July 1983

“Feedback,” New Era, July 1983, 3


“Inside’s What Counts” counts

My husband and I greatly appreciated the article “Inside’s What Counts” in the January-February issue of the New Era. It really made us stop and count our blessings. Two months after we were married, my husband, who was 19 years old at the time, was in an explosion that caused severe facial damage, including the total loss of his left eye. Peter Jeppson’s story was very uplifting to us, and his outlook on life makes us want to set our own goals high. Thank you so much for the New Era and the Ensign. They are two very special magazines.

Mark and Brenda Mikkola
Idaho Falls, Idaho

Quite great

I’d like to express my feelings regarding a letter in the November issue of the New Era. Tina De Luca, from Naples, Italy, wrote of her experience while in the United States. I know how she feels, and I’d like to tell her how proud I am of people like her.

I joined the Church five years ago in my home town of Lucca, Italy, which is near Florence. I also was able to attend school in the United States. A little over a year ago I was called to serve as a missionary in the Ohio Cleveland Mission.

I am so grateful to those two missionaries who knocked on my door and taught me the true gospel of Jesus Christ. It is true that, as Tina said, the Church is quite “new” in Italy, and I’d like to say that it is also quite great! I love the missionary work that I’m doing now in Ohio, and I also cherish what I’ve done to help the Church grow in Italy. Thank you, Tina, for sharing your feelings with me. With love, your sorella in the gospel.

Sister Daniela M. Battaglini
Ohio Cleveland Mission

Thank you

Thank you for the many years of enjoyable, growth-promoting reading.

Joan Sheldon
Hurst, Texas

We made it

I’ve thought before about writing to express our gratitude for having the New Era in our home. After last night, my thanks seem even more important. My husband used the article “Inside’s What Counts” by Janet Thomas in the January–February issue during our family night. I marvel at what God can really do in our lives and at the strength of Peter Jeppson.

I also enjoyed so much “An Apple a Day” in the October issue. I remember feeling that every article in that issue was excellent.

My two children were without a father in the home for about seven years. During that time the gospel was my strength. Things were much less than ideal, but we made it. I had heard that if there were teenagers in a home, the New Era should be there too. It was true! The New Era has brought so much joy and inspiration. I wish we could have recognized the “gold” in it sooner. I feel that many are missing out by not knowing the value of this magazine. My daughter’s Young Women teacher ordered a six-month subscription for her. What a nice way to introduce goodness to others. Keep up the good work. Cover to cover the New Era is great!

Mrs. George M. Gabb
Orlando, Florida

Somebody really does understand

I was surprised when I read the story “Pride and Prejudice” in the May 1982 issue of the New Era. I have only been a member of the Church for a year and a half now, and the author of that story could well have substituted my name for that of Michelle. I guess I never stopped to realize that there are others who face the same pain and disappointment I have experienced. I have a wonderful ward that encourages me, and I deeply appreciate it. Opposition may not be the nicest thing in the world, but I know it can strengthen us if we overcome it. Thank you so much for that story. It’s comforting to know that somebody really does understand.

Robin Laurie Feenstra
Poulsbo, Washington

My brother

I wish to thank you for a marvelous magazine and for your time and efforts but especially for the article “My Brother” by Kirk Sheldon Wilkinson in the April 1982 edition. It had been a long time since I had read the New Era, and this story brought back the covenants I made with the Lord during a similar experience. I wish to thank Kirk for helping me reach back and feel again those feelings of dependence on the Lord.

Julie Brown
Bellflower, California

Can you begin to imagine?

It was a crisp fall Sunday morning in 1971 when, as investigators of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, my husband and I walked into the Douglas Ward meetinghouse, which at that time also served as the meetinghouse for the University 12th Ward. There in the foyer, among others who were there to welcome us, was one young man whose warmth, enthusiasm, and spirit enveloped us. He was also there the day we were baptized and on several occasions thereafter. Can you begin to imagine the thrill and joy in our home this past week when we opened our New Era and saw again that unforgettable young man there on the pages of “Inside’s What Counts”?

When we moved back east in 1974 we lost contact with Pete Jeppson, but after seeing him again, old feelings were stirred to a new height. Our sincere appreciation to you in this effort and also in the effort of publishing such an excellent magazine as the New Era. We are a busy young family but always find the time to read the New Era from cover to cover—usually the very day it arrives!

Sandy and Gary Frederick
