August 1978

“Feedback,” New Era, Aug. 1978, 3


Dare to be different

I am so thankful for the article “The importance of Reputation” (February 1978). After reading it I have realized that I don’t have to do as my peers do and I can start setting a good example for them to follow. This article has helped me realize how important a good reputation is.

Diane Burt
Piqua, Ohio

Prayers bring results

I want to tell you how much I appreciate the New Era and the inspirational articles written by our leaders. Each month there seems to be something in the magazine that helps me in my own personal life.

I really appreciated President Kimball’s counsel on prayer (March 1978). Often as missionaries we pray to the Lord for help with our investigators, and when we are really sincere in our requests he blesses us. Yet as President Kimball says, we can easily become repetitious in our prayers.

Thanks for publishing such an inspiring magazine each and every month. It helps to build us missionaries up. Keep up the good work.

Sister Sue Caley
England London South Mission

Mission motivation

I have just received my March New Era and I had to write and say “thanks” for the article by Elder Sill, “The Miracle of Personality.” It really helped me; I have just recently begun saving for a mission and today went to see my bishop. After he had told me all that was expected of me, I felt a little discouraged, but after reading this article, it really motivated me and made me realize that the harder I have to work, the better I can become. The Era has really helped me since I joined the Church last year, and I thank you for this.

Mike Taylor
Newton Aycliff, Durham, England

The love of a friend

I am not a Mormon, but because of the love of a Mormon friend, I look forward each month for my New Era to arrive. It is so refreshing to read of the very viable and certainly ongoing work of the Mormon church. The New Era deserves a solid plaudit for being an outstanding Christian witness.

Especially outstanding was the superbly written “Who Is Jesus Christ?” (March 1978). It is clearly evident that the author, Donald Q. Cannon, wrote from a personal, prayerful, and loving relationship with Christ!

Our responsibility is to open our hearts to the outpouring of Christ’s eternal love working through the daily influence of the Holy Spirit; when we do this, it is amazingly clear just who Jesus Christ is, isn’t it?

I thank him each day in my prayers that I grow in his love, and yes, I am also extremely grateful for the fine publication in which this letter is printed—many thanks for the fine Christian spirit that is evident in the New Era.

David Carpenter
San Rafael, California

Something old, something new

I am very happy to take a few moments and thank you people of the New Era. My companion has been quite sick for the better part of the day, and while I was studying, I happened to notice a box full of new and old New Eras. I took a few of the older ones and went over again some of the stories that I remember reading years ago; they never cease to interest me. As it has for many other people, the New Era has really been an influence in my life.

New Era, you are doing what is expected of you; keep up the good work!

Elder Bruce R. Clark
Canada Vancouver Mission

A gift from Manitoba

My pen pal, Michelle Lindsay of Manitoba, is a new member of the Church and gave me a one-year subscription. Although I am a nonmember, I wanted to write and tell you that I think the New Era is a good magazine.

Nancy Norman
New Denver, British Columbia, Canada

In focus

I am a missionary for our Lord Jesus Christ. I am serving in the great country sometimes known as the Land Down Under (Australia). I have always enjoyed the New Era and Ensign magazines, but I didn’t ever appreciate them as much as I do now. I love the Missionary Focus department of the New Era. I don’t get the New Era on a regular basis, so I really look forward to seeing a copy. As a missionary, there are many times when I get depressed, but reading in Missionary Focus about the different way people do missionary work is the best way I know to get myself motivated to go out and do it again. I also learn that there is nothing we can’t overcome. I especially liked the Missionary Focus “Captive Missionary” in the April issue. We can be missionaries anywhere if our hearts are right.

Elder Daniel A. Washburn
Australia Melbourne Mission
