undefined undefined Feedback
February 1973

“Feedback,” New Era, Feb. 1973, 3


A great missionary tool

I have been a member of the Church for about a year and a half, and I just want to say thanks very much for the New Era. I am the only member of my family in the Church. My parents and eight brothers and sisters are Catholic. One day I left a copy of the New Era on the living room table, and my dad picked it up and started to read it. He said it was a very good magazine. Then he started to ask me questions about the Church. Well, I’ve been trying to get my parents interested in the Church for quite some time now, and your magazine, the New Era, kind of unlocked the door so I can talk to them about the gospel.

I feel that the magazine is a great missionary tool, and I am thankful that my girl friend gave me a year’s subscription for Christmas.

Keep up the good work. I sustain you one hundred percent.

Elder Jim Tilley
Pennsylvania Mission

Thank you so very much for the beautiful spirit I receive every month in the New Era. So many of the articles are relevant to my needs as I come in contact with members and nonmembers alike.

Wendy Winward
Logan, Utah

“Man’s Dominion”

The New Era gets better and better. I found the Hugh Nibley article, “Man’s Dominion,” arresting, scholarly, and very inspired. To discover that there is a sacred bond between man and animals, that animals should enjoy rights along with man, that animals use logic and reason and will attain celestial glory—these things bring joy to the heart of every true Latter-day Saint.

Florie Sayner
Los Angeles, California

Thank you so much for the article “Man’s Dominion” in the October New Era. Dr. Hugh Nibley seems to know more about Church history and about man’s long history of cruelty to animals than anyone else. Isn’t it about time that we Mormons start studying and following the admonitions of our Church leaders about the necessity of treating animals with kindness?

Russell Mitchell
Burbank, California


The poetry in the November New Era runs the gamut from excellent to awful. First for the bad news. “The Measure of a Man,” advocating book burning, makes the Church look podunky, i.e., reactionary and anti-intellectual. But the poem on the inside back cover, together with the expressive photograph, is arresting.

I wholeheartedly approve of your publishing the contributions of your youthful readers, but please use more discretion.

C. L. Anderson
Salt Lake City, Utah

“Overcoming Our Mistakes”

In the November New Era Lowell Bennion’s “Overcoming Our Mistakes” is a classic for those who need to pass on a choice bit for someone to read—either after or before counseling with them. I’ve already used the article to virtually save one person.

Peter J. Lacey
Carmel, California

Congratulations on a great November issue. Everything in it was effective—one of the best for total quality. I was especially delighted with Lowell Bennion’s article. If there is one spiritual barrier that is greater than any other for my peers, I feel it is the barrier of guilt. Satan wins many battles because a person feels helplessly enmeshed in sin. This problem is caused by having no understanding of repentance and no comprehension of the nature of God. The instruction, the workable solutions, and the understanding of divine personality in this article are invaluable. The message of hope, the assurance of God’s love for all, the admonition and plea to make Christ the center of our lives—all this makes for a fuller understanding of the gospel. I am so glad that many people can be exposed to these things and that more young people can be strengthened in faith, hope, and charity and become more familiar with our Father and Savior.

Amy Howells
Salt Lake City, Utah


I just wanted to write and tell you what a fine magazine the New Era is. I am in the service and it is great to find a magazine so wholesome and uplifting. It keeps me up on current events and Church policy that I would otherwise miss. The magazine reaches me each month without fail and is a source of great comfort and inspiration. Thanks again.

Eldon C. Romney
U.S. Army, Fort Carson

Thanks for the great job that is done on the Church publications. Not only are they a great inspiration for the missionaries, but the members here in France enjoy them also. The Etoile is so well accepted by the members here, and it also inspires them to do missionary work.

There is always something in the Church magazines that helps me personally. Thanks so much for the work you do.

Elder Mike Larsen
France Mission

I would like to thank you for a great magazine and to also thank you for making it possible for us, the readers, to contribute to it. It just makes it that much more special to us.

Muriel D. Davis
Camarillo, California