September 1979

“Feedback,” New Era, Sept. 1979, 2



After many hours of hard work, the elders in the Texas Dallas Mission finally found Elderville!

Elders Jeffrey I. Newman, Stephan E. Phelps, L. Gene Hancock, Mark Pennington
Texas Dallas Mission

P day pleasure

The articles in the New Era are fantastic. They really make my preparation day reading a pleasure. I know that other elders also enjoy reading the New Era. Before my mission I didn’t ever read the Church magazines because I thought that they would be dry, but I was surely wrong.

The story “The Emergence of Butterflies” was super! Brother Weyland, like he says, “can relate to the problems of youth.” His stories add a new dimension to my preparation day reading. Keep his stories coming!

Elder David Steele
Bolivia Santa Cruz Mission


Who says Zion isn’t in Texas?

Elders Ricky Nelson and Steve Houston
Texas Houston Mission


I really enjoyed “The Emergence of Butterflies” by Jack Weyland in the April New Era. I also enjoyed the Mormonisms and the thoughts brought out in them.

Anne Haueter
Roosevelt, Utah

It’s the best

I really enjoy the articles in the New Era and try my best to read them all. The stories help the youth of the Church so much. I think all young people and anyone who reads the New Era will agree with me that it’s the best!

Darcy Davis
Davison, Michigan

“Phone Call” still great

I first ran into the BYU motion picture “The Phone Call” (based on Jack Weyland’s February 1976 New Era story “Sometimes a Phone Call”) when I was attending a film festival for teachers put on by media personnel for the state of Utah in St. George. I was thrilled with it then—I laughed myself silly and learned a good lesson, too. Later on I was delighted to find that the film is available for teachers in the Granite School District in Salt Lake City.

I showed the film last night to my singles’ branch home evening group, and the result was the same as always—everyone got a hearty laugh, but the lesson portrayed in the story remained as a deep impression.

I have always admired and appreciated the Jack Weyland stories you run in the magazine. Please keep them coming.

Mitzi Knorr
Salt Lake City, Utah

The only standard work

I really enjoyed the article “The Joy Is in Becoming.” I noticed at the end of the article it said, “We welcome your comments and ideas on this subject for possible use in a future article,” so I have decided to write a couple of things about the subject of modesty.

This article discusses an important principle of the gospel. It also is an important principle in my life, so I would like to share some comments and ideas. People want to be accepted, and they want to be like everyone else. Those who are wearing immodest clothes want to be in the “in” group, so they have let their standards down.

We are afraid of persecution by our peers.

“And blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely. …

“For ye shall have great joy and be exceeding glad, for great shall be your reward in heaven.” (3 Ne. 12:11–12.)

We must be good examples of the Lord’s church and stand up for what we believe in. We must stand up for the teachings of the gospel, for they are true. As someone has said, we should be careful how we act. We may be the only standard works people will read.

Too many of us are of the silent majority. We must stand up for what we believe in.

Deette Dickson
Salt Lake City, Utah

You just don’t realize

You just don’t realize how much I appreciate the New Era. The articles always bring a smile to my face. They are very rewarding, and they have built my testimony greatly. Thanks so much.

Tracy Thomas
Salt Lake City, Utah

Butterfly tears

Thank you for the lovely story “The Emergence of Butterflies” in the April issue. It left me with tears in my eyes. It was so beautiful.

As a student journalist and writer, I was very impressed with its construction The only criticism I have of it was including the two quotes from the story enlarged on the pages. But that is just my personal opinion.

I think the New Era, and other Church magazines, are the best available. The articles, stories, and pictures are excellent. When I read the magazines at college, I get asked questions on the gospel, so it is a very good missionary tool, too. One of my ambitions is to write an article good enough for the Church magazines.

Lots of love to all your staff and to LDS people everywhere. You’re like the gospel—beautiful!

Jacqui Oliver
London, England

My own movie

I enjoyed reading “My Own Movie” by Dan Lindstrom in the April New Era. I did not realize that all of us are making movies of our lives. I, like Brother Lindstrom, hope that the “idea of making a movie of my life will help me do many good things,” especially since I am serving the Lord on a mission.

Elder Michael Stewart
Ohio Columbus Mission

A becoming tribute

I just finished reading “The Joy Is in Becoming” in the June New Era. That article made my day! Our responsibility as members of the Church to be examples of modesty is very important, and young men and women share the responsibility equally. As a prospective missionary, I appreciate the examples of modesty set by the young women in my stake. Their dress and actions are always uplifting, and they always give a great “first impression.” Thank you, Peggy, Elizabeth, Becki, and Marie. I’m proud to have sisters like you in the Church.

Ric Wyatt
La Grande, Oregon

The finest I know

I came in from proselyting this evening and picked up the April New Era. I was really impressed with two articles, “Missionary on Mars Hill” and “A Question of Service.” Now serving a full-time mission, I can truly see the blessings the Lord gives to missionaries. While serving here in Arco, Idaho, I’ve seen many great things happen. The people here in this valley are the finest I know. The New Era brings much joy when we receive it.

Elder Brandon Bushey
Idaho Pocatello Mission
