I Face the World
May 1981

“I Face the World,” New Era, May 1981, 12–13

In Tune:

I Face the World


1. A young man, I face the world to learn and give and grow

to grow.

I may stand proud of what I am, the gospel makes me so.

Proud of trust, of honesty in all the things I do.

When faced with questions all around, the gospel path is true.

2. When I stand before my friends, I will not let them down,

let them down.

I’ll stand by every word I say and live as I believe.

Proud of who I know I am in thought and word and deed,

I’ll let them know in all I do “you can depend on me.”

There may be times when I am down, times I’m wrong or slow,

but these are for experience, I’ll learn from them and grow.

A young man, I face the world to give the best I can.

I will grasp the iron rod, and will be a man!


Photo by Jed Clark
