December 1983

“Feedback,” New Era, Dec. 1983, 3


Hokkaido hurrah

Thank you for the article “Hokkaido Holiday” in your July 1983 issue. It was great! I just returned from the Japan Okayama Mission, and it brought back many memories.

David Cook
Santa Ana, California

Spiritual awareness

I’d like to thank you for a great magazine. I’ve been taking the New Era since February and I really enjoy it. Just recently I went to the Rialto Stake Young Women camp, and I took the New Era along with me. I read it in my spare time. The New Era increases my spiritual awareness more and more every month.

Kristy Sharp
Colton, California

At the point of despair

I would like to express my gratitude for the great uplift the New Era brings me. This past summer I had the opportunity of living in New York as a mother’s helper for a nonmember family. Naturally, there are no LDS books of any kind in the house. When I was about at the point of despair, my mother sent my five latest issues of the New Era that had arrived at my home. I was elated. I find myself rereading the stories many times over. I love to sit down at the piano and play the music in them. My spirits have been greatly uplifted. I can hear about our Church during the week instead of just when I get the chance to attend church here. Thank you very much.

Cindy Savage
Long Island, New York

So simple yet so true

I can certainly understand why Elder Sterling W. Sill is one of the Lord’s General Authorities. His article about the wrong bus was the best I’ve ever read. It was so simple yet so true, so entertaining yet so educational and motivational. Every parent, every son or daughter, and every Church leader should study that story. Thank you, New Era.

John Wilson
Simi Valley, California

True happiness

I’m 14 years old, and I started reading the New Era just a few months ago. Already I can see the spiritual growth in myself. It has also helped me to understand what a testimony really means. Many people my age don’t realize what a blessing it is to belong to the only true church upon this earth.

Through the New Era I’ve learned that true happiness comes from doing the things that our Heavenly Father would want us to do. Thank you for helping me to understand more about the Church and its teachings.

Lisa Orgill
Salt Lake City, Utah

Brightened days and answered prayers

The New Era is a priceless treasure that I look forward to exploring each month. Each New Era brings a new understanding of the scriptures and a better outlook on life as a whole. And each time I read the “old” Eras, I get a “new” understanding of myself, and my spirits always rise. The New Era has enriched my life and strengthened my testimony so much I don’t know how to thank everyone except by saying “THANK YOU!!!” for the many brightened days and countless answered prayers.

Tiffani Nielsen
Mapleton, Utah


I want to tell you how grateful I am for the New Era. I usually read it from cover to cover the day it comes. I especially enjoy the Message and Mormonads. They really lift me up and teach me how important it is to be an example.

Terilynne Wright
Charlottesville, Virginia

“Have You Done Everything?”

I found the article “Have You Done Everything” in the July 1983 New Era most interesting and worthwhile. The author, E. LaMar Buckner, was president of our California Sacramento Mission some five years ago and was loved by the Saints of northern California. The article was about how Brother Buckner passed off his cooking merit badge to S. Dilworth Young, lovingly known as Uncle Dil. It was my privilege to be personally acquainted with President Young, who was then president of the First Council of the Seventy. I heard him tell many of his missionary and Scout stories while I attended BYU and at general and stake conferences. President Young was loved by many people, and all would have been honored to call him Uncle Dil as Brother Buckner does in his story.

Arnold J. McAllister
North Highlands, California

A constant source of strength

I received my copy of the June New Era today, and I am thankful for the inspired articles found in it, particularly for the readers’ theater “Love Casts Out Fear” by Joan Oviatt.

The New Era has been a constant source of strength to me throughout my youth and my years spent away from home whilst studying at university. Now at 21 years of age I am the Young Women president in our small branch, and I use examples from the New Era continually to illustrate points of doctrine to my class. I know the girls would like to join with me in congratulating everyone who contributed thus far to such a very special magazine.

Liza Hodge
Armidale, New South Wales, Australia

The armor of righteousness

I really identified with the article “Instruments of Righteousness” in the June 1983 issue. I’ve been interested in the Middle Ages for some time. I especially enjoy articles relating armor to righteousness. My patriarchal blessing mentions “the armor of righteousness,” so I read avidly anything relating to it. I also really liked the illustration on page five.

Kimberly K. Freitas
South Jordan, Utah
