A Puzzlement: People and Places in Pioneer History
August 1980

“A Puzzlement: People and Places in Pioneer History,” New Era, Aug. 1980, 47

A Puzzlement:

People and Places in Pioneer History

Match the person or place below with the correct statement below:

a. William Clayton

1. Sailed around Cape Horn from New York to California with emigrating Saints in 1846 and traveled to Green River hoping to convince Brigham Young to continue on to California.

b. John Taylor

2. Temporary city and gathering place for Saints on west bank of the Missouri River (near what is now Omaha, Nebraska); departure point for the initial pioneer company in April 1847, following a disastrous winter when 600 Saints died there.

c. Heber C. Kimball

3. Convinced of the desolation of the Great Basin, this man offered a thousand dollars for the first ear of corn ripened in the Salt Lake Valley.

d. Brigham Young

4. A scientist, this elder made daily temperature, altitude, and astronomical observations during the pioneer trek, and after arriving at last in Salt Lake Valley, dedicated the land.

e. Orson Pratt

5. Pioneers traveled the north bank of this body of water in order to establish a permanent trail for those who would follow; a large portion of this trail subsequently became the route of the Union Pacific Railroad.

f. Colonel James Bridger

6. Sent ahead by President Young to tell Orson Pratt to bear northward after entering the valley and to find the first suitable spot for planting seed. Elder Pratt and this man entered the valley together on July 21, 1847, with 25 wagons and 42 men.

g. Erastus Snow

7. This stream was dammed to soak the ground for plowing and planting, but it was too late in the season to produce a good crop in the valley.

h. Wilford Woodruff

8. Driver of the carriage of the ill Brigham Young when the prophet stated, “This is the right place. Drive on,” on July 24, 1847. This elder also spoke at the first sacrament meeting held in the valley the following day, and became fourth President of the Church in 1889.

i. Samuel Brannan

9. Place where an advance party of the pioneer company had provisions replenished by ferrying their former Missouri enemies across the Platte River for $1.50 per wagon, paid in flour, meal, and bacon.

j. Oregon Trail

10. Lieutenant general of the pioneers’ military camp, organized with captains over 100s, 50s, and 10s.

k. Platte River

11. Requested by the prophet to write something that would encourage the Saints on their difficult journey, this man composed in two hours the words to “All Is Well.”

l. Winter Quarters

12. Route of easterners heading toward the west coast and traveled in part by Mormon pioneers.

m. Black Hills

13. Apostle and leader of the first group to move out of Winter Quarters on April 5, 1847, with six wagons; named first counselor to President Young when the First Presidency was reorganized in December of that year.

n. Emigration Canyon

14. Final part of the route before pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley; where This Is the Place Monument now stands.

o. City Creek

15. Returning from a mission, this elder brought $2,000 in gold contributed by Saints in England, along with scientific instruments to aid the pioneers in their journey.


(Information source: Essentials in Church History, Joseph Fielding Smith, Deseret Book Company, 1967.)

  • 1. i; 2. l; 3. f; 4. e; 5. k; 6. g; 7. o; 8. h; 9. m; 10. d; 11. a; 12. j; 13. c; 14. n; 15. b
