undefined undefined Policies and Procedures
Policies and Procedures
September 1972

“Policies and Procedures,” New Era, Sept. 1972, 7

Policies and Procedures

Many policies and procedures of the Church relate directly to youth. You should know about them because they affect your life. These official guidelines are sent to priesthood and auxiliary leaders in a small newsletter called the Priesthood Bulletin, from which most of the following Items are quoted.

Recording Talks of General Authorities

“No recordings should be made of talks of the General Authorities at stake conferences and never at any other time without the consent of the Brethren concerned.

“We ask that this counsel be called to the attention of the members of the Church inasmuch as an increasing number of them appear to be bringing recording devices to stake conferences and other meetings where the General Authorities are in attendance.”

Promotions That Capitalize on Church Contracts

“There are some persons, both members and nonmembers, who use Church contacts to promote projects that are of a questionable nature. Church members should be very careful in dealing with people who engage in promotional schemes that use Church units and members to develop their projects.”

College-Student Participation in the Church Educational Programs

Many young people are now finalizing their college plans. The Brethren “encourage those who plan to attend college to participate in all the Church-sponsored programs available, such as the institute of religion and the Student Association.

“Colleges where students have access to an institute of religion are listed in the March 1971 issue of the New Era, pages 19–23. The locations of institutes of religion and the Student Association can be obtained by contacting your Regional Representative or division coordinator of seminaries and institutes.”

Correct Religious Terminology

The Presiding Bishopric expresses concern about some incorrect uses of the language that seem to be gaining widespread momentum among the youth of the Church.

“Many young people are using the term patriartical when they refer to their patriarchal blessing.

“Also, when people give a talk to a congregation, many have fallen into the habit of concluding their talks with the phrase, ‘I say these things in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.’” Although this is proper for closing a prayer addressed to our Father in heaven, it is not a proper way to close our remarks to the congregation. We should, however, close our talks in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

It has also been noted that as they pray, many people are incorrectly using the terms you and your instead of thee, thou, and thy.

Performing Ordinances Outside One’s Ward, Branch, or Other Jurisdiction

“When a member of one ward (or branch) is invited to bless a child or to baptize, confirm, or ordain someone in another ward, he must take with him from his bishop a Recommend to Perform an Ordinance or a signed, current Temple Recommend, unless he is well known by the presiding officers where the ordinance is to be performed.

“A member of a stake presidency or high council or a stake missionary is not required to present a recommend when performing these ordinances in wards within his own stake. However, when invited to officiate outside his stake, he is required to take a Recommend to Perform an Ordinance or have a signed, current Temple Recommend with him.

“The foregoing instructions apply only to the person who will be voice. Others who participate in performing the ordinance do not need a recommend as was stated earlier in the Priesthood Bulletin, February 1971, item 4.”

Collecting Autographs and Greeting General Authorities at Church Meetings

“There is a growing tendency in the Church for members to request autographs of General Authorities who are visiting the stakes and missions. In some places there has developed a competition to see who can collect the most signatures in hymnbooks and even in books of scripture. When autograph seekers appear at the close of meetings, this becomes a distraction making it difficult for General Authorities to greet people. In addition, it gives something of the image of a celebrity to the Brethren, which may not be in keeping with the sacred callings entrusted to them.

“General Authorities are always grateful for the opportunity to shake hands with the members of the Church. It would be more in keeping with our pattern of meetings and of worship for leaders to greet the members and shake hands with them rather than to sign autographs.”