Pieces of Eternity
August 1980

“Pieces of Eternity,” New Era, Aug. 1980, 25

Pieces of Eternity

I always knew you would come


I guess I just wasn’t expecting it

So soon.

And though I wasn’t expecting a white stallion

And a castle in the clouds,

Maybe I was expecting a little armor.

It’s odd how quietly you came—

No fanfare,

No fireworks,

No dramatic revelation;

I just turned around one day

And there you were,

Where you’d always been.

Your hand fit quietly in my hand,

And your life quietly filled a void in my life.

It seems odd;

I have always looked at eternity

As some vast and distant goal,

But now I find

That bits and pieces of eternity

Are settling quietly

All around me.

Photo by Greg Bohnstedt
