July 1981

“Feedback,” New Era, July 1981, 3


Chain gang

The New Era is a great asset to our work. We love it. As a missionary I always enjoy the stories about special missionaries who do great things. I would like to add to those stories one about a very special missionary whom I am honored to serve with. Last week the chain on my bike broke while we were on the way to an appointment. Since it was Sunday, there was no way of getting it fixed, so we caught a ride home. The next day we had an appointment all the way across town, so my companion, being the special missionary he is, towed me with all his might up and down all the hills in Vicksburg. I think that shows true dedication and pure love for me, his companion. That’s the type of missionary I’m always proud to serve with. Thanks, New Era, for all the help you give the servants of the Lord.

Elder Greg Christoffersen
Mississippi Jackson Mission

The best decision

I would like to thank the New Era for all the inspiring articles. They help me a lot in my life. I have been a member of the Church for a year, and my decision to be baptized into the Lord’s church was the best decision I ever made. I know that the Church is true with all my heart, and

I am going to serve the Lord on a mission. I would like to thank the Mt. Druitt Ward for the help they have given me, especially Bishop Sadler. And I would like to thank Elder Lawronsen and Elder Warren for teaching me the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Jean R. Rom
Mt. Druitt, Australia

We all love her

I was reading the Feedback section of the March New Era (I always save that for last because sometimes I like it best), when I came across a letter called “I’ve been on both sides.” I want to tell this young woman that I love her, that we all love her, and that the youth from everywhere are thinking of her and are standing beside her! As a Mormon youth in San Francisco, I know that it can be as hard as she says “to handle things on our own.” It can look pretty bad sometimes. I’m glad she’s doing fine now. When I read her letter, something told me I must tell this young woman of the sisterly love I feel for her. May the good spirit she was feeling when she wrote the letter always be with her. I guess what I’m trying to say is that our Father in Heaven and I both love her.

Janet Pitsenbarger
San Francisco, California

Stop and ponder

While serving in Denton, Texas, in the Texas Dallas Mission, we were given this excellent advice on a street corner.

Elder Ken Ashdown
Texas Dallas Mission

It beats macaroni and cheese

As companions we wish to express our appreciation for having such a great magazine to read. There is always a rush to see who gets to read the New Era first. Then we proceed to devour each article word by word. It sure beats macaroni and cheese! The Church magazines are some of our best missionary tools. We’re both thankful to have them and to serve in the best area in the greatest mission in the world—the Hiram area in the Ohio Cleveland Mission. The Johnson home in Hiram is the place where the Prophet Joseph Smith received 15 sections of the Doctrine and Covenants, including section 76, which describes the three degrees of glory. We are certainly privileged to serve in this historic place. Sorry, elders and sisters of the world, this is the place!

Elders Markestein and Bradley
Ohio Cleveland Mission.

What we have been missing

I would like to express my appreciation for a truly wonderful magazine! I have only just found out what my son and I have been missing over the past two years, and we owe that discovery to a returned missionary (Larry Ellsworth of Lehi, Utah) who used to come to our home when he was in Liverpool. The New Era is a magazine that my friends who are not members of the Church can enjoy also. There is something in it for everyone. I really enjoy the inspiring stories. As a lover of poetry, I really enjoyed the beautiful poems in the January/February New Era. When I am feeling low, I can pick up the New Era and read a loving and warm story. Thank you so very much. I look forward to next month’s magazine.

Patricia Ann Stones
Liverpool, England

My in-laws signed me up

I’ve just received my first issue of the New Era and I love it. I’m a new member of the Church. I’m 16 and I joined the Church in November. One of my in-laws signed me up for the New Era as a gift. I sat down the very first day I received it and read the entire book. I don’t often read magazines. All of the stories are touching and captivating. I love reading the New Era and look forward to future issues.

Melba Jenkins
Brooksville, Florida

Great love and tenderness

I can’t let another month pass without thanking the New Era for letting us share the faith and love for the Savior exhibited by our youth through their music. Over the last several months I’ve been especially anxious to see if Dan Carter’s music is in each new issue. His music is inspiring and shows great love and tenderness. Please let him know how much I, and I’m sure a great many others, look forward to sharing his testimony and have our testimonies grow because of his talent.

Nancy Stapley
Woodland Hills, California

Boothe not “Booze”

I enjoyed reading “Corinne Cowboys” in my October New Era. Promontory is very near and dear to me, being home to my grandparents. There was just one slight error. The sheep corrals mentioned are in Boothe Valley not “Booze” Valley. Keep up the good work. It’s always fun to read about people and places we know and love.

La Vern Drollette
Benson, Utah

A “good read”

My husband Kevin and I were baptized last May. Soon afterward he was called to the position of branch magazine representative. The New Era is a wonderful, uplifting, “good read.” The stories and addresses build our testimonies. Our first child is expected soon, and sometimes when I’m low or moody, I reach for the New Era and my sad heart or dampened spirit finds something inspiring to give it new courage.

It took me seven years to join the Church. I first met up with the Mormons in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. I went to the Dunn Street chapel with Bonnie Spragg, Kathy Harding, and Kathy Turnbull. (I was Linda Tett back then.) Those two years in Canada were the two happiest years of my teens. I still have one of my New Eras from that time.

Linda Gray
Fawley, Southampton, England
