undefined undefined Feedback
September 1983

“Feedback,” New Era, Sept. 1983, 3


A closer feeling

Thank you for a great magazine. There are often articles in it that help me understand or overcome problems. When I read articles about Australian youth in the New Era it gives that issue a closer feeling.

Darren Smith
Naranga, Queensland, Australia

Dancing to the mission field

One year ago, to earn money to prepare to go on a mission, I joined a Chinese folk dance group going to Japan. I was not allowed to leave the group to go to church because it was such a long way to go. Fortunately though, two missionaries, Elder Porter and Elder Anderson, came to visit me and brought me Church magazines to read. They had to travel a long way, but they knew how much I needed contact with the Church. The Church magazines really helped me while I was unable to attend church.

For six months now I have been a full-time missionary preaching the gospel to my own people in the Taiwan Taipei Mission. I really appreciate the Church magazines and the two dedicated missionaries who brought them to me and encouraged me to go on a mission.

Victoria Jang Lien Rong
Taiwan Taipei Mission

A remarkable story

Our MIA class wishes to thank the New Era for printing the story on Peter Jeppson entitled “Inside’s What Counts” in the January-February 1983 issue. We also want to thank Peter Jeppson for sharing his remarkable story with us. We all agree that it is a story of true courage, faith, and a strong will to live. Thank you very much for a deeply moving and truly inspiring story.

The River Heights First Ward Mia Maids

A complete education

I have been getting the New Era for over three years now, and I am pleased with the excellent content. I am a senior in high school, and I thank you for making my school years complete!

Howard M. Davidson

Few other Mormons

My sisters and I have recently started receiving the New Era, and I find it very inspiring. Stories like “Inside’s What Counts” in the January-February issue really help me remain spiritual until the next issue comes, since we live in a country where there are few, if any, other Mormons. Thank you for such a wonderful magazine.

Tracy Wilson
Lusaka, Zambia, Africa

Another high flyer

As the mother of a budding gymnast, I was very pleased to read the fine article about Peter Vidmar in the March 1983 New Era. My son is nine years old and is competing at the Class IV level. He has watched Peter compete in televised gymnastic events and thoroughly enjoyed reading the article himself. Gymnastics is a demanding sport, both physically and emotionally, and it did my son Joey good to read about how Peter handles himself with the proper perspective. Joey has been fortunate enough to have fine coaches who not only teach the rudiments of the sport, but also sportsmanship, team spirit, and self-discipline. As he learns more about the gospel, these principles fit right in, and both my husband and I are very grateful for this.

I thoroughly enjoy reading the New Era from cover to cover each month. All the Church publications are so uplifting and helpful for young parents who are trying to raise their children properly.

Marianne Spring
Tucson, Arizona

No ordinary man

I would like to thank you for the article entitled “No Ordinary Man” in the December issue. I would also like to thank D. Arthur Haycock and most of all our prophet Spencer W. Kimball. It was great. It reminded me of Job from the Old Testament. They are such special men of God. Thank you, New Era.

Kathleen E. Killgallon
Wyton Village, Cambridgeshire, England

The right note

The New Era has again hit just the right note. I read the article on Peter Jeppson (January-February 1983 issue) with tears in my eyes, very impressed to see how he overcame his problems to become a businessman.

In March, BBC Television showed a program about Simon Weston, who was badly burned on the Sir Galahad during the Falklands war. His burns were horrific. Nobody knows how he survived. The hearts of the nation went out to Simon as we saw, captured on film, his suffering from the time he arrived back in the country. It wasn’t hard for us to find a way of showing our concern. We sent Simon our copy of the New Era. Thank you for such inspired articles.

Jan Sleet Travers
Cobham, Surrey, England

Anything but brave

I firmly believe that the New Era is a surefire recipe for good reading. I was deeply touched by the write-up on Peter Jeppson, “Inside’s What Counts” in the January-February 1983 issue. I can’t help but feel encouraged. I was anything but a brave girl until this article came out.

Olive Margaret Castillo
Imus, Cavite, Philippines

True sacrifice

Our seminary class would just like to let you know that we thoroughly enjoyed the song “Song for the River” by Roger Hoffman in the January-February 1983 New Era. We liked it so much that when our teacher left the room we decided to surprise him. We started singing it. We did a good job if we do say so ourselves. Our teacher obviously didn’t enjoy our surprise, and he docked our grades. That just shows how much we’d sacrifice to sing that excellent song. Keep up the good song writing!

Brother Wayne Lund’s 5th-hour seminary class
Richfield, Utah