undefined undefined Feedback
May 1976

“Feedback,” New Era, May 1976, 2


Artful praise

I enjoy the artwork and photography in the New Era very much. I am the information coordinator for the mission and find that the material in the New Era is very useful for the many projects I am involved in. The Photo of the Month is one of the best parts of the magazine, and the artwork has inspired me to try to do my best to obtain a degree in commercial art. Keep up the fantastic work.

Elder D. Marc James
Australia Adelaide Mission

Take the first step

The article “The First Step Was the Hardest” in the January New Era really impressed me when I first read it. It impressed me so much that I used it in a 2 1/2 minute talk the following Sunday in the El Dorado Ward. It impressed the members very much. They are now starting to talk to their friends about the Church. All we have to do is take that first step and talk to our friends. You talk to your friends, and we will do the teaching. Pray to our Heavenly Father and ask him to direct you to the person or family who would like to hear about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ here on the earth. Please help us missionaries by finding your friends for us to teach.

Elder Ron Record
Arkansas Little Rock Mission

Way back feedback

After reading Feedback I suddenly realized how much I miss not reading the New Era. So I found all the 1974 issues and read some of the articles in them. Thanks to feedback I love to read the New Era.

Shelly Bartlett
Twin Falls, Idaho


I want you to know how much I enjoy the New Era. Many of the stories I can really relate to.

Janice Butikofer
Idaho Falls, Idaho

Bringing us closer

I would like to thank you for the New Era. I know that I speak for all of us Saints here in Ireland. We derive a greater insight into the gospel and into the teachings of our prophet through the Church magazines. The New Era helps the youth and the investigators who find gospel doctrine a “bit heavy” to read. Thanks again for bringing us closer not only to our brothers and sisters all over the world but, more important, closer to our Heavenly Father and more aware of our prophet’s voice. I know that Jesus lives, that he is the Christ, and that he speaks through our beloved prophet.

Monica Heeney
Kilmacud Blackrock
County Dublin, Ireland

Picking the wrong flower

We read with interest the article “The Pick and Flower of England” in the January New Era. We were more than joyful to see our son’s picture on page 48. Heber C. Kimball was not portrayed by Elder Kent H. Russell as the caption states but by our son, Elder Todd A. Russell.

Glayden and Helen R. Russell
Glendora, California

One of the best things

I enjoy the New Era greatly and feel that it is one of the best things a youth can read (along with the scriptures and conference reports). Thank you very much for publishing such a wonderful magazine.

Murry Foutes
Capitola, California

A marvelous set of people

I hope that as a very new member I am not out of line in writing this short letter. I would like to write briefly on missionaries. I became a member last August, and ever since I first came to know the elders, I have had them for meals, discussions, blessings, prayer nights, and have found them all a marvelous set of people. Nothing is too much trouble for them if it is the Lord’s work. One thing that hurts me deeply is when people back home forget to write to these wonderful young men. Can I ask you young people to please write to them about home interests, friends, and happenings? I have been brought out of darkness to a life of hope by these young men. Please help them a little by writing. To all the families and girl friends of missionaries, I offer my grateful thanks for your young men.

Sandra Morely
Woy Woy, New South Wales, Australia

Fasting and prayer

I just finished reading the October New Era, and I’m really impressed by the content. I am preparing to go on a mission this coming spring, and the New Era is a valuable aid in my preparation. I really get something out of all your articles concerning fasting and prayer as well as all your other articles. Fasting and prayer are very important in gaining a testimony of the gospel. Keep on publishing your inspirational messages. They are truly a guiding light.

Fred Baldwin
Adell, Wisconsin

May God bless everyone

I am a member of the Geraldton Branch in Western Australia. I was baptized into the Church nearly five years ago. I’ve been reading this fabulous book, the New Era, for a long time. I think it has strengthened my testimony, and I’ve grown to appreciate the Lord’s work a lot more. A trip to the temple also helped increase my appreciation for the Church. What I enjoy most about the New Era are the Mormonisms and the stories of people’s experiences. I know the Church is true, and I love this magazine. May God bless everyone.

Lynette L. Pleysier
Geraldton, Australia

50 packed pages

I would really like to express my appreciation for the New Era. Every month I can read through the magazine and find many answers to my prayers. I was raised in the Church, but I have never really understood it till this past year. I’ve always taken it for granted, but it’s just amazing how much wisdom and inspiration can be put into 50 pages of printed paper. I was especially inspired by the story “Reflections on Shadows” in the January issue. It’s practically my life story. I just started a diet and know that this story will help strengthen my will. Thank you so much for this wonderful magazine.

Johanna Nelson
Colby, Kansas

The time of decision

Would you believe that the New Era is important to me, a 29-year-old mother, because my five-year-old son is interested in it? You see, I have known for some time that the time of decision in life is between ages one through eight, not later. At this early and perceptive time little ones quickly learn that they will be expected to fulfill societal roles, and while they learn much from adults, it is young people and the things they do and learn that have the most appeal. Children set their directions in these early years. When they see elders, and Explorers, and Laurels, they transform these people into hero and heroine proportions. Imagine my delight and surprise when my son Jamie asked to hear the story about the soldier picture (“I Was Saved by the Book”) and intensely absorbed the entire story. This was followed by requests to hear “Sometimes a Phone Call” and then “Marriage: The Proper Way.” I had not imagined that we would ever use the New Era as a tool for our children, ages one, two, and five. We bought the subscription for ourselves. But the Lord has taught us an invaluable lesson. Parents—wake up to a new tool! Youth—watch out! Our little ones are watching you—and depending on you more than you’d guess.

Betty Holmes
Moyie Springs, Idaho