undefined undefined Count Your Blessings: A Family Activity
Count Your Blessings: A Family Activity
November 1983

“Count Your Blessings: A Family Activity,” New Era, Nov. 1983, 30

Count Your Blessings:
A Family Activity

We owe all our blessings, spiritual and temporal alike, to our Heavenly Father. This activity invites your family to review your blessings and examine their relative importance in your life. You will have to decide which of all your blessings you would be the most (and least) willing to part with. It will be a good chance to discuss as a family what’s really important in life.


  1. Cut out the blessing cards

  2. Spread the cards at random on a table, without regard to color or relative importance. If some of the blessings listed do not apply to your family, you may choose to replace them with blessings of your choice printed on slips of paper of the appropriate size and color. You may add as many additional blessings as you wish, to individualize the activity to your family’s needs.

  3. Each family member, in turn, must “give up” a blessing by removing it from the table, explaining why he or she values that particular blessing less than those remaining.

  4. Whenever one color of squares is removed entirely from the table, stop a moment and discuss why that kind of blessing is less important to the family than the ones remaining. When there is only one blessing left, discuss why you all left it till last. The activity is then ended.

Illustrated by Michael Rogan