January 1973

“Feedback,” New Era, Jan. 1973, 2



I find the New Era to be a fine magazine, and I never walk away after reading it without feeling some sort of spiritual uplift. The New Era can truly make one’s day happier!

Stephen H. Creviston
Raymond, Washington

Thank you so much for a wonderful magazine! I truly do enjoy reading it, especially for the sustaining role it plays for me while in the military service. I have gleaned so much good in the way of suggestions and encouragement that I must thank you all humbly for your great work.

Leslie W. Powre
Kroonstad, South Africa

Thanks so very much for the New Era. It gives me a great buildup toward life and lots of new ideas. Thanks again.

Teresa Peterson

The New Era is an alive and well-put-together publication; I’m proud to be seen in your pages.

M. De Koning Hoag
Sunnydale, California

Once a month I come home and I find a copy of the New Era in the mailbox. I then go and straighten my room, turn my radio on low, open the window, turn on the lights, and sit on the floor and read it. When I get through reading, everything seems to be so peaceful. For the rest of the day every thought I have is a positive one. Thanks for the New Era.

Cory Flinders
Park City, Utah

I felt impressed to write the New Era staff and express to you how proud I am of this publication. Being a missionary here in Scotland, I have found the magazine to be a great source of strength. I love it.

Elder Lincoln K. Kelly
Scotland Mission

“Campaigns and You”

I found your article “Campaigns and You” helpful, but I would like to know why you left out the most important step of all in deciding who to vote for—prayer.

David Anderson
Salt Lake City, Utah

Great October Issue

Heartiest congratulations on the October New Era. Beautiful cover, lovely and effective illustrations, interesting articles. I was particularly impressed with the quality and worthwhileness of “Things They’re Saying.”

Well done, and thanks for handling so well my Q and A item.

Leonard J. Arrington
Church Historian

Easy to Catch the Spirit

The November issue was really fantastic. It is hard to pinpoint any one thing because it was all so good—the photography, the art, and the literary work. I can really catch the spirit of everything used.

Bruce Chapman
Provo, Utah

“Man’s Dominion”

Hugh Nibley’s article, “Man’s Dominion,” is truly a masterpiece. Such a strong statement about how we should have dominion over nature could not have been more eloquently written. My congratulations for a superb article, which I hope everyone will read.

As many of my friends embarked on the deer hunt this season, I could not help but think of Brother Nibley’s conclusion:

“Man’s dominion is a call to serve, not a license to exterminate. It is precisely because men now prey upon each other and shed the blood and waste the flesh of other creatures without need that ‘the world lieth in sin.’ (D&C 49:19–21.)”

Peace will come only when man sees his position on the earth in this light.

David L. Hutchinson
Provo, Utah

I was extremely pleased when I read “Man’s Dominion” by Hugh W. Nibley in the October 1972 issue. This was a very appropriate time to print this article, just before hundreds of men charge to the hills, simply to slaughter such things of beauty as a young graceful doe or buck. I am grateful to the words of the Prophet Joseph Smith: “When men lose their vicious disposition, the lion and the lamb shall lie together.” And Joseph F. Smith’s statement: “For all things have an equal right to live.”

Your article is the best and most sincere declaration on this important subject ever to appear in a Church magazine. And a special commendation to Bruce Chapman and Arlene McFarland for such exquisite illustrations.

Margie Zimmer
Bountiful, Utah

I am completely surprised and thrilled with “Man’s Dominion” by Hugh W. Nibley. To find Adam recognized as a man of majestic nobility and an example of righteousness is a rare spiritual feast to me. Most excellent.

Rhoda W. Thurston
Hyde Park, Utah

Morally clean

Just a few words from a South African who enjoys reading the New Era. I have just finished reading “Why Stay Morally Clean” in the July issue.

What a tremendous way Elder Boyd K. Packer spoke on this subject, giving us all, I’m sure, a new desire to stay morally clean and obey the commandments of the Lord.

Marie-Louise Robinson
Johannesburg, South Africa

Almost brokenhearted

The August issue of the New Era was fantastic. I sat down to read just one or two articles, and I found myself reading the whole magazine! I really enjoy reading the New Era. I was almost brokenhearted when I came to the last page because I wanted to read more. As I am serving a mission it takes a while to receive the magazines, but they do come regularly. They are an inspiration and help quite a lot in missionary work.

Elder Michael E. Heath
England Southwest Mission

Others’ testimonies

As a recent convert, I am pleased by the quality and the enrichment value of the New Era. I love to read others’ testimonies of the truthfulness of the gospel.

Per Svendsen
Edmonton, Alberta Canada

Thanks so much for your wonderful magazine. I’ve received many favorable comments about it. About the only common complaint is that it’s too short.

Carter A. George
Orlando, Florida

Q and A

I cannot express how much I enjoy reading the Q and A section of the New Era. Many of the questions answered are the same ones I have wondered about. It is good to know that youth all over the world have the same feelings and thoughts that I do.

Jan Petersen
Sunnyvale, California


I would like to personally thank you for producing such a great magazine. I look forward to it every month and am using many things from it to teach our younger investigators.

Elder Jeffery S. Rowe
Japan West Mission

Chiasmus caution

We appreciate the New Era. It is an outstanding magazine. Thank you for your second interesting article on chiasmus. However, may I offer a note of caution. Sometimes we become so excited with newfound “evidences for the faith” that we become careless with the facts. It is not true that chiasmus was not known until the twentieth century. Nila Lund, mentioned in your article, reviews the history of chiasmus rediscovery in his book Chiasmus in the New Testament. From this review we find that some English and German scholars were aware of chiasmus before the twentieth century, and even before Joseph Smith’s time. Some were describing it in their publications: J. A. Bengel (1742); Robert Lowth (1778); John Jebb (1820); and Thomas Boys (1824).

Chiasmus is still a stunning evidence for the Book of Mormon. It is very unlikely that Joseph Smith would have known about chiasmus. If he did it would have made the writing of the Book of Mormon that much more difficult. The structure of the scriptures is such a useful tool for interpreting the scriptures that it is unlikely that Joseph Smith would have known about it and not have mentioned it to someone.

Lorin K. Hansen
Woodland Hills, California
