FYI: For Your Information
March 1979

“FYI: For Your Information,” New Era, Mar. 1979, 44

For Your Information

New Apostle, General Authorities Join Ranks of Church Leadership

“I understand that a chief requirement for the holy apostleship is to be a personal witness of Jesus as the Christ and the Divine Redeemer. Perhaps on that basis alone, I can qualify,” humbly spoke Elder James E. Faust, newly sustained member of the Council of the Twelve, at general conference last October. He was called to replace Elder Delbert L. Stapley, who passed away in August.


Elder James E. Faust

“I hope to be a disciple after the manner and example of President Kimball and the others in their love for all, and especially for the humble, the downtrodden, the poor, the afflicted, the needy, and the poor in spirit,” Elder Faust continued. “I am mindful that if we forget these, we can in no way be His disciples.”

Elder Faust has a background rich in Church service. At the time of his new calling, he was serving in the Presidency of the First Quorum of the Seventy, was president of the International Mission, General Authority zone adviser for South America, executive director of the Church’s Curriculum Department, editor of the three monthly magazines, and vice-president and chairman of the executive committee of the Deseret News Publishing Company.

Before assuming full-time Church responsibilities in 1972, Elder Faust was an attorney in Salt Lake City, where he had been president of the Utah Bar Association in 1962–63, and an adviser to the American Bar Journal. In addition, he was appointed by President John F. Kennedy to the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights and Racial Unrest and was appointed by Utah Governor Scott Matheson as state director of the Fellowshipping Force. Elder Faust received his law degree from the University of Utah.

He was serving as an officer in the United States Air Force when he married Ruth Wright in the Salt Lake Temple. They are the parents of two daughters and three sons.

Elder Grant R. Bangerter was called to fill Elder Faust’s position in the Presidency of the First Quorum of the Seventy. He had been serving as a member of the quorum since its reorganization in 1976 and was the General Authority area supervisor for Brazil, where he previously served as a full-time missionary and as president of the Brazil Mission. He was also the first president of the Portugal Lisbon Mission and a former Assistant to the Twelve.

He has been a stake president twice, bishop, member of the Church Home Teaching Committee, Regional Representative, president of the International Mission, and associate managing director of the Genealogical Department.

Elder Bangerter, a building contractor, is a graduate of the University of Utah. He and his first wife, Mildred L. Schwantes, had three children. After his first wife’s death, Elder Bangerter married Geraldine Hamblin, and they are the parents of seven more children.

Called as new members of the First Quorum of the Seventy were Elder F. Burton Howard, Elder Teddy E. Brewerton, and Elder Jack H Goaslind.

Elder Howard has been a stake president, bishop, early morning seminary teacher, and full-time missionary in Uruguay. He received a law degree from the University of Utah, and has served as Assistant Attorney General for Utah, chief counsel for the Utah State Tax Commission, and law clerk on the Utah Supreme Court. He is married to the former Caroline Heise, and they are the parents of four sons and a daughter.

Elder Brewerton has served as a Regional Representative, president of what is now the Costa Rica San Jose Mission, bishop, and stake president in the Calgary Alberta Stake. He is a graduate of the University of Alberta in Canada and has also served in the Royal Canadian Air Force. At the time of his call he was the owner and operator of a medical center apothecary. He and his wife, the former Dorothy Hall, are parents of four daughters and two sons.

Prior to his call as a General Authority, Elder Goaslind had been a president of the Arizona Tempe Mission, Regional Representative, stake president, bishop, and counselor in the general presidency of the Aaronic Priesthood Mutual Improvement Association. He is a graduate of the University of Utah and has served as an officer in the U.S. Air Force. He and his wife, the former Gwen C. Bradford, have three sons and three daughters.

[Young Composer]

Becky Brewster, the Mia Maid adviser in the Spokane Ninth Ward, Spokane Washington Stake, was preparing a lesson on fellowshipping, and to aid in her presentation, she composed a poem. Entitled “In Search,” it is told from the point of view of a girl who goes searching for identity and love and instead finds herself becoming more and more lost and confused. Eventually a friend comes along who helps her to both find her way home and to understand that she is a daughter of God. One of those who listened to the poem, 14-year-old Lori Nibarger, was especially touched by the message and spent the following two weeks putting it to music. The result was a song that Lori has since performed in her ward and at several stake functions. Lori, who recently recorded an album of 12 songs for family and friends, is an honor student, cheerleader, and one of six sophomore senators at Mead High School in Spokane.

