David Spice: President
April 1980

“David Spice: President,” New Era, Apr. 1980, 14

David Spice:

David Spice is deacons quorum president in the Brampton Ward, Toronto Ontario Stake. Like other young men, he may find time on weekdays for hockey, swimming, basketball, or baseball, but the Sabbath belongs to his quorum members and the Lord. For David, Sunday is a day of service.

While most quorum members are still in bed, David is up checking over his agenda for presidency meeting and preparing to conduct the quorum meeting.

Shortly before time for priesthood meeting, he calls some of his deacons to remind them of assignments or invite them to the meeting.

David’s father calls the family together for family prayer before he and David leave for priesthood meeting.

David knows that he must set an example in personal grooming as in all other ways. Before leaving for the chapel, he checks his appearance in the hall mirror.

This is a special day. It is the first day the Brampton Ward is meeting in phase one of its new meetinghouse. David and the other deacons have helped in its construction. Now they will help with the landscaping and the construction of phase two. They will always help to keep it clean and its atmosphere reverent.

David welcomes the deacons and adult leaders to the deacons quorum meetings, discusses business, and makes assignments. Then he listens intently as his adviser teaches the lesson.

After quorum meeting, he meets with his counselors, Randy Sookhoo and Terry DeGouw and his secretary, Kingsley Anderson, in quorum presidency meeting. They complete their three-month calendar, and David assigns responsibility for the activation of quorum members. They also plan a strawberry-picking party.

In Sunday School David serves as bishop’s messenger and passes the sacrament. Afterward he takes an active part in his Sunday School class discussion.

After lunch David and his father work on their talks. David’s father is a high councilor, and he and David are speaking at a ward in Toronto this afternoon.

David talks on the keys of the Aaronic Priesthood. His father talks on the importance of families. Everyone listens intently as David speaks. He has prepared well and speaks fluently.

Back home, the family relaxes after dinner by playing a scripture-study game. David does well because he studies his scriptures daily.

Before getting ready for bed, David records his day’s activities and insights in his journal.

Sunday is a special day for a deacons quorum president, but throughout the entire week, David will try to help his deacons. He says, “I feel that if I don’t do my job I’m going to be in real trouble, because the Church needs good deacons to make it strong.”

Photos by Eric W. White
