February 1976

“Feedback,” New Era, Feb. 1976, 2


A part of my life

I’d like you to know how much the New Era is a part of my life. I’m a Navajo and a convert to the Church, and when I was eight, President Spencer W. Kimball confirmed me a member of the Church. Now I’m a sophomore at Snow College in Ephraim, Utah. The article “Strike the Steel” in the October issue was very nicely written and had a lot of information concerning our life here on earth. It stated perfectly that the Lord does not give us commandments to live by if he has not prepared a way for them to be accomplished. Thank you for making the New Era a part of my life.

Cara Shore
Ephraim, Utah

It certainly helps

I have been hesitant to write because I am no longer a youth, unless being young at heart counts. I am the Laurel adviser in our ward and make it a point to read the New Era when it comes to our home. This year I have been given the specific responsibility to see that all of my Laurels are prepared to go to the temple. This is an overpowering responsibility. I was relieved to read the June New Era and find such beautiful counsel for the youth about the temple. It still doesn’t make my job easy, but it certainly helps a great deal.

Meredith S. Ellsworth
West Covina, California

Exhibiting joy

We want you to know how much the New Era is appreciated here in New Zealand. As missionaries we find it a great inspirational source for the morning “thoughts” we share with each other to keep us excited about the work. Our responsibility as missionaries is so great! How vital it is that we exhibit the joy we tell people the gospel promises. Thanks again for helping us in this endeavor.

Sister Terry Hatcher
New Zealand Wellington Mission

“The Angels May Quote from It”

Thank you for the article “The Angels May Quote from It” in the October New Era. I’ve always enjoyed keeping records of some sort. Now that I’m a missionary I recognize the importance of keeping a journal of the many marvelous things that take place each day. President Kimball gave some good advice and helpful hints to improve the quality of anyone’s journal. I really enjoy reading and studying the New Era each month. It is undoubtedly the most informative magazine I’ve ever read.

Elder Brad Harris
Colorado Denver Mission

“But It Was in Amos …”

Thank you for “But It Was in Amos Last Time I Looked” in the November New Era. It helped me get started on the Book of Mormon. Now I read the book ten minutes a day. Pretty soon I’ll be writing down scriptures.

Lisa Helvey
Agoura, California

So proud

I really enjoy the New Era and always look forward to each edition. My favorite parts are those which tell us what other youth in the Church have been doing. Since coming to Ricks I have realized that there are fascinating youth from all over the world. I have grown to appreciate so many qualities and traits in others.

Last June representatives from the New Era and the Young Women general committee were at our youth conference in Naramata, British Columbia. I had the privilege of talking to them, and I must say that they helped my testimony grow. Then when the October issue appeared with a beautiful write-up and such neat pictures, it made me so proud of our mission! The Okanogan District was just made a stake. How rewarding!

Bev Akre
Rexburg, Idaho

Cultural sensitivity

When we in the Church should be fostering understanding of other cultures, and the Mexican people have so much to offer, why do a feature on the Americans in Mexico City? Having filled a general board assignment to that city, I know that the Mexican youth would have made just as good an article, with more beautiful pictures. How do you think the Mexican youth would feel if they saw that article? I still love the New Era and am your staunch supporter, but we must be sensitive to other cultures.

Mrs. Duane Hunsaker
Bountiful, Utah

The New Era has published several articles on the Mexican Saints and plans to publish another in the near future dealing with a group of young members in Mexico City. Thank you for your concern. We try not to ignore anyone. Editor.

“If Thou Art Willing”

I want to thank you for the inspirational articles in the August 1975 New Era. Elder Paul Dunn’s message illustrated how great it is to have a relationship with God and to be totally humbled by it. There’s no doubt of the effect it has had on Elder Dunn’s life. I can see what makes him so special. It has helped me to my knees many times and given me a dependence on the Lord that I really needed and enjoy. The Kieth Merrill article was refreshing. It is rare to find someone so enthusiastic about missionary work. I’m a convert and feel this same excitement in sharing the word with others. I’m puzzled sometimes when those who have had the teachings all their lives aren’t really converted to being missionaries. The Merrills truly exemplify being converted. I appreciate the quality of the New Era.

Anna McIntire
Chandler, Arizona


We would like to express our appreciation for the story “Jimmy Drew, Chimney Sweep” in the April edition of the New Era. In our proselyting efforts we have many opportunities to teach our investigators the family home evening program. My companion and I have selected lesson 13 from the family home evening manual “Judge Not … Condemn Not” to use as our outline. The story of Jimmy Drew at the end of the lesson adds the final icing on the cake and provides the spiritual atmosphere needed every time. Congrats!

Elder Scott Thompson
Colorado Denver Mission

[In Memoriam: Doyle L. Green]

Brother Doyle L. Green, editor and director of the Church Magazines, died Sunday, November 23, 1975. Brother Green served for nearly 30 years in various offices and positions in the magazine department of the Church. He was editor of the Improvement Era, and was a guiding hand in the formulation of the new Church Magazine program.

Brother Green served a mission to Tahiti, and at the time of his passing was serving as patriarch in the Salt Lake Butler Stake. Brother Green had a special love for the Holy Land, and had spent many days there preparing articles for the information and edification of the members of the Church.

The good that has been done by Brother Doyle L. Green will live on in the lives of the people who have been touched by the publications of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
