FYI: For Your Information
July 1984

“FYI: For Your Information,” New Era, July 1984, 36–39

For Your Information

Some books are to be tasted; others swallowed; and some few to be chewed and digested.

—Francis Bacon

Quick Thinkers

Two young boys in the Camas Ward, Vancouver Washington Stake, saved the lives of five other children in a house fire.

Jeffrey Albrechtson, 13, and Marlen Davis, 12, were babysitting the other five younger Albrechtson children when the smoke detector sounded. The boys led four of the children from the burning house. Marlen then reentered the house to look for three-year-old Justin who was in his bedroom. The smoke prevented Marlen from taking Justin out through the door so they broke a window and were pulled to safety by neighbors.

Through the children’s quick action, a tragedy was averted. All the children had been trained in fire safety and did exactly the right things under that emergency situation.

Miss Teenager

Becky Hollingsworth, from the Grass Valley Second Ward, Auburn California Stake, is the reigning Miss American Teenager.

Becky is also active in church and school activities. She is the junior class president in her high school and serves as a representative to the State Board of Education. She attends early-morning seminary and is active in the Young Women program.

Simple Service

Michael West of the Magrath Third Ward, Magrath Alberta Canada Stake, has found that giving service has brought joy to one lady’s life.

Michael delivered newspapers to Rose Hudson, a widow in the ward. She appreciated getting to know Michael. When the newspaper placed subscription restrictions on delivery of weekend papers, Sister Hudson was disappointed since she looked forward to Michael’s daily visits. Michael considered the alternatives and put in the extra effort to buy Sister Hudson’s newspaper at the store and deliver it to her personally on weekends, a simple act of service that is greatly appreciated.

Never Give Up

Tim Healey of Missoula, Montana, learned the value of determination. He represented his state and country in the World School Boy Wrestling Tournament, where he took second place in his division.

Tim was plagued by back pains but overcame illness on the day of the final matches as he wrestled in the competition that led to his selection as a member of the Montana team. As a member of that team, he competed against 13 countries in the world tournament.

Tim serves as teachers quorum president in the Missoula Third Ward, Missoula Montana Stake.

Honor Medal Recipient

Paul Ewing, 11, ignored his own broken leg to swim to the aid of an unconscious man after a boating accident.

Paul, of Phelan, California, was boating with his father and friend when they collided with another boat. The two men were injured and semiconscious. Even though Paul had a broken leg, he heard calls for help from the other boat. He dove into the water and started to swim to the drowning man.

Paul’s father revived and, seeing his son in the water, thought he was injured and swam to assist his son. Paul pointed out the drowning man to his father before swimming back to his own boat while his father pulled the unconscious man to safety. All four were taken to the hospital.

Paul was awarded the Honor Medal for Lifesaving from the Boy Scouts of America. This honor is considered the highest award given in Scouting.

Paul is a member of the Phelan Ward, Victoria California Stake.

Needles and Pins

Encouraged by a suggestion to learn homemaking skills, the Young Women of the Windcrest Ward of the San Antonio Texas East Stake spent two months working on sewing projects. Some of them had never attempted sewing before, but through the help of their leaders they were able to complete their projects.

To conclude the activity, the girls staged a fashion show to model their handiwork.

Handcarts in Washington

A hundred young people with their adult leaders in the Centralia Washington Stake reenacted the excursion of a handcart company. The group used authentic handcarts loaded with their food and supplies for overnight camping.

The route taken by the group had landmarks renamed to match the ones passed by the actual pioneers. These new pioneers were plagued by rain and cool weather, but they persevered. When faced with the possibility of calling off the event, the young people responded, “The pioneers did not give up and neither will we.”

It turned out to be a long, hard trip, yet some of the pioneering spirit took hold. Two large streams and many mud holes had to be navigated. At the top of a hill, several youth would run down and help the next cart make the top. It was a good experience to feel what the pioneers must have felt as they helped each other make it into camp.

At the end of the trek, the group met for a fireside and testimony meeting. Each of the 11 wards represented presented an original camp song. The next morning as the group looked down into a misty valley in Washington, they could feel the joy of accomplishment that the original pioneers must have felt as they arrived in their new home.

Student-Body Officers

When the election results were announced last spring, all three student-body officers and three of the twelve cheerleaders of South Junior High in Nampa, Idaho, were LDS students. Although the LDS students are in the minority at the junior high, this year was their year to shine.

