undefined undefined FYI: For Your Information
FYI: For Your Information
December 1974

“FYI: For Your Information,” New Era, Dec. 1974, 42

For Your Information

LDS Writer Pens Prize-Winning Story

Writing from the experiences of her years in Guatemala, high school senior Ellen Jacob took the first prize of $100 in the 1974 Scholastic Writing Awards.

Her story “Quique” is about a day in the life of a shoeshine boy and is based on the lives of actual people Ellen came to know while in Guatemala.

Although she is originally from Rexburg, Idaho, Ellen’s family moved to Central America in 1965, when her father received a Fulbright grant. From 1967 to 1972 Ellen attended schools in Guatemala and even took some time out to work as a secretary, both for her father and for the seminaries and institutes program. She was active in the local ward as a Primary and Sunday School teacher.

Two years ago Ellen returned to the United States and attended a Salt Lake City high school, where she became interested in writing and entered the competition sponsored by Scholastic Voice magazine.

Ellen hopes to continue her writing studies at the University of Utah.

Clarinetist Participates in European Tour

Concert dates in London, Paris, Innsbruck, Munich, and Vienna were all a part of Natalie Beck’s summer this year.

The 18-year-old clarinetist from Lake Charles, Louisiana, was one of 95 students across the country chosen by the Purdue University director of bands to participate with the U.S. Collegiate Wind Band in a two-month tour of the European cultural capitals. She was a member of the West Lake High School Band at the time of her selection.

Natalie is active in the Lake Charles Ward of the Beaumont Texas Stake and serves as an organist.

Shut-ins Receive Sacrament

For nearly two years now, the Aaronic Priesthood of the Valley View Second Ward, Salt Lake Valley View Stake, has been administering the sacrament to ward members who are physically unable to attend regular church meetings.

Each week under the supervision of the bishop, the deacons and priests assigned to the task on the preceding fast Sunday prepare the sacrament following priesthood meeting and take it to the several homes of the shut-ins of the ward, where they administer it. A member of the Sunday School presidency accompanies them, bringing greetings from the bishop.

“It has worked very well for us,” says Bishop Mark Blackham. “In fact, several wards in other areas are considering the idea. I think it’s a good one.”

Australian Seminary Scales “Pyramid”

“High on a Mountaintop” might have been an appropriate opening hymn for the Cairns Australia District home seminary group, held on top of the Pyramid, a 4,100-foot mountain rising from the cane fields 18 miles outside of Cairns.

Because the members of the home study group live 60 miles apart in the Atherton and Cairns branches, they are able to get together only once each month for a lesson and what they call a “Super Saturday Outing,” like their trek to the top of the Pyramid.

Air Force Scholarship Sends Airman to BYU

Airman First Class Randy Welch, 19, has come down out of the “wild blue yonder,” for the time being anyway, to study youth leadership at BYU on a full, four-year U.S. Air Force scholarship.

Randy competed in the Air Force-wide scholarship competition while stationed at Ubon Airfield in Thailand. He was active there in the local organization of the Church and served as organist not only for LDS meetings, but also for other denominations represented on the base.

A member of the local Scout group, Randy spent his Saturdays working in Ubon with Thai Boy Scouts and also found time for volunteer work at a local orphanage.

Randy comes from an Air Force family. His father is a lieutenant colonel.

Copies of the Book of Mormon Translated and Published





Palmyra, New York



Copenhagen, Denmark



Hamburg, Germany



Paris, France



London, England



Merthyr Tydfil, Wales



San Francisco, California



Copenhagen, Denmark



Salt Lake City, Utah



Auckland, New Zealand



Amsterdam, Holland



Salt Lake City, Utah



Salt Lake City, Utah



New York City, New York



Tokyo, Japan



Prague, Czechoslovakia



Los Angeles, California



São Paulo, Brazil



Salt Lake City, Utah



Oslo, Norway



Helsinki, Finland



Salt Lake City, Utah


*Italian (new translation)

Zurich, Switzerland



Salt Lake City, Utah



Hong Kong



Seoul, Korea



Salt Lake City, Utah


Translated But Not Published






Serbo-Croatian (Yugoslavian)



Yiddish Rumanian

Translated, Published, But Out of Print






In Translation








Portions Available on Tape




Canadian Youth Leaders Meet in Conference

Priest group leaders and Laurel class presidents zeroed in on stewardship and the principle of “serving the one” when they met in a leadership conference at Waterton Lakes National Park, Canada.

The priests and Laurels met for films, special talks, and seminars conducted by local youth leaders in the Waterton chapel.

The leaders picked up pointers on organizing service and recreational activities and shared ideas about activating nonattending friends. The leadership weekend came to a close with a testimony meeting, and participants returned to their individual wards eager to go to work.

Married Ringmaster Is Through Clowning Around

In the April 1973 issue of New Era, Tim Holst was featured because of his clowning around with Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus, “The Greatest Show on Earth.” Because of Tim’s great missionary spirit, many people have been brought into the Church and many more have been influenced for good by his life-style. But Tim is through clowning around.

At the beginning of the 1973 season, Tim became the ringmaster of the circus’s red unit. This is a very responsible position. Tim is the man who keeps the show moving with his singing and introductions. Tim’s new position also requires that he help with administrative work and make special appearances in the many cities that the circus visits all over the United States and Canada.

Tim not only has a new job, he also has a new companion. On August 20, while Tim was in Salt Lake City with the circus, he took some well-planned moments out to get married in the Salt Lake Temple. Tim married Linda Wilson of Kailua, Hawaii. Linda is a former BYU student who met Tim in Norfolk, Virginia, where her father was stationed with the U.S. Navy. Tim was visiting the ward while on the road with the circus.

