October 1977

“Feedback,” New Era, Oct. 1977, 2


An everywhere friend

I once wrote a poem on moods. One of the lines described how I would like to be locked in a room that had no key so I could be away from the world’s crimes. When I read the New Era, I feel that my poem has come true. The stories, poems, and all the other contents have a lot of meaning for me. My family moves around a lot, and I know that in every town I will have a friend—the New Era.

Monice Gingerich
Trafford, Pennsylvania


How grateful I am for the power of example. The New Era truly sets a good example for the youth of today—our leaders of tomorrow. I’m thankful to a friend of mine who set an example for me four years ago when I was 18 by asking me if I would listen to the missionaries. I did and was shortly thereafter baptized. Now I am on a mission serving the Lord—supported by my non-LDS family. I hope I am setting an example for them. Thank you, Mike Johnson, for sharing the gospel.

Elder Chris D. Axenty
Idaho Pocatello Mission

To know

I just started receiving the New Era a few days ago. Since then I have received three issues (May, June, and July). I was never really sure whether God or Jesus Christ even existed. The New Era has helped me to know. I don’t know if it is really possible to tell you how grateful I am for the help. Thanks ever so much!

Lyndsey Wyman
Cairo, Egypt


I received a lovely surprise today. When I came out of Relief Society, a brown envelope containing the New Era was handed to me. I asked who it was from and was told that it was a secret. But I have a very sneaky suspicion that it was from the elder who recently baptized me. He had given me two New Eras before he left, obviously knowing how much I enjoyed them. It is a truly wonderful gift!

Gwen Napier
Salisbury, Rhodesia


Thank you for Janene Baadsgaard’s article about Masada in the July New Era. My Jewish Mormonness is a running joke in my family, and it comforted me to know that someone else feels the way I do about Israel. I really enjoyed the journey to some of my “roots.” Thanks for including me.

Nancy Banks
Cody, Wyoming


While serving here in the Spokane Valley, I’ve found that there is more than one way to express my feelings concerning my mission. A mission really is the best as these signs suggest.

Elder Jay Deuel
Washington Seattle Mission

Bishop’s boon

How blessed the leaders of the youth of the Church are to have the counsel and guidance contained in the New Era. For years my wife and I have subscribed to the youth magazine and have been touched with the contents of the issues. As an adult leader of the youth in our ward I have shared the messages that I felt were significant. However, I must admit that the June 1977 issue holds special meaning and counsel for me. I was very recently called as the bishop of the San Antonio First Ward, San Antonio Texas East Stake. I feel that the articles on leadership contained in this month’s issue are as important as the General Handbook of Instructions for helping me discharge my stewardship. Thank you so very much for the outstanding issue that we leaders have to use as a guide.

Bishop Daniel Dreher
San Antonio, Texas

Better leader—better person

I just wanted to say how much enjoyed the June issue of the New Era. The comments on leadership were very informative and inspiring. The message by President Tanner, “Leading As the Savior Led,” really made me think about the importance of following the Savior’s example and cultivating those qualities that will help me to be a better leader and a better person. As missionaries we have many opportunities for leadership and self-improvement, and we need to incorporate those divine qualities within ourselves and apply them through constant, daily action. I’ve committed myself to improvement. The New Era really helps the missionary effort, too. I’ve found it to be an invaluable tool in spreading the gospel.

Elder James F. Lambert
Virginia Roanoke Mission

A new old friend

I was looking through some old magazines when I found some New Eras. I read a few and decided to ask my parents if I could take it. I received my first three copies and really enjoyed them. Thanks for a new old friend.

Janna Tenny
Vacaville, California

Not that close

I am an 11-year-old member of the Church. I read the Mormonad “Friends Are Easy to Talk To” in the July New Era and tried it with a friend. After two weeks our relationship was not that close anymore. I have learned from this article that if I do not communicate with my Heavenly Father, our relationship will suffer.

Loni Van Wagoner
Bessemer, Alabama

Bureau of missed stories

I’m really glad you have a Feedback department where people can express how much they enjoy reading the New Era. Whenever I read it, it just makes my day. I also like the Feedback letters because I can see what stories I’ve missed.

Michele Ross
Myton, Utah

A Mormonad remembered

I really am happy to be receiving the New Era from my friend Robyn. All the stories have helped me, and I am trying to help my family. As I was looking through the July issue, I came across the Mormonad “Friends Are Easy to Talk To.” I remembered reading that somewhere before, and then I remembered that it was in seminary. Brother Broadhead, who wrote the Mormonad, was my seminary teacher. Thank you, Brother Broadhead, for this Mormonad. It has really helped me. Thank you for being a super teacher in seminary, too. And thank you, New Era, for printing it.

Sharlene Henry
Clearfield, Utah

Thanks for four

I would like to extend my gratitude to my mom and dad who have been most kind in giving me gift subscriptions to the New Era for four consecutive years now. During these years I have never missed an issue and have acquired a great deal of knowledge about the gospel and a lot of things. Above all, I have gained answers to my problems, and these have strengthened my testimony.

Rebecca R. Santos
San Juan, Philippines

Oh brother!

Before I came out on my mission, the article “The Way to a Missionary’s Mailbox” came out in the December 1976 issue of the New Era. A young lady I care for very much told me that was the kind of letters she’d be writing me. At first I thought, “Oh, brother,” but now after being out a few months, I’m really glad she follows the ideas from the magazine. Her letters are really uplifting and motivating—the type missionaries need. Now I’d like to say thanks for myself and many other elders for the great article.

An Elder
New York Rochester Mission


Shadrack Roundy! We received our May New Era, and who did I see mentioned in a Feedback letter but my fourth great-grandfather, Shadrack Roundy. There couldn’t be two. There he sits on the far right side of my pedigree chart as the father of Nancy, my third great-grandmother. Now, I’ve heard of the Spirit of Elijah working in strange ways, but this has to be the most convenient way yet—to pick up the New Era and find an ancestor’s name in print.

We have five children, four of whom are of New Era age, and they all read it. It is such a vigorous, practical, interesting magazine, just bursting with vitality. Even we parents enjoy it. Please keep talking to these great young people. They’re out there listening to you. Those mission-preparation articles are especially good. The news of youth activity is fun to see because it gives our kids the feeling of being a part of a larger whole, that their activities are similar to those of LDS youth churchwide. Thanks for providing a welcome aid in parenting these kids.

Nancy B. Athay
Longview, Washington
