June 1971

“Feedback,” New Era, June 1971, 47


Girls’ Personal Achievement Journal

The personal achievement journal for girls [March, “News of the Church”] is a great idea. I am twenty-seven, and as I look back through my schooling and experiences, I’m shocked at the lack of information I have of that period in my life. During my teenage years I was not oriented to record keeping. I was not aware of the far-reaching effects that record keeping has on an individual. When I was growing up outside of the Church, I had no incentive, understanding, or reason to do my best. I think every girl twelve through nineteen should really get involved in her personal journals. I know this: when she gets older—even clear up to twenty-seven—she’ll wish she had done it.

Barbara Woody
Long Beach, California

Suggested Reading

Congratulations to Kent Nielsen for his article “People on Other Worlds” [April]. I have thought for many years that if the truths of the gospel were presented from this angle, it would attract many people who have had questions raised by the findings of science. It proves once again the adage that “truth is stranger than fiction,” even science fiction or fantasy. The New Era is doing a tremendous thing in pointing up these scientific things in a way that no one in the Church has done before, i.e., the article on Antarctica in March and this one on other worlds in April. Readers who may wish to pursue this subject further will find much information about the universal civilization of the Gods not only in modern scripture but also in such writings as Parley P. Pratt’s Key to Theology and in Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, by President Joseph Fielding Smith, and, of course, in the temples.

Lamont M. Jensen
Salt Lake City, Utah


As well as being blessed to be in the dispensation of the fulness of times, I feel blessed to be in the same era as the New Era. It is a wonderful magazine. Every article in it has helped me. Like when we were studying the continental drift theory in my physical science class, the articles about Gondwanaland in the March issue increased my ability to understand the class presentation.

Sylvia Calkins
Ricks College
Rexburg, idaho

More buffs and rebuffs

Probably the first Church magazines I ever read from cover to cover—every word—were the January and February issues of the New Era, which we received recently. As a missionary, I think the New Era is great. I am sure it is an inspired magazine.

Sister Vickie Heaton
Florida (Spanish) Mission

I want to compliment you on the New Era. As a journalist, I was particularly pleased with the layout, choice of subject matter, and the overall tone of the magazine. I have seen a need for this type of specialized magazine aimed at the young-adult audience of the Church. You have done a fine job and I am looking forward to future issues.

Jan Hemming
Missouri News Service
Washington Bureau
Washington, D.C.

I received my first New Era a few weeks ago. I read it from cover to cover. This magazine must be inspired through the Holy Ghost! Every article applied to me and has helped me. Many articles answered many of my questions. They have inspired me to live each day worthily. They have guided and influenced me to do good. I appreciate all the hard work and time put into this magazine.

Becky Gilmore
Holtville, California

Because I was late in subscribing, the first three issues of your challenging magazine showered upon me all at once, providing ample evidence upon which to base a judgment. While the flaming colors and bizarre designs dazzle me, I sense their purpose, realizing that I must be old-fashioned and need to adjust better to youth.

As for “Ties” in the February issue, I appreciate the harmony in shades, but checks and stripes combined with a bold contrasting design seem to repel me. The impact is more than I can enjoy. A plain-color background matching one in a dual or tri-hued tie, or vice versa, appeals more to me. Probably it’s a matter of getting inured to the glamorous fashions of the day. When we look at photographs today of what used to look just right to us oldsters, we cringe and cannot imagine how we ever thought those old styles smart looking. What I object to in following fashion, however, is the time and attention detracted from more essential values, and to me the messages you give are so important that I don’t like to see them dwarfed by the manner in which they are presented. As for what I do like, I like the correlation between the cover illustrations and the major features of the contents to create curiosity and direct attention to them. The “Q&A” section is alone worth the price of the magazine. The puzzlements are excellent, especially the one in March, “Traveling Through Temptation Town.” I found myself intrigued, wondering what the Bible passage proclaims. To learn while one relaxes is very good economy. I congratulate you on how well you are doing.

Mary Maurine Porter
Clearfield, Utah

I am writing to tell you how thrilled our household is with the New Era. For the first time, my teenagers are reading and looking forward to receiving their magazine. The bright colors and art layouts attract them and relate to their era. Out of curiosity, I have read each of the three issues and have found the stories, articles, editorials, and question-and-answer pages worthwhile reading for adults as well as teenagers.

Mrs. Lloyd E. Henricksen
Provo, Utah

We can’t believe it! We have been impressed many times over with our new Church magazines, but the absolutely celestial quality that permeates the complete March New Era brings such joy to our souls that you must know of our thanks to you! We’re afraid that you have the parents in this family as engrossed as you have the teenagers—19, 17, 16, 15, and 13 (even upcoming teens only 11 and 7)! Thank you from a very grateful mother and father.

Richard and Joan Young
Centerville, Utah

Just wanted to drop a note and tell you of the enthusiastic reception of the New Era among the youth of our ward. In our Sunday School class they voluntarily quote to me from the articles in the New Era. Surely the Lord’s Spirit is resting with you and blessing and prospering your efforts to gear a magazine to the youth, if they are reading it as well as their reports to me indicate.

Gale W. Tenney
Prescott, Arizona