Linda says, “It takes courage to join and work with the circus, but the circus people are strongly family oriented, and I look forward to doing a lot of missionary work with them.”

Tim and his wife will travel with the circus all over the United States for the next season. Home for them as for other performers will be a portion of a railroad car. Tim has a new job, a new wife, and a new billing—“Missionary-Ringmaster and Friend.”

Sunday School Anniversary

This month marks the 125th anniversary of the Sunday School organization. Since its inception, the auxiliary has grown from a small, children’s theology class to a Church-wide program for all Latter-day Saints.

Excerpts from an address delivered by Elder Mark E. Petersen of the Council of the Twelve at Sunday School conference, October 5, 1973

“Sunday School Is Everybody’s Business!”

Everyone needs it, and all should have it.

It makes for stronger homes and better citizens.

It develops faith where previously there was no faith, and it strengthens the testimonies of those who already believe.

It is an inspired organization, not only in its inception, but also in its present operation. It can be a mighty saving power in the lives of all who attend.

The Sunday School is a family organization. Its courses are planned for the entire family from those of kindergarten age, to the youth, the young adults, and older ones of all subsequent ages.

Sunday School brings systematic study of the gospel to every father, mother, and child.

Many families do not know how to study. But Sunday School can bring gospel study back again. If families will study the gospel systematically in the Sunday School classes, and use those well-prepared texts also at home, in home evening and otherwise, a whole new light will come into the family.

The gospel will have added meaning in their lives.

Prayer will become significant to them.

Harmony will be reestablished instead of quarreling and bickering.

And a desire to serve God will arise in their hearts such as they have never had before. It will be conversion, and without conversion there is no salvation.

The Lord says that the thing that will be of most worth unto us will be to bring souls unto him. This is our divinely given assignment.

Is there a better way to do this than through family togetherness—where the gospel is lived in the home and where the entire family will come together to the ward on Sunday and there worship the Lord their God? Sunday worship is everybody’s responsibility.

There is no better way to stimulate the incentive to study the gospel than in well-organized classes in Sunday School, where a regular curriculum is followed and where continuity of subjects gives young and old a proper concept of the gospel.

The glory of God is intelligence. To attend Sunday School regularly with our entire family is an intelligent effort on our part.

Sunday School is everybody’s business.

“My Young Friends …”
by President David O. McKay
Compiled by Llewelyn R. McKay
Bookcraft, $2.95, pp. 84

President David O. McKay’s great love of youth and his own youthful outlooks on living are recalled in this compilation of 12 of his talks to young people and their leaders.

Although each chapter deals with a different aspect of living, all of them collectively reinforce President McKay’s concern that the young people of the Church recognize and work toward the truly abundant life.

“The greatest need in this world today is an upright, noble character,” said President McKay, and in this volume, he convinces youth that the development of character is essential to a rich, full life.

Included in the book are chapters concerning eternal marriage, and preparation for it, a discussion of “happiness versus pleasure,” the modern-day Prodigal Son, the quality of loyalty, and the “anchor of gospel ideals.” Says President McKay:

“If I could express my most heartfelt wish, I would say to young folks everywhere: If you would obtain the highest success and the most contentment of mind, practice in your daily contacts the ideals of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I do not hesitate to make that statement without modification. I know the results will be what I have indicated. They will make you handsomer young men, more beautiful young women—because your thoughts modify your features. Though they may not be the handsomest, they will radiate that which makes handsome young men and beautiful young women. They will make you more dutiful sons and daughters, more clever students, more faithful lovers, more desirable companions, more loyal friends, more helpful members of society, more worthy mothers and fathers of future families. They will make you sons and daughters of God more successful in fulfilling the measure of your creation on earth.”

Folk Dancing
by Mary Bee Jensen and Clayne R. Jensen
Brigham Young University Press, $2.50, pp. 147

“Folk dancing,” write Mary Bee and Clayne R. Jensen in their new book, “is an invitation and an opportunity for you to learn more about your foreign neighbors: to help you understand their customs and beliefs; to teach you about their history and geography; to give you insight into the joys of their daily living—joys that have been handed down through the years; to help you discover the backgrounds of the countries and the people; and to help you appreciate the cultural heritage your ancestors have passed on to you.”

Mary Bee Jensen has led her world-famous BYU International Folkdancers to many accomplishments and honors and in this book shares her great knowledge and experience with all who are interested in learning about this activity. Included are chapters on the values of folk dancing, the history, the techniques and skills, and performing and costuming. Information is also given on sources for records and other books, and camps and summer schools that feature folk dancing skills in their programs. Pictures are abundant and clarify explanations for the beginner.

Anyone interested in other cultures, in travel, in human relations, in physical fitness, in overcoming shyness, in developing courtesy, etiquette and poise, and in developing new techniques and skills while having a great time, should really get this book, learn all he can, and find or form a group to practice. Reading this book makes you want to run right out and find some maori sticks, cossack boots, and a dirndl.

Square Dancing
by Mary Bee Jensen and Clayne R. Jensen
Brigham Young University Press, $2.50, pp. 159

A great companion book to the Jensens’ new volume on folk dancing is this more specialized book on square dancing (which is, after all, an American folk dance). “Square dancing tells much about the early settlers of America—their personalities, living patterns, and social needs. To know about square dancing is to know something about our forefathers, and about a segment of the social life that has evolved from the early settlements in this country.”

After briefly dealing with the origins and history of square dancing, the book instructs the beginner concerning positions, basic movements, dancing techniques, patter calls, singing calls, teaching, and exhibition dancing. Replete with diagrams and illustrations, this basic guide will enable you to dos a dos into the twilight. Now, “Honor your partner—Lady by your side—Join your hands and circle wide. …”