October 1975

“Feedback,” New Era, Oct. 1975, 2


Timely appearances

I want you to know how much we all appreciate your magazine. Aside from bridging the occasional “generation gap” we sometimes face with investigators of teenage years, the New Era also is responsible for assisting us in helping members catch the vision of missionary work. I know of many missionaries who can directly or indirectly attribute converts to the timely appearance of articles that just happened to appear in response to a particular situation with an investigator or member requiring a bit of motivation.

Elder C. C. Southerland, Jr.
California Oakland Mission

I’ve never stopped

I have every issue of the New Era, and I treasure them all. It seems as if whenever I have a problem I find the answer or at least some help in the New Era. We had a New Era Bowl contest in our stake when the magazine first started. Of course we read the first few issues from cover to cover a number of times, and I’ve never stopped. I soon found out that I could get something out of every article, and often the ones I think will be of least interest to me turn out to be my favorites.

Rosanne Carter
Morgan, Utah


Thank you so much for the July message by Bishop Victor L. Brown. It really answered some questions I had on tithing. I hope every young person reads it. The talk of the month by Harry J. Haldeman was also excellent. Too often we don’t try to help our fellow members out of trouble.

Sybil D. Penton
Zachary, Louisiana

I just read the July New Era and fell in love with it. (I am 80 years old.) It is delightful, wonderful reading, and I want every issue hereafter as long as I live. I have several teenage grandchildren and so have an interest in what our young people are receiving from the Church.

Fred Turley
Mesa, Arizona


For some time I considered myself “graduated” from the New Era, but we continued to receive it because my husband teaches a teenage Sunday School class. I would read snatches of it during the baby’s nap time or whenever I had nothing else to read. I am from the England Leeds Mission originally and so the participatory journalism “The Journey” caught my eye when I picked up the July New Era today. What a beautiful story! I was able to relive my trips to the London Temple and remember all the different scenery and landmarks that I haven’t seen for so long. Sister Dunne made me homesick. After such a good start, how could I put the magazine down? I especially enjoyed “There Is a Law” and “How Do You Tithe a Car?” Now the baby’s entire nap time is gone, and I didn’t do any of the things I told myself I’d do, but thank you for taking up my time so wonderfully.

Judith Adams
Waycross, Georgia

Temple marriage

I received my subscription to the New Era last year as a surprise Christmas present from a very dear ex-bishop, and I can never thank him enough. So many articles touch my heart so deeply. I just finished reading the June issue, and the question and answer section was so beautiful that I cried the whole way through. A temple marriage is very important to me, and I have a sincere testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel. I plan on following my ex-bishop’s example and enriching my friends and relatives’ lives by sending them a subscription to the New Era.

Sharon Glines
Ogden, Utah

The June issue on temple marriage was the very best magazine I have ever seen. I gave my copy to a nonmember who is interested in the Church.

Barbara Schniter
St. George, Utah

As a newlywed of only six weeks I was especially impressed by the article “John and Mary, Beginning Life Together.” As I sat in my living room reading the article I was once again with my husband and family in the sealing room hearing President Kimball’s words as if they were being spoken to Joni and me. Even in only six weeks of marriage we have had some difficult “adjusting” days, and President Kimball’s message gave us advice that is just as valid after six weeks as it was, and always will be, on the wedding day. Thank you, President Kimball, for your beautiful words.

Julie Lyon Shewell
Tigard, Oregon


Thank you for “Beginnings” by Kristy Humphries in the May New Era. It was beautiful. I am in the language training mission in Hawaii, headed for Japan, and that article got me excited again about sharing the gospel with the Japanese people. What we have is the most loving, powerful thing in the universe. Most of us cannot comprehend its completeness. It’s inspiring to me to read things like “Beginnings.”

Elder Hal Heywood
LTM, Hawaii

A good start

My brother has just gone to the church college, and he had left some New Eras in his room, so I started to read them, and now I really like them and am going to ask Mom to send away for some more. I live 18 miles from the church, and our family is the only LDS family around, so at school I associate entirely with nonmembers. I just turned 13, and the New Era is giving me a good start. I’ve liked all the stories, but my favorite was “Jimmy Drew, Chimney Sweep” in the April issue.

Nat Petty
New Zealand

“Dear Journal”

Thank you for the article “Dear Journal” in the August New Era. It gave me a deep desire to begin a journal of my own. The excerpts from different Church members were very well written, especially the entry from Bonnie Meyer. It was almost as if you were there sharing the events and her feelings. It’s very hard to even begin to understand life and death. After taking seminary last year and learning more of the Book of Mormon, I have begun to realize the importance of keeping records—in this case, a journal. We must encourage all to write, to use their journal whenever they become filled with the Spirit and need to write their thoughts on paper. It’s at those times your writing contains the true feelings you have.

Franne Johnson
Smithfield, Utah

Yesterday I was thinking about how to begin a new journal, and I picked up the August New Era and found the title “Dear Journal.” After reading the article I was more eager than ever to begin the project. I have a few ideas of how I’d like to do it, and I know that with God as my partner I’ll be able to accomplish my goal.

Janet Anderson
Provo, Utah

A breathless wonder

I really enjoyed the article “Mormon Poets Talk about Their Craft” in the August New Era. I enjoy writing poetry, and it was exciting to see my own feelings right there in black and white, expressed by the Church’s best poets. I especially enjoyed Carol Lynn Pearson’s remarks. Everything I’ve read of hers has a sense of optimism and a kind of breathless wonder at the beauties found in truth. I hope someday to be able to touch others with my own poetry the way she touches me with hers. Poetry sort of captures on paper a special feeling or moment that can be relived by the poet and reader, the same as a photograph catches a moment on film. Thanks again for your great article.

Mitzi Robb
Safford, Arizona

We count on you

I’m lying here sick in bed reading the June issue of the New Era. The New Era has made my hours more bearable. The June edition was especially beautiful to me because it gives a girl in the mission field some encouragement on the importance of a temple marriage, and an understanding of why she should date only members. Troubles are fewer in marriages of the same faith. The youth in the mission field look forward each month to reading the articles and stories of inspiration. Keep up the good work. We really count on you a lot.

Nancy Johnson
Des Moines, Iowa

A complete magazine

The June issue was a complete magazine. I was impressed with Elder Christiansen’s answer to the question regarding Satan’s powers of temptation. Thanks for assisting me in my progression.

Alexandria, Virginia


I have been in the Air Force for two and a half years and a member of the Church for two years. My wife has been a member all her life. Five months ago I was shipped off to Turkey. We have five members here and lots of time on our hands. My wife was unable to come with me, but she subscribed to the New Era for me. My spirit and morale have been lifted tremendously by the New Era. I wish to thank my wife and the New Era for all the inspiration I have received while being so far away from home.

Mark E. Cardwell
Dijarbarkir, Turkey
