March 1978

“Feedback,” New Era, Mar. 1978, 2


Onward Christian scholars

We are encouraging our seminary and institute students to take initiative in influencing their high school and college campuses for good by sharing the truths and principles of the gospel. Imagine our delight upon receiving the special missionary edition of the New Era and reading the excellent short story “Onward Christian Soldiers” by Jack Weyland. It will certainly be a great source of inspiration to all students who strive to give back as much to their campus as they receive.

Gordon E. Mauss
Coordinator California Los Angeles Division Seminaries and Institutes of Religion

Two hours later

Today I hurried home from work eager to read our weekly letter from our missionary son serving in the Argentina Cordoba Mission. Much to my disappointment, the letter wasn’t here. Instead, the October issue of the New Era was waiting for me. That was two hours ago. I just finished reading it from cover to cover. I love this magazine and the influence it has been on my children. I also have a son serving a mission in the London South Mission.

Carolyn Barnard
Blackfoot, Idaho

A long ways away

I would like to give a New Era gift subscription to a nonmember penpal who lives in Sweden. She came out to my home and stayed with us for two weeks, and she is really quite interested in the Church. I know that Sweden is a long ways away, and so I would like to know if the New Era can get there every month and if four dollars will cover all the cost. I really am trying to be a missionary to this beautiful girl. I do hope that the New Era will help her join the Church. I know that the Church is true, and I so much want her to know it also.

Laurie Lamb
Salem, Utah

A four dollar subscription will take the New Era wherever you want to send it. Editor.

Open our mouths

I thoroughly enjoyed the story “Onward Christian Soldiers” in the October New Era. I was fascinated by Sara’s courage in standing up for what she believed amidst the ridicule she received. Too often we’re afraid to “open our mouths,” to speak up for the truth, telling our convictions with courage and love.

Mrs. Diana Nielson
Salt Lake City, Utah


As missionaries in the great Australia Adelaide Mission we would like to let you know we think the New Era contains some spot-on, crash-hot gear. It has helped us immensely in communicating with the youth of Port Lincoln. The way it portrays the gospel is beautiful; the pictures are keen; the stories are terrific; and the Mormonisms are simply a smash. You are a cool mob of blokes and birds. Keep up the great work.

Elders Kelly Flynn and Bill Jacobsen
Australia Adelaide Mission

Prepare for the possible

I was pleased to see the October issue of the New Era devoted to missionary work. The calling to preach the gospel to the world is important. We need to remind ourselves of that responsibility and of ways to fulfill it. I especially enjoyed the discussion among the high school students about how they could be missionaries. I was disturbed, however, by one omission from that discussion. I believe that it is a young lady’s responsibility not only to be a member-missionary and to help the young men around her prepare for missionary service, but also to prepare herself for possible service as a full-time missionary. It is not the obligation of every sister in the Church to serve a mission, but it is the privilege of many. No one knows what the future will hold, but I am certain that a knowledge and strong testimony of the gospel will be priceless possessions for any sister.

Benita Brown
Logan, Utah


When I received the November New Era, I was wondering what the magazine could offer a two-year-old boy. Kent Keller, Jed Clark, and Melvin Leavitt came up with the answer—eagles and owls! Boy, was Matt excited! He has just become interested in bird pictures, and he smiled broadly at all the beautiful and precious pictures. I hope more youngsters will see this article. Please give us more of such wonderful photographs. I also loved “A Flower of Forgiveness.” As I read it, I hoped that the lady would help her arch rival with his garden since he was unable to work. It was a beautiful story. Please give us more stories by Hank W. Edrington.

Helen Lou Dahl
Oakland, California

Blessings and ballots

I feel that I must express my opinion concerning a letter in the December Feedback. It seems that because a certain girl never let down her standards, she was greatly blessed by being voted student-body president, runner-up to the homecoming queen, and most outstanding girl student. In our Laurel class we have about five or six beautiful girls who have managed to keep their standards high and set wonderful examples for their friends at our high school. As far as I can see, none of these girls has been—or will be—voted to any position of great social status at school. Now, I submit to you that the blessings the Lord promises those who remain faithful do not consist of becoming student-body president. You can’t take a high school office with you to the celestial kingdom. I’m not saying that there’s anything bad about being involved in the social aspect of school. Such activities can give us the chance to share the gospel with a wider variety of people. But let’s not give the ones who haven’t had these particular privileges the idea that they’re missing out on all the Lord’s promises to the diligent and long-suffering.

Linda Lu Rockwood
San Antonio, Texas

Reading about myself

Today I received the December New Era, and it was a blessing and inspiration in my life. The article “The Christmas Present” was especially close to my heart because four years ago I too spent Christmas day in a hospital bed. I had sustained a badly broken back and serious internal injuries as the result of a car accident. As I read this article, I was reading about myself because the emotions expressed were the same ones I was feeling then—loneliness and depression. But thanks to a beautiful family and a lot of wonderful people in the Anaheim California Stake, it was a beautiful Christmas. My back was completely healed, and my heart is full tonight as I thank you for sharing this article. I especially want to thank Brother Dearden for “forcing” me to relive that Christmas four years ago and remember again how greatly I am blessed.

Shelley Shelton
El Paso, Texas

Best Page in the magazine

Enclosed is a check for $156 for 78 six-month gift subscriptions to the New Era. These are all gift subscriptions to nonmember friends and teachers who attend and teach at Page High School here in Page, Arizona. The number of subscriptions averages out to about one gift subscription for each seminary student. We feel that much good will come from this project and that many will come into the Church.

Bryson H. Jones
Page Seminary Principal
Page, Arizona

Being 14

Being 14 years old this September, I started high school and seminary. With all my new responsibilities, I was beginning to feel less spiritual than I should. I needed something to renew my faith. I had been praying about it and was glad to come home from school and find the October New Era in the mailbox. It was just what I needed! I read it from cover to cover and was really inspired by all the articles, especially “I Thought You’d Never Ask,” “Treat Everyone As If He Were a Mormon,” and “That They May Know.” Two years ago a friend gave me a New Era subscription. I have since renewed it and plan on giving a subscription to a close friend on her birthday. Thank you for helping me to renew my faith.

A New Era Reader
Cerritos, California

The magic box

I am a missionary in the Missouri Independence Mission, and whenever I arrive in a new area I go right to the box where the New Eras are kept. This time I found the article “On my Honor” in the May 1977 issue. At the end the author says he’s a Scoutmaster in a little town in Utah, so right away I looked to see who wrote it and found that he was in my ward. I’d like to thank Brother Kostenko for the beautiful article.

Elder Dale Munk
Missouri Independence Mission
