June 1982

“Feedback,” New Era, June 1982, 3


Journal therapy

I just finished reading “A Journal Called Lucy” in the November 1981 New Era, and I would like to share with other readers my experiences in keeping a journal.

I’ve been keeping one for about three years now. I use an inexpensive notebook. That way I don’t feel too bad if I ruin a page or something. Writing my thoughts down is a good way to let out my feelings. One of the best things about keeping a journal for me, however, is illustrated by what happened last summer after I was in a car accident. I was in the hospital for a couple of months and in the Elks’ Rehabilitation Center for a few more.

Because of the head injuries I had received, I couldn’t remember things that had happened before the accident, but when I read my journals, the memories came flooding back, and it was almost as neat as going through the experiences all over again. I am so very thankful I wrote them down. Now I’m a freshman at Ricks College, and it seems like my journal is becoming the place where I go with my problems, successes, hopes, and dreams. I would encourage anyone who isn’t keeping a journal now to start one. Just get an inexpensive notebook and start writing. I know you’ll be blessed by it.

Gaylene Worthen
Wendell, Idaho

What a dummy I was!

Ever since I have been on my mission, I have come to know how much I have missed by not reading the New Era. I’m from Salt Lake City, and I don’t think I ever read the New Era until I came to the mission field. What a dummy I was! This magazine has helped build my testimony in so many different ways and has helped convert many of the people that we have taught. I want to advise all those preparing for a mission to go get a copy of the New Era and read it!

Elder Jerold M. Wilcox
California San Bernardino Mission

Pictures in my mind

I just felt I had to express how much I enjoyed the August 1981 contest issue. All of the poetry was excellent. The verses painted pictures in my mind and brought color to my dreary life of studying as a college student. I will refer to them often when I need to remember that there is another life besides chemistry and physics.

The article on the youth in Santiago de Compostela was also quite uplifting. I am glad to know that the gospel brings such love into the lives of God’s children. This love certainly makes the world seem all that much smaller.

Alison Cuyler
Claremont, California

Remembered in Alamo

I enjoy the New Era at home and away. It brings great happiness to my life. With each issue I find a story that I wish everyone could read, so I share the New Era with special friends. Thanks for all the smiles that New Era stories bring, and also for the tears that come with stories like “Crying with a Clown” in the May issue.

Thelma Spencer
Alamo, Nevada

What leisure?

We are missionaries serving in the California Sacramento Mission. California offers many humorous sights. In fact, while tracting one day in a threesome companionship, we came across this sign that we thought would be interesting to New Era readers. Since we enjoy reading the New Era so much, we would like to thank you for your past efforts. The articles that we read lift our spirits and help us in our missionary labors.

Elders Gary L. Turpes, Richard P. Killian, and Mark J. Clark
California Sacramento Mission

I have a request

I have a request. I’ve just recently started reading the New Era, and I think it’s great! Among the features I really like are the Mormonads (and so does my mom). They are really clever. We pin them on the bulletin board where we can see them frequently. It’s helpful to have this constant reminder on various spiritual aspects of life. My mother and I wish that you would leave the backside of each Mormonad page blank so that we could cut out the Mormonads without having to cut out part of another article.

Shauna Terry
Westminster, California

We appreciate your suggestion, but with so few pages in each magazine and so much to share with New Era readers, we really don’t feel we can leave any blank pages. If you wish, you can purchase extra copies of the New Era for 60 cents each.


Antidote for pain

I am a missionary recovering from an accident and am in the Royal Perth Hospital in Western Australia. I began to feel quite alone and separated from missionary work until one of the nurses who is a Mormon brought some New Eras for me to read. All I can say is thank you for the spiritual nourishment this special magazine provides. It has given me an extra incentive to convert the youth of Australia and bring them to a realization of the eternal truths embodied in this latter-day literature. Days in the hospital aren’t so mundane now!

Elder Anthony Weller
Australia Perth Mission
