“Puzzlement: Dates in Church History,” New Era, May 1976, 45
Dates in Church History
See if you can correctly match the events in the left-hand column (from the early history of the Church) to the correct dates in the right-hand column.
1. Formal organization of the Church _____ |
a. Spring, 1820 |
2. Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood _____ |
b. October 24, 1841 |
3. Return of Elias, Elijah, and Moses _____ |
c. September 22, 1827 |
4. Dedication of the Holy Land by Orson Hyde _____ |
d. April 6, 1830 |
5. Death of Joseph and Hyrum Smith _____ |
e. September 21, 1823 |
6. Arrival of pioneers in Salt Lake Valley _____ |
f. May 15, 1829 |
7. Joseph Smith’s first vision _____ |
g. July 24, 1847 |
8. Moroni’s first visit _____ |
h. June 27, 1844 |
9. Ordination of the 12 Apostles _____ |
i. April 3, 1836 |
10. Joseph Smith received the plates _____ |
j. February 14, 1835 |

* Six bonus points if you name the Church leaders pictured