What Do You Think the First Day of Junior High Will Be Like?
September 1973

“What Do You Think the First Day of Junior High Will Be Like?” New Era, Sept. 1973, 31

Junior High Notebook

What Do You Think the First Day of Junior High Will Be Like?

Junior high introduces thousands of young people every year to the sights and sounds of a whole new world. New clothes, new lockers, and new friends are just a fraction of the experiences that await the newest readers of the New Era. Following are some reactions taken from interviews with young people who are anticipating the world of junior high:

Steve Williams (12)—On my first day it will be pretty interesting. We will learn how to build in shop and how get around school without getting lost, and we will meet teachers.

Tracy Thompson (11)—The teachers will be very nice, and you won’t have to work hard. You won’t get in trouble. You’ll meet a lot of people and maybe somebody will like you.

Alan Flitton (12)—I will be sitting at my desk and will be scared. The teacher will yell at us for talking, and we will run out.

Brad Golding (12)—I will meet lots of people, some who are dumb and some who are smart. Some will be small and some will be tall. But most of all, they will all be nice.

Kayvon Honarvar (11)—It will be horror and nervousness, but I’ll get over it. We’ll go to our classes until the afternoon. Then we’ll go home bowlegged because of our stacks of homework.

Marianne Houston (12)—The first day we will be running around the halls meeting old friends we haven’t seen all summer and getting lost. We will go to the right rooms at the wrong times and the wrong rooms at the right times. We will be getting acquainted with different boys. We won’t be expecting it, but we will end up with piles of homework.

Titia Sandquist (11)—I’ll probably get lost trying to find one of my classes, and I’ll be really nervous. I’ll be glad to see my old friends again. Like most seventh graders I will show off every time an eighth grader walks by, and I’ll feel like I am an inch high. But after school is over I’ll really want to go back the next day.

Jennilynn Carson (12)—I think that my first day will be confusing because I will not know where to go. I will probably get lost and then I will be late for my classes. I probably won’t like my teachers very much. But I think I will like the idea of getting a lot of notebooks.

Barbara Nielsen (11)—All the teachers will be saying, “Oh, so you’re so-and-so’s little sister. I had them in my class. They wrote the best themes and were the best students in my class.”

Jacqueline Picard (12)—On my first day of school I am going to go early with my sister who is in seventh grade now, and she can show me where my classes are. Then I can meet my teachers and sort of melt in with the crowd.

Steven Boyden (12)—On my first day I will get a locker, new friends, and different work and teachers. I’ll get a new desk and new clothes and be very happy. I will smile, and not make fights, and be good. I will have a nice day.

Gina Gertina (12)—I think it will be different and maybe hard to get used to. If you’re in the same class with your friends it might not be so scary. All I know is that there will be a lot of kids.

Mary Beth Dalton (12)—

It will probably be a drag.

I’ll get a teacher who’s a nag.

It’ll be so bad

That I’ll be sad.

I’ll have so many books,

It will ruin my looks.

Kristine Brown (12)—My first day at junior high will be pretty good. At the first of the year your teachers smile a lot. But then it changes and they get crabby. Then all of a sudden you’re stuck.

Gordon Goodwin (12)—I will go to junior high and do what everybody else does. I will go to my classes and try my best.

Janna Rowe (12)—I think the first day of junior high will be kind of scary. My brother goes there, and the way he tells it, it sounds kind of fun and kind of hard. But though I’m not sure I will want to go, I guess everybody has to.
