undefined undefined Feedback
July 1976

“Feedback,” New Era, July 1976, 2


Mighty in writing

Truman G. Madsen has always been one of my favorite authors, and I have always appreciated and respected Elder Hugh B. Brown. However, until I read “Hugh B. Brown—Youthful Veteran” in the April 1976 New Era, I did not realize how truly great these two men are. Elder Brown now takes his place in my estimation alongside the greatest men of all time. I had read quite a bit about him and talked to some who knew him personally, but I had not really appreciated his inner depths before. As for the style of writing, if the present trend continues, some of our better writers in the Church will soon develop a style “mighty in writing like unto the brother of Jared” of whom it is written, “The things which he wrote were mighty … unto the overpowering of man to read them.” (Ether 12:24.)

Lamont M. Jensen
Salt Lake City, Utah

Extra faith and trust

I want to thank you for publishing “Travail” by Homer S. Ellsworth in the April issue. The timing couldn’t have been better. I have been fasting and praying for strength, and this article has really helped me. I’m only 18 years old, and I have a cyst in my stomach. The possibility of cancer has certainly entered into my thoughts, but I now have extra faith and trust in Heavenly Father. I’m grateful for my pain and heartaches because I know I will surely grow from them.

I’m a convert and the only member in my family. I was given my subscription to the New Era last year, and I will always cherish the many great articles I’ve read since then. I know that the more trials we have, the stronger we’ll be, so I’m grateful for them. Thank you for helping me realize it.

Bev Millholland
Salt Lake City, Utah

All my gospel love

I am 15 years old, and I love the Church with all my heart. I am grateful to my mum and dad for bringing me up in this beautiful, true, loving gospel. I know without a shadow of a doubt that this wonderful church is the only true church on the face of the earth. I love my wonderful family with all my heart. There are 19 of us in my family, and I’m the youngest child. It’s so lovely to have a big family. I belong to the Hastings Third Ward, and my bishop, Bishop Morley, is fantastic. I know that God lives. I love everyone in the world, even though I don’t know most of them, and I’m saving up to go on a mission. I know that God loves everyone in the whole world, and that we should too. Reading the New Era has strengthened my testimony. I love the New Era and everyone who makes it what it is (a spiritual and uplifting book). Tears are falling from my eyes right now because I feel the Spirit of the Lord is with me at this very moment.

Not so very long ago we had the honor of a visit from our beautiful prophet. It was a wonderful experience, and over 5,000 people enjoyed it. May God bless you; I give everyone all my gospel love.

Lee-May Nikova
Flaxmere, Hastings, New Zealand

Things that they don’t hear …

The mailman came about an hour ago and left the March New Era. Because I live with three teenagers, I try to look at the magazine as soon as it comes or I might not see it again for months! I’d had a busy morning, and it seemed like a good time for a lunch break. So I sat down and began to read. When I came to “Nobody Ever Remembers His Sunbeam Teacher,” I thought it would be a good article to recommend to my twin daughters who have been taking turns teaching the Sunbeam class and caring for the Primary nursery. After reading it I knew the message was for me also, a recently released Relief Society president. I think the New Era often says things to young people that they don’t hear if said by a parent. Thanks for the help the New Era gives me as a parent and a person.

Mrs. Charles W. Sing
Tinker A.F.B., Oklahoma

Proud of New Zealand

I really love reading the New Era each month. The articles really strengthen my testimony and give me the incentive to keep trying. I had the privilege of being present at the area conference for New Zealand, and it was an experience I will never forget. I’m proud of my country and would like to see more articles about New Zealand published, if possible.

Trudy Aster
Hamilton, New Zealand

They’re working

I really look forward to reading the stories printed in the New Era because somehow they always help me with my problems. The story “Winning” in the March issue really helped me because sometimes I feel that winning is the only thing. I learned from the story that I should think about how others are feeling instead of only about how I am feeling. I also learned that I shouldn’t get angry when I don’t make it—there will always be another chance.

Thanks also for printing “Talking to Parents” in the March issue. Almost every night my parents and I used to have some kind of disagreement. This story gave me some tips on improving the situation, and they’re working.

Gail Anderson
Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin

It’s neat to know

Each month I wait for the New Era and read it from cover to cover. I’ve been touched by a lot of stories, and it’s neat to know that our leaders care so much about us youth. This last month (April 1976) I especially enjoyed the article on Karen Sharp and her painted rocks. I’m very much interested in teaching art and liked her idea of teaching children in her home.

Debbie Chandler
Portland, Oregon

In praise of poetry

I enjoy the New Era very much and look forward to its arrival each month. I especially enjoy the poetry. I loved the poem “The Cast” by Carol Lynn Pearson in the March issue.

Lenore Scoville
Belmont, California

I want to be a writer

I’d like to thank the New Era for such a good contest for the youth every year. I want to be a writer, and the New Era, I hope, will help get me started.

Les Carroll
Columbia, South Carolina

The taste thereof was sweet

Thank you for printing the article “Travail” by Homer S. Ellsworth in the March New Era. I enjoyed it very much, and it helped me to understand suffering better. One of my brothers-in-law died of cancer at the age of 22, leaving a wife and a month-old baby. He died without much suffering. He had only been a member of the Church for under two years, yet the Spirit of God burned deep within him. Now I know the reason he didn’t suffer long. He died in Christ and the taste thereof was sweet.

Ronya Knighton
Moore, Idaho

Be like Nephi

I have really enjoyed the New Era very much. It has strengthened my testimony. I especially like the article “Children Obey Your Parents/Parents Provoke Not Your Children” in the April New Era. I feel that each and every person should try to be like Nephi and not like Laman and Lemuel who were concerned about doing their own thing and not what was best for the family. If you follow Nephi’s example, you will truly have a happy home.

Norma Thompson
Milford, Utah

California down south

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the New Era as a reference and an entertainment. A few months ago you had an article about my home ward, La Canada First Ward in California. I was proud and pleased to read it. In the March 1976 issue I again see our home ward mentioned. Fantastic! It kind of brings my home out to me. Thanks for the great magazine. Your assistance is invaluable.

Elder Bill Facer
South Carolina Columbia Mission

From a bridge builder

I am a member of the Omaha Third Ward, Omaha Nebraska Stake. I am writing because on March 20, 1976, our stake held a seminary bowl. This year we used the New Era for some questions.

I had never really read the whole magazine cover to cover before, but this year before the bowl, I had to read all of the January, February, and March issues. I really enjoyed reading them. I want to thank you for “Build Yourself a Bridge” by Elder S. Dilworth Young in the March magazine. It really helped me because I usually want other people to do things for me. My adviser in the Young Women organization has helped me with the same thing through the lessons on service she has given.

Amy Smith
Omaha, Nebraska

Borrowing with a high rate of interest

I’m one of the readers of this great magazine, even though I don’t have a personal copy. Every month I approach the branch librarian to borrow one. I have been reading a four-month-old New Era, and I have learned many things from it. It helps me to explain to my nonmember friends about the Church and the things therein.

Sister G. Embradora
Cebu City, Philippines