FYI: For Your Information
February 1973

“FYI: For Your Information,” New Era, Feb. 1973, 41

For Your Information

[Sandra Warner]

Sandra Warner, Aberdeen First Ward, American Falls Stake, Idaho, recently received her seven-year medallion in the MIA girls’ program. During those seven years she attended 100 percent of her Sunday School, Sacrament, and MIA meetings. This meant finding meetings to attend while on vacation.

Sandra also graduated from four years of seminary and has served as Primary chorister and Sunday School teacher.

Getting to Know Gayle

Gayle Turley of Tempe, Arizona, is president of McClintock High’s chapter of a national club for students involved in on-the-job training. She’s traveled Europe and is active in her Laurel group. Gayle spoke about the importance of the family unit recently in her home ward. Among other things she said, “In our existence here on earth today we are carrying out the plan that was made for the great celestial family in which you and I are all a part. … Being here on the earth now in the family situations we enjoy is just fitting into the pattern God has made for us. The place we hold in God’s household, in God’s family, and in our heavenly and eternal home, wholly depends upon what we do here on the earth.”

Poly-unsaturated Fish

Fish that swim in cold waters do not freeze up or congeal. Have you ever wondered why? The Intersociety Commission for Heart Disease Resources of the American Heart Association reminds us that the reason is the fats and oils in fishes’ bodies are the unsaturated type. That means fats that, in general, do not harden in cold temperature. Such fats stay fluid enough so the fish can swim. The Commission suggested in a recent report that humans consume too much of the opposite kind of fat—the saturated kind that is associated with the type of fatty plugs that block heart arteries. Wise people will change their diet habits at once to include more of the unsaturated products (mostly derived from vegetables rather than animals) in place of saturated ones.

Edinburgh Conference

“There was a deeply motivating, unspoiled spirit of brotherhood, and besides, Marion D. Hanks was there.” That’s the way Frank Stevens, Crawley District, England South Mission summed up the Student Association Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland. Students from Scotland, England, Wales, Denmark, and Germany attended the conference for a weekend of enjoyment and learning.

Participants stayed in Edinburgh University housing and attended classes through the day. Classes, labeled “refreshing and illuminating” by Anthony Moore of Norwich Ward, East Anglia Stake, treated such subjects as ecology, birth control, general morality, and missionary attitude. Many good things, said Dave Cook, Leeds Ward, Leeds Stake, came “after hours in private discussion groups.”

Tho Roll Glumann and Karl Heinz Scherer, both of Germany, recommended that the Student Association program be established on campuses in Germany.

Jim Moss, director and organizer of the conference and seminary and institute director of Great Britain, led the group on a trip to the top of Arthur’s Seat. The site is known as Pratt’s Hill by the Saints. There Brother Moss told of Orson Pratt and other missionaries to Great Britain and recounted some of their experiences and accomplishments.

Special guests at the conference were Elder Marion D. Hanks and Sister Hanks, President and Sister Dennis Livesey of the Scotland Mission, and Regional Representative Joseph Hamstead and Sister Hamstead.

From Miss to Mrs.

There is a great deal more to becoming a good wife than accepting the ring, and women at Brigham Young University and in the surrounding community enjoyed some positive helps during a recent “Bridal Faire.” A three-day bazaar featured help in skills of quilting, crafts, budget cooking, canning, flower arranging, interior decoration, and home repairs. A short play entitled “From Miss to Mrs.” explored the etiquette and pressures of wedding arrangements. A presentation of appropriate bridal and honeymoon attire, along with commercial exhibits, delighted guests. The success of the event suggests that Latter-day Saint groups everywhere could stage such an event of their own for the benefit of all.

High-Sea Home Teaching

Everyone needs to be home taught—but at sea? It was a misty Saturday evening. The guided-missile frigate USS William H. Standley was anchored in Golfe-Juan Harbor located between Cannes and Nice, France—a port commonly frequented by U.S. naval ships during their extended Mediterranean deployments.

Aboard the Standley, Navy Chaplain Thomas Pocock was expecting nothing unusual that evening—a little reading; perhaps he’d write a letter or two. Then he heard his name over the ship’s loudspeaker system: “Chaplain Pocock, call the quarterdeck!”

He called immediately and was informed by the messenger-of-the-watch: “There are three sailors from the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt here to see you. Should I escort them to your stateroom?”

Before the chaplain remembered who he knew on the FDR, he opened the door to three Mormon sailors. The leader announced, “We’ve come to home-teach you, Chaplain.”

Then the largest of the three put his arm around the chaplain and said, “We love you, brother.”

