Arts, Music, and Dance
Learn an artistic skill

Learn artistic skills while strengthening relationships with others.
Invite one or more members of the ward or community to teach the youth an artistic skill or creative talent, such as knitting, painting, carpentry, embroidery, woodcarving, and so on. You may want to invite elderly ward or community members to participate. To encourage more personal interaction, you could consider assigning one or two youth to work with each teacher, based on the youth’s interests. Invite the youth to create something using their new skill that will bless someone’s life. Plan an event in which the youth share what they created with one another and with those who taught them their skills.
The art of cooking

Create something that is both tasty and beautiful.
Invite a skilled cook to select a dish or several recipes that are both tasty and attractive. Invite that person to teach the youth how to prepare this dish. Let the youth prepare the dish for delivery to members of the ward or community who are in need of service. Follow up with a discussion about serving others.
Attend a concert

Gain an appreciation for musical arts.
Attend an uplifting music performance together, possibly a recital or concert of one of the youth in the ward. Discuss the value of good, wholesome music.
Attending a performance

Gain appreciation for the arts and other cultural experiences.
Go to a play, dance recital, or some other cultural event. This could be a performance that one of the youth or another ward member is involved in. If possible, get permission to have the youth tour backstage or see some behind-the-scenes work to learn more about the effort involved in putting on a production. You could arrange to talk to one of the performers about his or her experience working in the arts. Discuss the parable of the talents and what the Lord desires us to do with the gifts we’ve been given (see Matthew 25:14–29).
Conducting music

Learn how to conduct music.
Using the resources in the back of the hymnbook or online at, learn and practice conducting music at various time signatures. Invite the youth to practice conducting hymns at upcoming Sunday meetings, devotionals, seminary, family home evening, and so on.
Dance etiquette

Develop proper relationships between young men and young women and develop self-confidence.
Discuss and demonstrate how to ask someone to dance, proper dance manners, dance positions, dress and grooming, how to show courtesy and respect, and so on. Review the “Music and Dancing” section of For the Strength of Youth, and discuss what it teaches. Invite youth to practice what they have learned.

Learn how to dance and improve talents.
Invite people to teach the youth a variety of dances (including traditional, cultural, and historical dances). Share and discuss the section “Music and Dancing” in For the Strength of Youth as part of the activity. Practice dancing all together, and consider organizing a ward dance and inviting families.

Improve talents and grow together in unity.
Invite the youth to form groups to plan and perform small plays or skits. Youth could write their own scripts or perform scripture stories. Have the youth work together in teams to plan, practice, and perform their plays for the entire group. Youth could also help with props, costumes, scenery, and so on. Discuss why Heavenly Father gives us talents and what He wants us to do with them.
Film festival

Learn about storytelling through video production.
Invite someone to teach the youth how to use video equipment to create a video that tells a story. Give groups of youth a few weeks to create a short video using a story from the New Era, the scriptures, Church history, or their own lives. They could watch some of the Mormon Messages for Youth for ideas (see Come back together to view and enjoy the videos. Consider reviewing “Entertainment and Media” from For the Strength of Youth as part of this activity.
Improv night

Gain confidence in performing in front of peers and an audience.
Divide the youth into groups, and give each group a bag full of randomly selected props. Give the groups a set amount of time to create a skit using each of their props. Have them either perform their skits live or record their skits, and then watch them with their peers or the ward or branch. You might consider giving awards to each group such as funniest skit, best use of props, most creative, and so on.
Music and dance from the past

Learn about ancestors by learning dances and music from before the youth were born.
Help the youth choose a historical era (for example, the 20s, 40s, or 70s) that they are interested in. Have each quorum, class, or group learn a popular song or dance from that era and present it to the members of your ward or branch or to a community senior citizen group. You may want to consider adding simple costumes, décor, and props from that era. Discuss how the world’s styles and interests may change, but the Lord’s standards always apply. Invite the youth to share how they can have fun dancing in today’s world while still maintaining the Lord’s standards (see For the Strength of Youth, “Music and Dancing”).
Music around the world

Help the youth learn about and appreciate music from different cultures.
Invite someone to teach the youth about music from various cultures. Consider sharing different types of musical instruments and letting the youth try to play them. Discuss why music is important in each culture. As a group, read and discuss Doctrine and Covenants 25:12.
Musical instrument crash course

Become familiar with a variety of musical instruments, and perhaps discover a hidden talent.
Bring one or more musical instruments and ask someone to teach the youth the basics of playing that instrument. Give the youth time to practice and perform for each other. As a group, read and discuss Doctrine and Covenants 25:12.
Photo contest

Increase familiarity with the art of photography.
Invite someone to teach the youth basic principles of photography, such as composition, lighting, and so on. Give each youth or team of youth a digital camera (ask them to bring their own, if possible). Assign them topics, and send them out to take photos that fit their topics. When they return, upload the photos to a computer so all the youth can see them. Consider awarding prizes in a variety of categories. (If digital cameras are not available, you could use film cameras and share the photos during a future Mutual activity after the film is developed.) This activity could be adapted to focus on a gospel theme in the youth’s photography.
Talent show

Celebrate the talents of youth and ward members.
Plan a ward or youth talent show. Have the youth participate in planning and organizing the event. Include a variety of talents, and invite people to participate individually or in groups. Discuss why Heavenly Father gives us talents and what He wants us to do with them.
Youth choir

Help the youth feel the Spirit and come together in unity through sacred hymns.
Form a youth choir and spend time practicing several hymns or other appropriate songs. Work with the bishop or branch president to arrange a time for the youth to perform for others, such as in a Church meeting or devotional.