I Christmas You
December 1982

“I Christmas You,” New Era, Dec. 1982, 50

I Christmas You

I Christmas you, she said,

like Jesus, who Christmased us

so long ago—and does now:

For Christmas is love

I know from our nativity set

with cardboard figures:

a Mary with Jesus in her arms,

a Joseph kneeling,

a shepherd with a staff,

a sheep,

a cow,

a donkey.

In his Christmas a God became man,

that we may become gods.

I know from the tree:

soft green needles,

life-flowing sap,

bright lights flashing

messages of peace.

In his Christmas he gave us beauty.

He gave us peace.

I know from the gifts:

wrapped in gaily patterned paper

surrounded by bows,

carefully prepared to show we care.

In his Christmas he gave us gifts—

and gave us givers.

I know from the season:

when people love to show their love.

In his Christmas he gave us Christmas.

And we can Christmas him back.
