March 1985

“Feedback,” New Era, Mar. 1985, 3


Strength and spirit

I am a missionary in the Iowa Des Moines Mission. We recently received the New Era at a zone conference. I want to give thanks for the motivational articles in both the August and September issues. The New Era brings a spirit to me, and I’m sure to all the missionaries in the mission, which we haven’t had before. The articles are full of excitement and guidance that we as missionaries need in our labors for the Lord. Thanks again for the strength and spirit of the New Era.

Elder Darrell Rich
Iowa Des Moines Mission

September to remember

I just received the September 1984 issue of the New Era. Not having anything else to do, I sat down and read it from cover to cover. I can’t tell you all the inspiration I received from doing so. “Scars” encouraged me to engage in more service projects. The Mormonad reminded me to read my scriptures and other uplifting literature in order to gain more intelligence in this life. “Who Are Your Friends?” hit home with me because of the peer pressures I’ve had to deal with. I now try to choose my friends on the basis of the influence they are on me. “The Rusty Shot” encouraged me to keep reaching for my goals and to never give up. “Bowl ’Em Over” reminded me to review my knowledge of the scriptures from time to time. “Learning to Share” taught me that even though we face a lot of hardships at school, students in other countries have challenges, too. As usual, I got a kick out of the Mormonisms. “Letters to Kathy” reminded me how important it is to keep in touch with relatives and friends. “Ten Steps for Easier Studying” will come in handy as I enter school next year. “Missions: Only You Can Decide” changed my attitude about the possibility of a mission. I’m now seriously thinking of preparing for one. “My Father’s Voice” reminds me that there are voices in heaven cheering for us each time we conquer another hurdle in this life. All together, it was a terrific magazine.

Laura Muench
Vancouver, Washington

Heaps and heaps

I am 11 years old, and I love reading the New Era. I had just come home from a trip to California when I found the September 1984 issue lying on my desk. I opened it up and started to read. My mom called me to help with dinner so quickly that I put it in my bookcase. Today I was bored, so I read it cover to cover. In “Ten Tips for Easier Studying” I discovered that that was how I had got my straight-A grades. I hope the tips will help someone else. I started getting the New Era in March, and since then no issue has caught my eye as much as this one. Since I started reading this magazine I have made goals and felt super about my daily choices. Thanks heaps and heaps.

Holly Trotta
Redmond, Washington

An exciting feeling

I just wanted to write a letter of sincere appreciation for an article I read in the June 1984 New Era. The article was “One Small Voice.” This really was an inspiration to me in my life. It’s taught me how important my faith in the gospel really is. It also gave me a better understanding of the still small voice.

The New Era has always touched my life. It is easy to read and follow. Important decisions come up every day, and it really helps to know there is a guide like the New Era to follow. Every time I read it I get an exciting feeling of knowledge and spirituality.

I would like to give a special thanks to the author, Shirley Reay, for sharing this personal experience with everyone.

Nancy Maxwell
Rexburg, Idaho


A couple of years ago, a friend and I got together and sent a New Era subscription to a girl in our ward who had just joined the Church but still seemed to have questions. I know the New Era helped answer them because the past fast Sunday she got up and bore her testimony for the first time in her life.

I want to thank you for an inspirational magazine. It always seems to come at the right time for me. When I have a problem or question, the New Era has an article dealing with it. Thanks for helping my testimony grow.

Rhea Wheatley
Fayetteville, North Carolina

Well read

Thank you for printing such a great magazine. It’s certainly well read in our home.

Jill W. Dunford
Dayton, Ohio

Note taken

I enjoyed “Taking Note: Marking the Footnotes in the New LDS Edition of the Bible” in the June 1981 issue of the New Era. I also enjoyed “Samaritan in a Truck” in the same issue. Thank you ever so much.

Leonard Barker
Imola, California

The race

We have had the New Era in our home since my daughter was 12 years old. She reads it from cover to cover and loves it, but my experience with the New Era has been limited only to articles she has felt would be of special interest to me.

Last year I was called to teach Course 17 in Sunday School and have found the articles by the General Authorities to be my best source of material. The course manual only has lessons for half the year, and I can choose the other lessons from the Church magazines. I have found the articles in the New Era to be interesting, timely, and easy to present and discuss in my class.

Thank you for such an excellent magazine. It has now become a race between my daughter and me to the mailbox each month to see who gets to read the New Era first!

Shirley Nance
Kansas City, Kansas
