undefined undefined FYI: For Your Information
FYI: For Your Information
April 1973

“FYI: For Your Information,” New Era, Apr. 1973, 46

For Your Information

BYU Band at Inaugural Parade

The BYU Cougar Marching Band members had one of their great experiences when they marched in President Nixon’s Inaugural Parade. At the same time they brought honor to Mormon youth the world over. Of their part in the parade one network announcer said the band was “one of the ten best collegiate bands in the United States and possibly the best in the western part of the country.” Dr. Ralph G. Laycock, member of the Music Department Faculty at BYU, had composed a special number for the occasion entitled “Inaugural Procession.” As the band approached the bullet-proof reviewing box, they broke into the new composition with zest and were met with smiles of approval from the President.

But this was not the end of their challenges for the day. Once they reached the end of the parade route and moved toward their waiting buses, they were confronted by hundreds of anti-Nixon protestors who had just completed a noisy rally at the Washington Monument. As band members moved through the crowd, some of the protestors began to taunt them. Just when trouble looked inevitable, the drum major blew his whistle and the band struck up a medley of popular songs. Hostility melted; the demonstrators moved aside.

During the tour, band members made special efforts to exhibit Church standards to all they met. Stanley Miller, band advisor, echoed the feelings of many when he said, “We are proud of our people, not only for their performance for the President, but for their entire conduct during the four days.”

Indian Student Excels

Clarence Nyce, now in his fifth year on the Indian Student Placement Program, is serving the Cardston High School in Alberta, Canada, as studentbody president this year. Clarence is a member of the Haisla tribe of Kitimat, British Columbia, and not only serves his school but also the Church. Currently he is a home teacher and is the first counselor of his priests quorum. He has served on the executive planning committee for three Canadian regional Lamanite youth conferences. Last year Clarence played on the “A” basketball team and earned a letter for best all-round player.

Clarence is now anxiously looking forward to attending BYU next year. There he plans to study either social work or law. His goal—“To return to the Lamanites in British Columbia or wherever the Canadian government sends me. Wherever I go, I want to live among LDS people.”

[Dale Van Atta—World’s Fastest Novel]

Will the Guiness Book of World Records ever believe that a 230-page novel was authored in just 30 hours? If they don’t, they can ask Dale Van Atta, from Rochester, New York, managing editor of the Brigham Young University Daily Universe. Dale spent a grueling weekend in a downtown Provo store window producing the literary wonder to help raise money for an addition to the student library.

The ordeal began at 4:00 P.M. Friday, February 16, as Dale drew from a hat three story ideas submitted by the public. From these he chose to write on the trials of a POW during captivity and his reunion with his family and friends.

With the release of American prisoners making national headlines, Dale surprised everyone by approaching the story from a different angle. As completed pages were hung in the window by assistants, it became clear that the hero was no ordinary POW, but a mercenary captured during a domestic dispute in Argentina.

“I didn’t know enough about Vietnam and POWs so I chose Argentina,” Dale explained between pages. “I don’t know much about Argentina either, but then neither does anyone else.” He grinned.

Early Saturday morning Dale’s nimble fingers gave out on him, and a staff of typists were called in to record his dictation.

Ten o’clock Saturday night arrived and the world’s fastest novel was complete. As a result of his 30-hour stunt, Dale garnered over $1,200 for the student library fund.

Area Conference in Munich

Thousands of Saints from Germany, Austria, Holland, Italy, Belgium, France, Switzerland, and Spain will join together in Munich this August for the third area conference held by the Church.

President Harold B. Lee said that the General Authorities “are looking forward to the privilege of joining with the members of the Church in these European countries.

“Some of the stalwart members of the Church through almost a century and a half have been from these countries. We rejoice in the present-day growth and strength of the Church in Continental Europe.”

It is expected that President Lee will head the delegation of General Authorities who will attend and participate in the area conference. Said President Lee, “Our plans for the three-day conference call for messages from some of the able, dedicated leaders of the Church in Europe. There will also be talks by General Authorities.

“Among the subjects that will be stressed at the Munich conference will be the importance of the home and of building faith within the family in our Heavenly Father and in Jesus Christ, who is truly our Redeemer as well as head of the Church.”

Sessions of the area conference, August 24–26, will be held in the principal gymnastic building and other structures of the Olympic complex in Munich. The main hall will hold 12,500 people.

The session Friday evening, August 24, will be devoted to an activity and social program. General conference meetings are scheduled for Saturday morning and afternoon. Afterward, three sessions will be held simultaneously Saturday evening, one for the Melchizedek Priesthood and prospective elders, a second for the Aaronic Priesthood youth, and a third for the women. Two general sessions on Sunday will conclude the conference.

The conference announcement was met with enthusiasm by European Saints. President Rudolph B. Cierpka of the Berlin Stake responded, “We are overjoyed with the prospect of gathering with members of the Church from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Holland, Italy, Belgium, France, and Spain at this forthcoming conference in Munich and hearing the counsel of our General Authorities. We have hoped for such a conference for several years.”