During the next three hours all felt the meaning of the scripture, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

Each visitor recounted his experiences in the Church, in the service, and in his role of sailor-missionary.

Chaplain Pocock knew one of the men. Bill Woodson was an old friend who had been baptized in June of 1970 while stationed at the Naval Air Station Memphis, in Millington, Tennessee.

The other two sailors were almost as new in the Church as Bill. Paul Quiring, the group leader, was baptized in November of 1969 while stationed in Vallejo, California. He had been introduced to the gospel at the Naval Training Center (boot camp) in San Diego.

The third man, Dave Kellogg, was baptized in May of 1970 while stationed at the Naval Station, Key West, Florida. Dave was the second counselor in the LDS group aboard the carrier as well as the priesthood advisor and instructor.

As his friends rose to leave, tears ran down the chaplain’s cheeks. What a thrill to know that three sailor converts, with a total of less than nine years membership in the Church among them, cared enough to deliver a gospel message on the high seas.

International Royalty

This year’s homecoming royalty at BYU is symbolic of the seventy countries represented at that school. The queen Michiko Nakamura is from Tokyo, Japan. Her attendants are Ruth Ann Brown, a Navajo Indian from Window Rock, Arizona, and Jana Rae Warren from Spanish Fork, Utah.

Michiko called her mother in Japan after being named queen. “We don’t have homecoming queens in Japan, so my mother didn’t even know what I was talking about. I told her to go to church and ask the American missionaries what it was.”

Michiko, a convert of seven years, will ultimately return to Japan to teach dance. “We don’t have modern dance over there, and it would be neat if I could pioneer in that field in Japan.”

Ruth Ann Brown participated with the placement program from first grade on and now looks forward to returning to the reservation to work with tribal officials in helping juvenile delinquents.

Jana Rae Warren, who comes from a family of ten, plans to teach children.

[Long Beach Priests Receive Duty to God Awards]

Six priests from Long Beach Seventh Ward, California, representing over 80 percent of their quorum, received their Duty to God awards and became licensed scuba divers during last year. Scott Taylor, Steve Burt, Lee Johnson, Jim Daniels, Jeff Burt, and Daril Johnson received training and experience through their Explorer post that enabled them to pass the requirements for scuba divers’ licenses. As a result they have been bringing home lobsters, crab, and other delicacies from the southern California coast.

[Portland Eagle Scouts]

At a single court of honor, nine Scouts from the West Hills Ward of Portland West Stake earned the rank of Eagle. This was one of the largest groups in the Pacific Northwest ever to receive this honor. The new Eagles are Clayton Johanson, 17; David Stark, 16; Ty Stratford, 14; Paul Nelson, 16; Wess Larson, 16; Lin Neff, 15; Kevin Otteson, 15; Randy Otteson, 16; Mike Smith, 15.

[Winners of Idaho State Debate Championship]

Winners of the Idaho State Class B Debate Championship for 1972 were two LDS boys. Allen Carter and Mike Westfall were the undefeated partners. Allen has served as the priests quorum group leader and Mike the quorum secretary in the Kimberly First Ward, Twin Falls Stake in Idaho.

[Kent Bryan Huttibal]

An all-time first for Orofino, Idaho, Kent Bryan Huttiball is the first member of the Church in the history of the ward there to receive the Eagle Scout award. Kent is also an honorary member of the Order of the Arrow.

In the Church Kent has served as president of the deacons quorum and as member of the bishops youth committee. He is currently participating in the seminary home study program.

[Melinda Moody]

Melinda Moody, 17, of Tempe, Arizona, won the 1972 Piano Concerto Contest sponsored by the Phoenix Symphony Guild and was honored by performing the Prokofiev Piano Concerto #1 with the Phoenix Symphony Orchestra.

As a winner, she was eligible to compete in another guild contest in which she won a full scholarship for the summer to the Music Academy of the West in Santa Barbara, California. There she studied piano with Jerome Lowenthal, noted concert artist. Melinda hopes to be a concert pianist herself.

Linda Erickson and Janet Layton work on the quilt that was part of the display at BYU’s Bridal Faire Bazaar.

(l. to r.) Scott Taylor, Steve Burt, Lee Johnson, Jim Daniels, Jeff Burt, and Daril Johnson

Kevin Otteson, Ty Stratford, David Stark, Randy Otteson (front), Mike Smith, Paul Nelson, Wess Larson, Clayton Johanson, Lin Neff (back), Portland West Stake Eagle Scouts

Allen Carter and Mike Westfall, undefeated partners

Kent Huttiball, Eagle Scout in Orofino

Melinda Moody, concert pianist
