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January 1972

“Contents,” New Era, Jan. 1972

New Era

January 1972

Volume 2, Number 1

Cover Note: l to r, top row: Joseph F. Smith, David O. McKay, Joseph Smith, Joseph Fielding Smith; middle row: George Albert Smith, Lorenzo Snow; bottom row: Heber J. Grant, Wilford Woodruff, John Taylor, Brigham Young

Where the Photos and Memorabilia Came From: Any project of the size of this special issue requires long and detailed searching in many places in order to locate new photographs and important or interesting memorabilia. The New Era gives a special thanks to the following organizations and people: Church Historian’s Office, Church Information Service, Mrs. Kate Carter and the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers Museum, Horace Sorensen and the Pioneer Village Museum, the Bureau of Information Museum on Temple Square, the Utah State Historical Society, Mrs. Wilford Wood, LaMar C. Berrett, and the family organizations of each president.