Previous area conferences were held in Manchester in 1971 for all leaders and Church members in the British Isles and last August in Mexico City for leaders and members in Mexico and Central America.

Notices from BYU, Ricks, and CCH

Beginning with the fall semester 1973 at BYU higher tuition will be charged for three graduate programs. The programs involved are the Master of Business Administration, Master of Public Administration, and Master of Accountancy. All will increase from the current $300 a semester to $400 a semester for members of the Church and from $450 to $600 for nonmembers of the Church.

Charges will be half these amounts for the two-month spring term in May and June or the two-month summer term in July and August under the University’s new year-round calendar.

Tuition has been announced for the first time for the new J. Reuben Clark Law School. Church members will pay $525 per semester and nonmembers will pay $787. The cost for each of the two-month spring and summer terms will be $260 for members and $390 for nonmembers.

With the exception of these three master’s degree programs and the law school, tuition will continue as at present for all other graduate and undergraduate instruction: $300 per semester for Church members and $450 for nonmembers, with half these amounts for each term of spring or summer.

Tuition at Ricks College and Church College of Hawaii has not changed in the past year. At Ricks LDS students pay $270 per semester; nonmember students, $375. For a full load at either summer session, LDS students pay $118.

Tuition for fall and winter semesters at CCH is $250 for LDS students from the Pacific basin, $375 for other LDS students, and $575 for non-LDS registrants. The cost for spring or summer terms is half of the tuition for the regular semester. Special consideration is given to those who register for combinations of regular semesters and summer terms. Severe limitations are placed on the number of mainland students who may attend CCH. They, like their counterparts from the Pacific, must submit a recommendation from their priesthood leaders as well as the regular application for admission form. In addition they must show some tie to the Pacific, either through blood, interest, or ability to make a contribution to the area. Those admitted to CCH find that international culturation is an important aspect of the school and will become even more important in the future.

All of these tuition rates pertain to full-time students. Separate schedules have been set up for part-time students, who will pay according to the number of hours they take.

Family Faith and Fun
by Monroe and Shirley Paxman
Bookcraft, 174 pp., $3.50

If your family is looking for something else to do, for ideas to give variety to family life, the Paxman book comes to the rescue.

It’s a practical book with a format designed to be compatible with the Church’s family home evening program. Applying gospel principles to family life is an underlying emphasis. Chapter materials include ways to encourage greater joy in being a family as well as suggested experiences that bring growth.

Considered is the balance between togetherness and aloneness, between heavily programmed family activities and treasured times by yourself. The value in the spontaneous teaching moment is emphasized in this new Bookcraft issue and clues to point up the time are named.

This is a how-to book with suggestions backed by step-by-step instruction. The reader even gets a clear idea of what a certain activity is supposed to reap for the family.

Can you picture a family costume party with members representing grandma and grandpa, great-aunt somebody, and little cousin so-and-so from way back on the family tree? What a teaching time about national heritage, quaint cultural customs, and personal tragedy or honor this could be.

Population, Resources, and the Future: Non-Malthusian Perspectives
Edited by Howard M. Bahr, Bruce A. Chadwick, and Darwin L. Thomas
Brigham Young University Press, 352 pp., $3.95

What do you say when one of your teachers begins to advocate population control as the obvious solution to pollution and a host of sociological outrages? You can insist that ethically such control is wrong, but without some facts to back up your opinions you will probably not get very far in changing your teacher’s ideas or those of your classmates. For some hard artillery to defend your stand, Howard M. Bahr and Darwin L. Thomas, who have both written for the New Era in past months, and Bruce A. Chadwick have edited a collection of the best articles and papers written on the subject. The majority of the selections are written by non-Mormons who are well-known authorities in several scientific fields. In addition are a number of papers by leading LDS authorities on the subject of overpopulation.

Population, Resources, and the Future is divided into sections dealing with population control proposals, overpopulation as related to the productivity potential of the earth, large families and sociological ills, environmental damage and population, future crises, and the ethical acceptability of population control.

Whether for your own interest or to answer the questions of others, this scholarly volume can be of value.

Hymns: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Simplified Accompaniments
Deseret Book Company, 131 pp., $4.00

At last! An aid for those missionaries (or anyone else for that matter) who never listened to their mothers when they said, “Practice the piano now while you’re young, or later on you’ll be sorry!” Here it is, later on, and you’re called on to accompany the congregational singing at district conference. What do you do? Panic? No! You reach for that long-needed new publication, Hymns: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Simplified Accompaniments. It contains 152 simplified arrangements of hymns from the current hymnal and makes the job easier not only for the accompanist but also for the congregation as many of the hymns have been transposed into lower keys, making them easier to sing. Another plus for the publication is the binding, which is made to stay open while in use. This book should be a part of every member’s musical emergency survival kit.