undefined undefined Feedback
May 1981

“Feedback,” New Era, May 1981, 3


Hitting home

In the July 1980 New Era there was a story that really touched our hearts. It was “Last Camp Along the Way” by Jack Weyland. It was a spot-on story. We enjoy all the stories in the New Era, but this one really hit home. We both know that the priesthood is very important to each of us.

Elders Wright and Hathaway
Australia Melbourne Mission

I am only 12. …

I am only 12 years old, but love the New Era and read every article every month. It is a great help to me in everything I do. Every article is interesting and teaches me things. I especially enjoyed the article “A Prophet Cares.” It showed me how much our prophet cares about all kinds of people, no matter where they are, and how much time he takes to care about them. I also enjoyed the article by Elder McConkie on personal revelation in the June New Era. It showed me how to receive revelation and how that revelation can help me in the things I do.

Dannette Ludwig
Montpelier, Idaho

Even prouder

I want to thank the New Era for publishing the inspiring article about Elder Mike Tolman (“A Celestial Missionary,” August 1980). Although I never met Mike, he has set such a good example for me, indeed for all of us, that he makes me even prouder to be a Mormon.

Roberta Hartt
Rochester, New York

Especially these

The day looked like it was going to be one of those long, dragged-out, miserable ones. We’d been in for two days with the flu. To make it worse, the companion who had been well began to run a fever. We knew every detail in the ceiling above our beds, but all was not lost. At about noon our zone leaders came around, dropped the Christmas editions of the New Era and the Ensign outside our door, knocked, and ran. The afternoon and evening seemed to fly past as we read and reread these two good magazines. We both learned and felt like our time wasn’t wasted after all. Thank you for these great magazines that we enjoy every month, but most especially for these two.

Sisters Valerie Higginson and Karen Tucker
Canada Winnipeg Mission

Lucky or blessed?

I read with great pleasure the excellent article “Attack!” by Kathleen Lubeck in the October New Era. It was very timely and well done. One expression in the last paragraph of the first column reminded me of an incident I would like to relate to you. One day I was telling my former bishop how lucky I had been in some circumstance that I cannot now remember. I will never forget what happened next. He looked me straight in the eye and said very soberly, “No, Sister Knecht, you have been blessed.” Just a few simple words, but they had such an effect upon me that I have never since felt any way but blessed when good things have happened to me or when I have been spared some ill fortune that might have befallen me.

It has made a drastic change in my attitude toward my Father in Heaven It has made me much more aware of the good things that come from him and which cause my heart to swell with gratitude. When I am with other people, a silent prayer goes heavenward. I have told this experience to many people. Whenever I hear anyone say “I am lucky,” I just quietly say, “You are blessed.” The response has been universally the same as mine was. And many of these people have thanked me since for the “lesson I taught them,” as if they needed reminding who really taught them the lesson.

I am grateful to my bishop for these inspired words and to my Heavenly Father for my many blessings. I am a great-grandmother, but I thoroughly enjoy reading the New Era and find many inspiring articles therein.

Ora Lee Knecht
Logan, Utah

A boost

I just finished reading “President Kimball Speaks Out on Morality” in the November New Era. It was a great article and, I feel, a very much needed one. He spoke up on some very serious things and answered some important questions. The New Era always seems to come just when I need it most. It never fails to include at least one article that boosts me up, gives me courage to do what is right, and answers the questions I have.

Dennielle Nielsen
St. Johns, Arizona

A celestial missionary

As I read “A Celestial Missionary” in the August 1980 New Era, my heart was touched deeply and tears came to my eyes. Elder Tolman was truly a great and celestial missionary. He truly had the love of Christ.

Elder Doug Sanders
Kentucky Louisville Mission

Terrific turnout

I want to say how thankful I am for the New Era. It keeps me informed about what is happening in the lives of the Saints throughout the world. It is always full of enriching articles and is a fantastic missionary tool. When I finished reading “Big Blowup Turnout” in the September issue, I just had to write and tell you how pleased I am with all the Saints, especially the teenagers, who helped with the cleanup. I am glad that more lives were not taken.

The lesson that can be learned from Mt. St. Helens is very important, not only for Latter-day Saints but also for nonmembers, and not only for those within the area affected but for the whole world. I pray for and support those people who live near Mt. St. Helens. We all need to have faith like the people spoken of in “Big Blowup Turnout.” Time is so short and so precious. Let’s not waste it! To those who have known the results of Mt. St. Helens’s fury, I say, “Keep up the good work!”

Connie Gilbert
Knowles, Oklahoma

Personal revelation

Here in Ottawa, Canada’s capital city, we missionaries, among others, are very grateful for our issues of the New Era. Many times they take a while to get here, but they’re certainty worth the wait. We missionaries in the Canada Montreal Mission are especially thankful for “How to Receive Personal Revelation” by Elder Bruce R. McConkie. It has helped us tremendously, not only personally, but with our investigators as well. Thanks so very much.

Elders Stephen Bennett, Reed Davis, Terry Mann, and Tom Kilborn
Canada Montreal Mission

The South again

In the October magazine there was an article called “Ozark Picnic.” It was the first time in my life that I have seen an article about people I know. It was a joy to see and hear about the South again. I lived in Eufala, Alabama, for three years and married a member of the Ozark Ward in 1978.

Ruth Willey
Wahiawa, Hawaii

The only thing wrong

Hi! My name is Wendy Porter, and I’m 12 years old. I really enjoy the New Era and think it’s the best. My favorite story so far was “Beloved Johnny” from the May issue, but I really enjoy all the others too. I’ve been reading the New Era since May, and the only thing wrong is that it doesn’t come soon enough!

Wendy Porter
Elk Grove, California