undefined undefined Feedback
April 1978

“Feedback,” New Era, Apr. 1978, 2


Nonmember missionary

Thanks for the idea of sharing a subscription to the New Era. My friends were all delighted to have the subscription. One of my friends is even taking the missionary lessons now and is thinking of joining the Church. I can still remember when he received his first issue, which had a lot about the temples in it. After he had finished reading it, he came running over to my house, with his face glowing, and said “That’s where I want to be married—in the temple!” I’m not a member yet myself. It’s been a two-year wait for me, and I still have to wait another six months. Thanks for this wonderful missionary tool and especially for the article “Every Nonmember a Missionary.” I still remember my next door neighbor saying to me, “Here you are going around telling everybody about the Church, and you’re not even a member yet!” He is now planning to go on a mission when he’s 19. I have been fortunate to have been able to set a good example to many of my friends. As a matter of fact, I now have the opportunity to give a report in my California history class on the Mormon influence in California. It’s not going to be easy to limit myself to historical facts and not try to convert the whole class.

Adriana Lillian Brown
Menlo Park, California

Hang on tight

Please may I take this opportunity to thank Sister M. Glade of Salt Lake City, Utah, for the happiness she has given me for the past three years in filling my life with the New Era each month. This magazine is too special to keep for myself, so I order a year’s supply for as many friends as possible. I’ve been in the Church just over three years, and I’ve enjoyed every minute of my membership. The gospel is my life. I could not live without it! To my converts and friends I say, “Stay strong.” To my brothers and sisters throughout the world I say, “Hang on tight to the gospel.” It’s the most precious thing we can ever possess. And to you who are not members and want a testimony, I say, “Pray until you get one.” And thank you, New Era, for always being there when I need you.

Sister Anna Maria Bajerska
Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England

It looks hopeful

Thank you so much. Last month I gave subscriptions to two friends. The girl is a Buddhist, but she had tears in her eyes when she thanked me. The guy also thanked me, and he’s a very strong Methodist. The girl is taking the missionary lessons, and it looks hopeful.

Karen Collins
Clearfield, Utah


Although I have grown up in the Church, the December New Era is the first Church magazine I have ever read all the way through. As I read it I was touched by the Spirit of the Lord. I’m sorry I haven’t read the New Era more in the past. The two articles I liked the best were “When White Shirts Turn Gray” and “The Christmas Present.” Those two stories really are beautiful. I’m grateful to the New Era for opening my eyes. I now look forward each month to reading this new-found treasure. It really helps me get the work of the Lord done.

Elder Rusty Tedlund
California Sacramento Mission

This morning I cried

I have been reading the December New Era. I’m 20, married, and I strive to be a better person each and every day. This magazine has come to me each month, but it never seemed to benefit me in any way. Then, this morning I cried. The reason was the beautiful and most touching story “The Christmas Present” by Layne H. Dearden. It pricked my heart, and tears fairly squirted from my eyes. My father went into the hospital shortly before Christmas, and we didn’t know if he would be home for Christmas. The story hit home to me for that reason. The rest of the magazine was special, and it holds more meaning for me than ever before. I’m so glad that my husband got me the subscription.

Pat Leonhardt
Louisville, Kentucky

Sí, Mate

I am a missionary in the Language Training Mission studying Spanish in preparation for my mission to Australia. Today I gave a talk in Sunday School using the December New Era. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole issue. I am the only member in a family of eight children, and I want to convert my family as well as the people in Australia. I especially enjoyed “When White Shirts Turn Gray,” “The Christmas Present,” and “A Part of the Giving.” I have a sister who is a junior in high school and a brother in the seventh grade who would really enjoy the spirit of this fine magazine.

Elder Leigh Hawsey
Language Training Mission

Brigham and Joseph

I am truly grateful for the article “Brigham and Joseph” in the December issue. It helped me strengthen my testimony of the relationship between these two prophets. Thanks so much for these wonderful, inspirational messages.

Elder Reed Arnold
Indiana Indianapolis Mission

The spiritual spin cycle

I’m in a mission that’s one of the furthest from Church headquarters in Salt Lake City, 14,000 miles away approximately. Even though it sounds such a long way, all of us here feel we are still a close and vital part of the Church. One of the things that helps us keep close is the New Era. As you know, we receive many copies so that we can distribute them to investigating families and place them in places that are frequently visited by the public—doctors’ waiting rooms, dental clinics, hospitals, and laundromats. I’ve known of two people who were eventually baptized who first came in contact with the Church through a Church magazine in a laundromat. They were so impressed that the next time they saw the elders, they stopped them and asked to hear more about the gospel. The New Era is a great way to get excited about the gospel. I always enjoy my preparation days because I can take time to catch up on what’s going on by reading the New Era. So keep ’em coming.

Elder Russ Hembrow
Australia Perth Mission

The real heroes

I read “I Met Him on Forrester Pass” in the January magazine and felt a postscript should be added. We plead with all leaders of our young men and women never to undertake danger-ridden hikes, etc. No one has the right to expose anyone’s precious children, not even his own, to such dangers. The real heroes of this story were those who had the foresight, wisdom, and courage to turn back. The Lord was merciful to the others, but it is written: “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” I do not say that these leaders did that, but I plead for enough courage and wisdom to say, “Let’s take no chances.” Brethren and sisters, be wise. Have courage to say no. Do not endanger the limbs or lives of our precious youth.

Horst Scharffs
Salt Lake City, Utah

Scriptural journal

I’ve been reading the New Era for five years now, and I love it. After reading “How to Start That Diary You’ve Been Intending to Keep” in the January issue, I’ve developed a great way to keep my own diary. I write the happenings of the day in the journal after school. Then I read in the scriptures and note down the points that especially apply to the experiences I have recorded in my journal. It’s great, especially when you read through it again! After that I’m in the right frame of mind to start my homework.

Evelyn Thompson
London, Ontario, Canada

Business is hopping

We all know how earnestly missionaries are looking for interested investigators. I thought the enclosed picture of some Australian “investigators” of Elders Packer and Tanner of the Australia Brisbane Mission might be of some interest to New Era readers.

Nathan C. Tanner

It’s a deal

I really enjoy the New Era. My mother gave me my subscription, and she reads every issue that comes. I especially liked the story “Ready or Not” in the January magazine. I also enjoyed the Talk of the Month, “How Did You Do Today?”, by Brad Christensen. I guess I just wrote to say that if you keep up the good work, I’ll keep subscribing.

Sharon Jewell
Juneau, Alaska

Cultivating testimonies

I want to say how much the New Era and the beautiful people in my ward have done to help my testimony grow, and most importantly, to help me become a member of the Church.

A reader