. Write an evaluation after you finish. Below are some ideas for a value project.

  • Learn how to organize, clean, and maintain a home from your mother, grandmother, or another woman you admire. Then apply what you have learned in your home.

  • Prepare for higher education and obtaining marketable skills by learning about college or trade school entrance requirements, scholarships, and tuition and other expenses. Apply for entrance when appropriate.

  • Read Doctrine and Covenants 89. Consider what you can do to be more physically fit. Improve your health by developing and implementing a regular fitness program and learning to cook and eat food that is part of a healthful diet.

  • Learn about the proper care of clothing, including how to wash, iron, and make basic repairs and alterations. Apply the skills you learned by taking care of your clothing.

  • Working with your mother, grandmother, or a woman in your ward or branch, master a homemaking skill she teaches you.

My project is:

My plan to carry out my project is:


Estimated completion date

My evaluation of the project is (include how you felt and how your understanding of knowledge increased):

Signature of parent or leader


Hours spent
