Inside a House of the Lord
April 1972

“Inside a House of the Lord,” New Era, Apr. 1972, 25

Inside a House of the Lord

Many thousands of New Era readers recently toured the new Provo and Ogden Temples before they were dedicated. Some lived close by and had to travel only a few miles. For others it was a two- or three-day trip with a busload of seminary or institute students. As the following comments show, it didn’t matter whether you came from Los Angeles, California; Roosevelt, Utah; or Phoenix, Arizona, you couldn’t help but be awed by the beauty, majesty, and spirit of these new houses of the Lord, which are almost identical inside.

I had such a wonderful feeling while inside the temple, I didn’t want to leave.—Debra Allred, St. George, Utah

After coming 600 miles to see the house of the Lord, then having the experience, I realized it was worth traveling around the world for.—Ted Sarager, Phoenix Arizona

The whole temple seemed to be a part of heaven.—Matt Mauss, Pullman, Washington

I felt the most peaceful feeling I’ve ever had.—Craig Tanner, Phoenix, Arizona

Provo Temple

Provo Temple

The spirit there was unbelievable, and it is not even dedicated yet.—Brenda Gubler, St. George, Utah

My somewhat limited vocabulary of “neat” doesn’t quite express the feeling the temple left with me!—Cherie Wiser, Pullman, Washington

After going through both the Provo and Ogden temples, I know that I want very much to be married in the temple.—Melanie VanderLinden, Salt Lake City, Utah

I would have traveled thousands of miles for the experience of this day.—Laurie Dickson, Las Vegas, Nevada

Ogden Temple

Ogden Temple

I was impressed with the quietness and serenity. It seemed as though members and nonmembers alike could feel the importance of a temple of God.—Sylvia McAleer, Salt Lake City, Utah

Everyone in the temple was smiling; that set the mood of love and peace. I’d like to have that feeling all the time, but I just wonder how much greater it will be when the Lord comes to dwell on earth.—Kaye Lynn White, Las Vegas, Nevada

When I viewed the font, I could feel the spirit filling me with the desire to do genealogy work.—Melanie Harris, Mesa, Arizona

The font is so beautiful, pure, and clean looking.—Royce Timothy, Pullman, Washington

Baptismal Font

Baptismal Font © LDS

The all-white room reminds one of the sacredness and importance of baptism.—Sharon Simmons, Las Vegas, Nevada

I really felt a strong desire to come back to the temple and be baptized for the dead.—Rick Donkin, Salt Lake City, Utah

I got a deeper feeling of love when I looked at the font and realized that our Father in heaven has inspired his servants to construct such a room so that everyone can enjoy the lifesaving ordinance of baptism—Richard Winger, Las Vegas, Nevada

This was the most completely peaceful twenty minutes that I have ever experienced.—Wanda Coult, Salt Lake City, Utah

The white stone castings in the lowered baptismal room symbolize to me the depth and strength of that ordinance. As I stood here, it seemed possible that our heavenly brothers and sisters would be watching their ordinances performed.—Ranel Erickson, Las Vegas, Nevada

When I saw the sealing rooms, I knew that I truly wanted a temple marriage.—Vicki Pendleton, St. George, Utah

Sealing Room

Sealing Room © LDS

The mirrors give such a beautiful representation of eternity.—Carleen Davis, Pullman, Washington

When I got to the Celestial Room, I suddenly realized that this building isn’t like the rest of the buildings in the world; it is the house of the Lord. Now I have no doubt where I want to be married.—Toni Smith, Salt Lake City, Utah

Celestial Room

Celestial Room © LDS

Now I know that I want to try harder to to do all that I can to be worthy to return to my Heavenly Father’s presence in the celestial kingdom.—Dick Williams, Phoenix, Arizona

This experience really strengthened my testimony.—Joyce Fenstermaker, Salt Lake City, Utah

As soon as I entered the Celestial Room, I had the feeling that I must never settle for anything lower than the celestial kingdom.—Bob Bezzant, Salt Lake City, Utah

I wish everyone could have the opportunity to visit here and feel the spirit that I felt in the temple today.—Carol Cofrank, Salt Lake City, Utah

The moment I turned the corner and viewed the Celestial Room for the first time, I was hit by one of those shock waves that start at your toes and work their way up. It made me realize that I have a long way to go to obtain celestial glory.—Robert Pack, Pullman, Washington

Temple chapel

Temple chapel

I couldn’t help but think about the countless number of souls who are waiting to have their work done.—Dave Knowlton, Salt Lake City, Utah

To be married in this place would really be a piece of heaven on earth.—Phil Blad, Las Vegas, Nevada

Brides’ dressing room

Brides’ dressing room © LDS

I think it has caused me to have a new outlook on life. Now I look forward to the future instead of fearing it.—Christy Christensen, Salt Lake City, Utah

Today I saw the physical part of the temple. A burning feeling tells me that I will be back to partake of the spiritual blessings of the temple someday.—Ty Erickson, Las Vegas, Nevada

Pictures copyright 1972 by the Corporation of the President, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Dried Floral arrangement in the Celestial Room