Seattle Dance Festival Fills World’s Fair Coliseum

by Ed Eaton

The huge Seattle Coliseum, built for the 1962 World’s Fair, proved too small for the 12-stake youth dance festival held there last spring. Nearly 2,400 young men and women from 96 wards filled the first several rows of the 14,000-seat coliseum as they awaited their turns to perform a variety of modern, folk, and conventional dances. The rest of the arena was packed with parents and friends who had first call on the free tickets.

When coordinator Susan Kinghorn of the Redmond Washington Stake and several ward specialists began planning the event, they anticipated about 800 youth, the number who had participated the last time such a large festival had been planned. But by opening night the number had swollen to 2,400 excited participants.

Elder James M. Paramore of the First Quorum of the Seventy addressed the youth during the first—and final—combined rehearsal. He spoke with them about personal commitment and pointed to the dedication President Kimball demonstrates in all he does.

“He decided early that his first commitment would be to the Lord,” said Elder Paramore. “There are no shortcuts.”

He also stressed President Kimball’s commitment to people, referring to the prophet’s frequent visits to the widows and the ill and the many letters he writes personally thanking people, “lifting them.”

“Commitment,” said Elder Paramore, “is doing what everyone else could do but doesn’t.”

Following the three-hour performance that night, Elder Paramore left his seat in the audience to join, arm-in-arm, with the youth as they sang, “I Am a Child of God.” It was an electric moment in the lives of the 14,000 members of the Church and their friends in the Seattle Coliseum.

Participating in the program were dancers from the Bellevue, Bremerton, Everett, Lynnwood, Federal Way, Puyallup, Mount Vernon, Redmond, Renton, Seattle, Seattle North, and Tacoma stakes in Washington.

What Are You Doing …

to save money for your mission? Maybe you started putting pennies in a piggy bank when you were three or four years old, and now add to it from what you earn on a paper route or flipping hamburgers at the local drive-in. Or perhaps, like Jay Lawrence of Sparks, Nevada, or Henry Copier, Jr., of Salt Lake City, Utah, you have found different ways of earning money for your mission.

Jay mastered the drums, vibraphones, and other percussion instruments, and used these talents in accompanying such entertainers as Jerry Lewis, Tom Jones, and pianist Liberace. Henry worked for a year building a duplex that is now drawing enough rent money to support him on his mission. These are only two examples of the interesting and imaginative ways in which some of our missionaries are supporting themselves.

We would like to hear some of the ways you are earning money for your missions so we may print an article sharing ideas and experiences. When you write to us, if you can, please include black and white pictures or slides, which we will return. Write soon; perhaps your idea will also prove helpful to other prospective missionaries. For each idea we print, we will pay $10. In case of duplicate entries, we will award the money to the sender with the earliest postmark. Address your ideas to FYI Editor, New Era Magazine, 50 East North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150.

How to Make a Good Mission Great
by G. Hugh Allred and Steve H. Allred
Deseret Book Company
$3.95, pp. 58

Bill was well-prepared for his mission in every way but one. He was a hardworker, studied his scriptures, and kept the rules. Yet, he was unhappy, and the Spirit told him something was wrong. Although he had developed much skill in getting assignments done and fulfilling responsibilities, he had not developed the ability to relate to others in loving, respectful ways. He tended to be impatient and abrupt, creating bad feelings and barriers with others. Now he was finally beginning to realize, through the help of the Spirit of the Lord, that such behavior toward others was inconsistent with the gospel of Christ.

Bill’s story introduces the theme of Making a Good Mission Great. The authors continue: “We are all much like Bill at times, for we all have behavior patterns that get in the way. … We can, however, learn to overcome these barriers—and for the missionary this is most important, for the way he relates to his companions, leaders, investigators, and others determines to a large extent the degree of his success in the mission field.” (p. 2.)

In six short chapters, the common types of “Babylon behavior” (that which pushes missionaries away from their Heavenly Father and from being true representatives of Christ) are contrasted with “Zion-like behavior” (respect, consideration, honesty, and openness). In frank, easy-to-understand language and examples, the authors show how missionaries can recognize their own strengths and weaknesses in communication and offers practical suggestions on how to develop positive relationships with others.

The counsel given within the pages of this slim volume can be easily read in an hour or two. Its real value, however, will be in the application of the principles discussed therein. The ideas presented can be of value not only to missionaries but to anyone seeking to develop more effective communication.

