March 1979

“Feedback,” New Era, Mar. 1979, 2


Example examples

I have a very strong testimony of example. The article “In Football or in Life” (November) touched me deeply because of an experience we had a short time ago with a very special father and his sons whom we were teaching. The father said they had been jealous of their neighbors because of the happiness these neighbors had in their home. He concluded that it had to be a result of their religion because they truly live it. He wanted some of that true joy for his own family. I also think of my parents, who are the greatest examples to me. They always taught me true principles and raised me in the way that would please the Lord. They truly show charity (the pure love of Christ) in their everyday lives. My heart is full of love for my Father and mother in heaven, and my eldest brother Jesus Christ, and with gratitude for the love they have given the world. Our brothers and sisters all around the world need the gospel so much, and I’m thankful for the Church leaders who place their time and lives on the altar so that the world may receive the word of our Lord. I love all God’s children and am so thankful for the opportunity to grow by serving them.

Elder John Kevin Young
California Ventura Mission

Answers in October

I greatly appreciate the New Era. In fact, I get the feeling that each article in every issue is directed toward me in some way or other. My latest experience in this area deals with the October New Era, especially “Family Communications” by Elder Marvin J. Ashton and “Conver(t)sation” by Laird Roberts. Both deal with questions that have been on my mind for some time, and I am thankful for the answers.

Dennis M. McCrea
Blue Springs, Missouri

All aboard the Santa Fe

I would point out one small error in the article “The Gentile Cow” in the November New Era. On page 11 Sister Behunin refers to the Union Pacific Depot. This is an error. The Union Pacific Railroad does not operate in New Mexico. The railroad that ran and runs through her hometown of Bluewater is the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe, popularly known as the Santa Fe. The depot she refers to would be the Santa Fe Depot. Thanks for a great magazine. I love the articles in the New Era.

Lee Wohlgemuth
Severn, Maryland

Brother Wohlgemuth is absolutely right. The New Era definitely boarded the wrong train. Editor.

Planting seeds

As a missionary I look forward to reading the Church publications. Reading the stories of others’ uplifting experiences edifies my spirit. I enjoyed the story titled “Religion, Rebellion, and Rebecca” in the September New Era. The Spirit prompted me to follow the example of taking every opportunity to tell others about the Church. I know if every member of the Church took the time each day to tell someone a little about the gospel, he would see the results of his effort in years to come. We cannot enjoy the crops unless we plant the seeds. I pray that each of us will open our mouth and share the light we have found. I am so grateful for the truths I have found in this church—also for the chance my Father in Heaven has given me to direct others to those truths. No blessing could be greater than seeing someone find the joy I have found. Let’s share the gospel with others.

Elder Mark E. Lambert
Florida Tallahassee Mission

The magic explosion

I look forward hungrily to all the Church publications, but the one I love the most is the New Era. Though I’ve been married for 14 years, blessed with four children, a member of the Church for five years, and sealed in the temple four years ago, I am still a teen at heart. Each new day I feel as though some magic is about to explode within me and I’ll have more to offer my fellowmen and a greater peace and joy will fill my heart. As a teenager I remember wondering, “How am I going to become a person with truly something to offer?” The Church publications and programs provide the how. Also, the New Era provides a special flavor through which my young heart may identify and be filled many times over with the peace and joy and strength that the Holy Ghost brings. What else can I say but “Thank you from my heart!”

Monica Lynn Coombs
Ft. Meade, Maryland

What I should be doing

Thank you so much for the article called “A Word So Far Away” by Mark Allen Johnson in the November New Era. It gave me strength and determination to keep striving for that 100 percent goal for the Lord. I’ve been out in the field a little under a year, and the story really helped me understand what I should be doing here. I love the Lord with all my heart, and I’m striving to give him all I’ve got until the day I leave this, the “Mission of Excellence.” Thanks for opening my eyes and giving me a helping hand in the mission field.

Elder Kevin Cox
Michigan Dearborne Mission

A non-letter-to-the-editor type of person

I am not a letter-to-the-editor type of person. In fact, this is the first such letter I have written in my life. I have been an avid reader of the Church magazines since the age of eight or nine, and I want you to know that I feel your November issue is the finest piece of work that I have ever seen in that period of time. I am sure that we will never know the far-reaching effects of such an issue.

Kay H. Williams
Pocatello, Idaho

Sign up now

Serving a foreign mission certainly has its blessings as well as its disadvantages. One blessing we receive from serving in the Australia Perth Mission is being able to share the gospel with people from several different nations around the world. I wish I had read a story like Brother Taylor’s “To Every Man in His Own Tongue” (September) before my mission. it would be very handy to speak Italian or Yugoslavian here. One disadvantage we have is the slowness of the mail. Though we gladly receive our copies of the New Era, they are often two months old, but we do get them. I’ve been spiritually uplifted on many occasions through reading and pondering the New Era. I am grateful for the role the gospel has played thus far in my life. I will soon be leaving the mission field, and I am grateful I have been able to serve. It has truly been the greatest two years of my life. I am thrilled to be from a mission-minded family. I’d like to say hello to my sister Connie in the Netherlands Amsterdam Mission and to my brother Kevin in the Peru Arequipa Mission. To all of you contemplating a mission, may I encourage you to sign up now because it is the greatest thing you can do to help build the Lord’s kingdom. May the Lord bless you all as you strive to do his work.

Elder Dale Barnes
Australia Perth Mission

Our bread and butter

When we were baptized, we were encouraged to save money for a New Era subscription. But a kind missionary, Elder Dennis William Hobb, gave us a subscription. The New Era makes us feel so close to the Lord. It is an inspiration and enlightens our minds. It is our bread and butter, part of our family preparedness. We were inspired by the feature article “Young Courage” by Wayne B. Lynn in the May issue. We really like everything that is found in the New Era, especially the Feedback and the Mormonisms. We are members of the true church. Our activities in church keep us busy, but we find it to be the source of true happiness. Heavenly Father grants us the blessing of peace of mind for which all the world is seeking but few ever find.

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Elder Hobb, his parents, brothers, and sisters. How great are the blessings that friends bring to our lives!

Trinidad Ontolan Icao, Patricia Ontolan Icao, Manuela Ontolan Icao
Igot, Dipolog City, Philippines

To his house

I was reading through some New Eras and came across the article “Celestial Marriage” by Elder Bruce R. McConkie in the June issue. It has really affected my life. I have been guided by the Lord to a worthy priesthood holder who will love and help and trust me and take me to the temple. The June New Era has helped both of us understand celestial marriage. I am so grateful to know that the Lord is going to give me and my companion the opportunity to go to his house and walk by his Spirit always.

Patricia Faustini
East Branxton, Australia

Just when I needed it

I really liked the articles in the October issue of the New Era. They seemed to come at just the right time. “Family Communications” came just when I needed it most.

Christine Nims
Clackamas, Oregon
