When should a young man not go on a mission?
February 1971

“When should a young man not go on a mission?” New Era, Feb. 1971, 5

“When should a young man not go on a mission?”

Answer/Elder Gordon B. Hinckley

In the first place, a young man does not initiate his missionary call. In light of this, it is not his prerogative to choose or not to choose to go on a mission. His bishop and stake president recommend him, and he may state his desires to them. The call comes from the President of the Church, and the young man may then accept it or reject it.

There are circumstances under which he should frankly tell his bishop that he should not be considered for a mission. If he feels himself unworthy to represent the Church as a missionary because of immorality or failure to live other Church standards, he must candidly tell his bishop.

If he has health problems, either physical or mental, that would make it difficult or impossible for him to stand the rigors of missionary service, he should advise the bishop.

He may be seriously in debt or have other financial problems that would make it inadvisable for him to go at a particular time. He should candidly counsel with his bishop on these matters.

Furthermore, if he has a critical attitude concerning the Church, if he is unwilling to go where he is called unselfishly and devote himself wholeheartedly to the work, there may be a serious question as to whether he should be considered for missionary service.

On the other hand, he should know that if he responds to a call given him and devotes himself in the right spirit and attitude to the work, walking in obedience to the counsel of those placed over him, he will come to know a joy and satisfaction such as he is not likely to experience in any other activity in life.

  • of the Council of the Twelve