Marcie Moss is a member of the Nampa 7th Ward, Nampa Idaho South Stake; Heidi Francis and Brandt and Alisha Coleman are members of the Nampa 10th Ward, Nampa Idaho South Stake; and Kyle and Christy Woolstenhulme, brother-sister twins, are members of the Nampa 2nd Ward, Nampa Idaho Stake.

Theatre Manual Available

A new Theatre Manual (PBAC0089) is now available to assist stakes, wards, and branches with their theatrical productions. The new manual deals with many types of productions, including the play, musical, road show, melodrama, readers’ theater, variety show, revue, skit, improvisation, and film festival. It includes specific helps in set design and construction, stage makeup techniques, costume design, play selection, and audience control.

Road shows are a unique theatrical production of the Church. The manual gives aids on all aspects of road show production and performance from scriptwriting to judging.

The manual costs $.75 and may be ordered from Church distribution centers.

Pageant Schedule

Six pageants are scheduled for this summer throughout the United States. The presentation expected to draw the largest crowd is the Hill Cumorah Pageant in New York. There will be seven performances during the period of July 27, 28, 31 and August 1–4.

Other pageants are scheduled as follows: “City of Joseph,” five performances from August 14–18 in Nauvoo, Illinois; “Mormon Miracle,” eight performances from July 12–14, 17–21 in Manti, Utah; a pageant in Independence, Missouri, three performances on June 21–23; “And It Came to Pass,” 12 performances in Oakland, California, on July 17–21, 24–28; a pageant in Castle Valley, Utah, three performances on August 2–4.

In addition to these summer pageants, Mesa, Arizona, held four performances of “Jesus the Christ” on April 17–20. Calgary, Alberta, Canada, will hold a nativity pageant during the Christmas season, December 18–27.

From Chewing Gum to a Formal Dinner

by Mike Kawasaki

The Young Men and Young Women presidencies with the Activities Committee of the Oak Hills 4th Ward, Provo Utah Oak Hills Stake, had planned a formal dinner-dance for the Mutual-age youth.

The dinner-dance was to prepare the youth to learn spiritual responsibilities and etiquette without the peer pressures of dating.

In preparation for the activity, we had a fireside with the speaker stressing that the youth develop a style of their own. A second fireside was held to learn manners, with volunteers offering to demonstrate their knowledge of table manners. The leader gently corrected or complimented as individuals demonstrated their knowledge of correct table etiquette. Details from avoiding chewing gum to how to butter bread were reviewed.

The evening of the dinner-dance arrived. The cultural hall was arranged with round tables, each set with fine crystal and china. As the different courses were served, leaders acting as waiters and waitresses were eavesdropping on dinner conversations ranging in subject from braces to seminary classes.

Following dinner, the dance began with partners having been arranged for each dance. One of the young men had programmed his computer to match up dance partners. Each participant was given a computer printout, rolled and tied with a ribbon.

The evening was a tremendous success. “We looked forward to this activity for so long, and it was so much fun. We learned a lot about how to eat at a formal table, and we learned about how to act on dates,” said my daughter Kara when reflecting about the evening.

After thanking their hosts, the young people asked, “Can we do this again next year?” The resounding answer was yes.

Clean Cars

Responding to a theme of service announced by the Young Women, the youth of the Cherry Grove Ward in the Edmonton Alberta East Stake came up with an original idea. As a service to the community, the group decided to hold a free car wash.

Since the largest population center in their area was the Cold Lake Air Force Base, they decided to hold the car wash on the base. Although the day was cool and cloudy, nearly 100 percent of the ward’s youth showed up to help.

The young people reported that at first nearly everyone was suspicious. A frequent question was, “What’s the gimmick?” They answered with a smile and said that it was community service sponsored by the youth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. All offers of donations were politely refused.

This project kicked off a series of smaller service projects including hospital visits and delivering treats to those in need of a visit.

Toys for Children

The Young Men and Young Women of the Terreton 2nd Ward, Roberts Idaho Stake, collected and made toys for children in Acuna, Mexico.

The Young Women crocheted the clothing for 32 dolls. The Young Men made trucks, slingshots, and sets of blocks. A missionary couple from the Terreton 2nd Ward had been working with the people in this area of Mexico. The couple suggested the service project to the young people, who met the challenge with enthusiasm.

Back row: Heidi Francis, Brandt Coleman, Kyle Woolstenhulme; front row: Christy Woolstenhulme, Marcie Moss, Alisha Coleman.
