June 1980

“Feedback,” New Era, June 1980, 2


I’m glad to know

As a full-time missionary, I was thrilled to read “The Joy Is in Becoming.” Please thank the four girls for me. I think both the questions and the answers were great. When I return home and begin dating, one of the most important things to me (and other elders) will be a girl’s moral standards. I’m glad to know that there are Mormon girls who live these divine standards all the time.

Elder Randy Davis
Creve Coeur, Missouri

What we run for

In the 17 months I have been on my mission, the New Era has become a part of my study program. The principles and spirit given are great. I especially appreciated “Decide Now Not to Compromise” in the July issue. Our crown comes by obedience and endurance, and I’m sure Paul understood this when he wrote, “So run, that ye may obtain” (1 Cor. 9:24). The crown of eternal life with God will come if we are “straight arrows” and do not compromise any standard of the gospel. This I know—that we will get what we run for! Who could ask for more than eternity with our Heavenly Father?

Elder Kieven H. Israelsen
New Zealand Auckland Mission

New Eras every day

I just moved to California, and already I’ve got a calling in the Church. I’m the Beehive class secretary. Ever since I got that job, I’ve been reading my New Eras every day. I really enjoyed the Missionary Focus “Bus Full of Strangers” in the June issue and the fiction “I Think Mom and Dad Are Going Crazy, Jerry” in May. Thanks for the great example this great magazine sets for me.

Erica Jiminey
Thousand Oaks, California

Merry Christmas!

I was given the New Era for Christmas, and I find that it strengthens my testimony. I’d just like to say how much the Church has helped my life. My testimony has grown stronger and stronger. Thanks to the Church I know that there is a true and divine purpose in life and that we have a loving Heavenly Father. This world is so full of sin that we must pray constantly lest we fall into temptation. I find that the New Era is one of the best ways to keep my thoughts clean and holy. It gives me inspiration and guidance and is helping me prepare for a mission.

Roy Banerijee
London, England


I just had to write and tell you of the most fantastic thing that has happened since Prince Charming kissed Sleeping Beauty and woke up the whole town. I’m a full-time missionary (have been for 21 months now), and I’ve had the usual share of ups and downs, neat experiences, and even baptisms during my mission.

Well, having been out in the mission field so long, I found things becoming sort of routine, and I wanted to “give it my best shot” these last few months. But I didn’t know how. One night right after my companion and I had said our prayers and were about to retire to bed, it happened. I saw the August and September issues of the New Era. I couldn’t help myself—I took them into my room and read and read and read until my eyes were bloodshot. I finished devouring both issues before the sun came up the next morning.

During the night, a miraculous transformation had taken place. I was so different, even my companion didn’t recognize me at the breakfast table. I was smiling! He ate his breakfast warily, keeping an eye on me. Then we went out to work. It must have become contagious, because everywhere we went that day, others caught it too. Now many more people in this small Iowa town are smiling (and they don’t even know why). All because of the New Era!

A Missionary
Iowa Des Moines Mission

The road to happiness

We thought this sign was very interesting back here where we haven’t found a whole lot of Mormons.

Elders Scott Rackman and Norman Stevens
Wisconsin Milwaukee Mission

A new life

As I sat down to read the New Era this month, the first thing I read was the Feedback section. After reading a few letters, I felt that I would like to share with other readers how much / enjoy the New Era. I have been a member for seven months, and I have found in that time that joining the Church was the best step I ever took. I have been so very happy. I would like to thank my Heavenly Father and Sister Hall for sending Elder Carter and Elder Gerney to me and my family. They have opened up a new life for me.

Sheila Leman
Tonopah, Nevada

Of banana peels

Thank you for the inspiring story “The Banana Peel Case” by Ron Knowlton and also the article “The Secret of TPLOC” by Kelly Johnson. I especially enjoyed the former because there are many older people in our area. From now on I plan to take a closer look at these older people as prospective members. The thing I most liked about “The Secret of TPLOC” was that I felt exactly like that missionary on my first Christmas away from home. I only wish that more missionaries could learn the secret of TPLOC.

Elder Mark Farnsworth
Kentucky Louisville Mission

Far above rubies

Super great are the words that describe the New Era articles that inspire me regularly. My special thank-you for “The Joy Is in Becoming” in the June issue. What a great joy to know there are virtuous and lovely young ladies in the Church. As the scriptures say in Proverbs 31:10 [Prov. 31:10]: “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” This is the type of young lady that I, as a returned missionary, will take with me to the temple.

Randy Davis
Syracuse, Utah

Thanks for being there

I’ve been reading the August New Era, and I read with extra care “The Balm of Gilead” by Elder Boyd K. Packer. I especially enjoyed the story he told about the young man who lost his wife soon after childbirth, and about the grudge that ate away at his heart, and how his stake president told him to forget his grudge against the doctor. I really needed to hear this advice right now. Thanks so very much for being there when I needed help.

Cecelia Snow
Rexburg, Idaho

Growing pains

Aloha! The August issue of the New Era was an answer to many prayers and long strugglings. “The Balm of Gilead” spoke deeply to my soul, answering my doubts over disappointment, seeming injustice, and supposed unrighteous dominion. Thank you. I was converted in the army less than four years ago and now am laboring in the mission field. I know that many will be blessed because of the impact of your article. Even my continual “growing pains” are at ease. Please continue to succor those in need.

Elder Paul Alan Finch
Hawaii Honolulu Mission

I can relate

Like many other missionaries, I would like to express my thanks and gratitude for the help the New Era has given me in my calling. I was deeply impressed with the story entitled “The Banana Peel Case” in the August New Era. I feel that I can relate to Elder Parks. I am presently serving in Ottumwa, Iowa, which is a very old farming town located about 20 miles north of the Mormon Trail. The city has 30,000 residents, many of whom are retired. Many of these elderly people can remember their fathers telling them the story of how the Mormons followed the trail west in covered wagons and ox carts. “The Banana Peel Case” has reminded me again of the wonderful calling that I have been given to spread the gospel to people of all ages.

Elder Cipriano Trujillo
Des Moines Iowa Mission