Sentence Sermons
Compiled by Dean R. Zimmerman
Deseret Book Company $7.95, pp. 282

“We remember the last conference as the best conference that we ever had because we are closest to it,” Elder George Albert Smith of the Council of the Twelve declared at the semiannual general conference of the Church on October 6, 1934. “How fine it would be if we could remember all the truths that we have heard in other conferences, not only remember them now, but if we could treasure them during life—retaining the teachings of the Lord which come to us through his servants.” (Conference Report, Oct. 1934, pp. 51–52.)

Sentence Sermons presents hundreds of sentence-long statements made not only in general conferences, but also published in the History of the Church, Journal of Discourses, and area conference reports. Approximately 300 subjects, ranging from ability to Zion, are arranged alphabetically in this handy reference volume. Approximately 125 General Authorities, living and dead, are quoted.

According to Brother Zimmerman, quotations were selected for their “brief, poetic expression of truth, humor, or practical wisdom.” The result is a book packed from cover to cover with inspirational thoughts from some of the great leaders throughout the history of the Church.

Family Meeting Planning and Record Form
by Robert Johnson
R.J.F. Enterprises
$3.25 (long size),
$3.00 (short size), pp. 50

What do you think of when you hear the words family home evening? Maybe you remember a special lesson someone gave that seemed to be just for you, or perhaps the night you all told your favorite Christmas stories, or maybe you think of the first home evening your family held after joining the Church. Whatever your special memories are, you don’t want to forget them. For this reason (and to aid in planning future meetings) Brother Robert Johnson has put together a Family Meeting Planning and Record Form—a one-page sheet that may be used in keeping records and planning upcoming family home evenings.

It contains space for all the details of the meeting—who was there, what songs were sung, who gave the prayers, what refreshments were served, and what the family activity was. In addition, a special section is given for “Past Week’s Highlights” where the major events of the preceding week may be recorded. This space may also be used for pictures, with more space provided on the back side of the form. There is also a space for recording assignments for the coming week, and a signature space for whoever recorded the information.

The record forms come in two sizes. One is punched to fit into a looseleaf notebook, and the other fits a Book of Remembrance binder. For those who are just beginning to hold family home evenings, the instruction sheet will explain all the ingredients that should be included in the weekly meeting.

For any family seeking a simple yet complete method of recording their family home evenings, these new forms will be very welcome.

Nibley on the Timely and the Timeless
by Hugh W. Nibley
Religious Study Center,
Brigham Young University
$7.5, pp. 323

“If there is a general agreement among most high school students that ‘history is bunk,’ and boring bunk at that, a little … exposure to Nibley may reverse the verdict.” So says Truman G. Madsen in the foreword to Nibley on the Timely and the Timeless, a collection of essays designed to offer a sampling of Dr. Nibley’s work.

In discussing his studies of the papyrus scrolls that Joseph Smith translated into a portion of the Pearl of Great Price, his work with ancient languages and civilizations, and his defense of the restored gospel, Dr. Nibley also investigates the implications of modern science compared with faith, the role of prophets, the law of sacrifice, and his firm conviction that God is in control of the earth, its history, and its peoples. For high school students, as for others, it is fascinating reading.

Division into individual essays makes it easy to read parts of the book at a time. Dr. Madsen’s introduction summarizes Dr. Nibley’s accomplishments. And an autobiography by the author himself offers valuable insight into fostering a love of learning about both spiritual and secular matters.

Had it been mass-produced on newsprint, the book would be worth owning. But to enhance its contents, the binding, cover, design, paper, and printing are all top-of-the-line. The book is valuable both for what it contains and for the appearance and quality of its manufacture.

The Mormons
Deseret Book Company
$3.95, pp. 104

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints aren’t perfect and don’t claim to be. But they know that perfection is possible, and their goal is to seek it. Perhaps this is why they feel such happiness and fulfillment in their lives.

This is the general message of The Mormons, a color-photo-filled glimpse at what it’s like to be a member of the restored church today. A narrative geared to those who are not members of the Church introduces them to the benefits of the gospel and the joy of an LDS lifestyle, no matter where they might live in the world. It also explains many of the fundamental doctrines and beliefs of the Church.

The Mormons deserves prominent display in every LDS household, where it is likely to promote gospel conversations with friends, relatives, and visitors in the home. The graphic design makes it fun to browse through, and the low cost of the paperback edition makes it practical to have several copies on hand to share.

Lori Nibarger
