Temples Are for Teenagers Too
April 1985

“Temples Are for Teenagers Too,” New Era, Apr. 1985, 14

Temples Are for Teenagers Too

Some people think temples are just for adults. Of course, some people think the moon is made of blue cheese, the earth is square, and that white socks go well with a Sunday suit.

But the teenagers in Atlanta, Georgia, know that temples are for them, too. Over the past couple of years they’ve been busy earning money to help pay for the new temple in their city. They helped at the open house for the Atlanta Temple and attended the dedication. And now they go regularly to the temple to do baptisms for the dead—over 70,000 baptisms in the first six months the temple was open.

It has been like a giant window opened in the sky, and in a shimmery burst of gold, blessings seemed to float down upon the young people in Atlanta, thousands of sun-touched gifts from heaven, like birch leaves showering the ground in autumn.

The blessings started when the temple was announced—and the teenagers are still catching them.

“One morning early, when it was still dark and the sky was real clear, our seminary class went out to the temple site,” said Brad Day, 16. “We huddled there with our blankets. It was hard to concentrate on the seminary lesson, because of where we were. The teacher was good, but it was so exciting to think, this is where our temple is going to be. It was a magnetic type of feeling, drawing us to the temple.

“It was a really neat experience. You felt so close to the Lord, like you could talk to him about any problems you had. It brought our youth group really close.”

Those feelings of excitement about the temple grew stronger and stronger as the completion of the temple grew closer.

“Our family had jars that we’d save money in for the temple,” said Liz McGuire, 16.

“I gave money I earned from babysitting,” said another girl. “Everyone in our ward who gave money got a certificate for it.”

When the temple was completed, the young people helped at the open house by putting booties over the shoes of the thousands of visitors who came to see the temple before it was dedicated, so the carpets wouldn’t get dirty.

“I worked at the open house about seven days, in six-hour shifts,” said Kim Humphrey, 18. “I’d never lived by a temple before, and I realized from seeing the people who came from all around to see it how special it is to have one.”

“When Dale Murphy of the Atlanta Braves came through, we all wanted to put the booties on him,” said Scott Hammond, 14. “When he came to me, I joked with him that his feet were too big and to move on down the line. He put them on himself. Then we got his autograph for our ward Primary.”

“It was neat when we’d put the little slippers on people’s shoes, especially when my friends came up, because they’d make comments like ‘this is so pretty,’ and they’d come out saying what a neat experience it was to see the temple,” said Carol Anderson, 17.

Lisa Benham, 17, helped a blind lady through the temple at the open house. “I put the booties on her feet and went through the temple with her and her dog. She felt the walls, and I was tingling inside as the purpose of the temple was explained to her. I wondered if she would accept the gospel. It was a very special feeling.”

Many of the teenagers brought their friends, and sometimes family, to the temple open house.

“At school the open house was publicized, and everyone was curious,” said Paula Sewell, 18. “They all know I’m a Latter-day Saint, and I got to bring my friends to the temple. Since there are only four or five of us Church members at my school out of 2,000 students, it was really good to be able to go through the temple with my friends. It gave them the chance to hear more about the Church.

“My family’s not active in the Church, but my mom and step-dad went through the temple on their lunch hour. I got to take my little brothers there, too, and that was neat going in with them and teaching them about the Church. My brothers thought it was great, and they were reverent. That’s really amazing, getting my six-year-old brother to be reverent,” said Paula.

“When I went into the celestial room, they asked us to meditate and think about the temple, and even the nonmembers were amazed by the beauty and the calm,” said Christy Arrowood. “Sometimes when I’m rushed, I try to close my eyes and remember when I was back in that room and how I got rid of all the worries in my mind.”

For some people, like Emily Nielsen, 16, the temple brought special blessings.

“For me personally, the temple is very important,” said Emily. “My choicest memories have been made there. Our family adopted a baby, Matthew Kimball, and he was sealed to our family in the Los Angeles temple. As my brother and I followed our parents in their beautiful temple clothes into the temple, I knew that we’d be together forever.

“During the Atlanta Temple open house, I had a personal tour and was able to see rooms in the temple that weren’t shown on the regular tour. I had been very concerned about my mother’s health and was afraid. When we got to one of the sealing rooms, I asked if I could be left alone for a moment to pray. As I prayed, the Spirit came upon me, and I knew that everything would be all right and that the Lord loved me. And even though my mother died five months ago, everything is all right, just like the Lord promised me.

“The temple and its ordinances are special to me because, I know that through them I will be with my best friend, my mom, again, and that our relationship will last forever. I also know that if I live worthily, I’ll be able to be married in the temple to my eternal mate, and my mother will be there because she promised me.”

At the temple dedication, families attended together. Another shower of blessings fell upon the teenagers.

“Just sitting inside the temple during the dedication gave me a glimpse of what it would be like to live eternally with my family,” said Kerry Soper, 17. “It really brought my family closer together. The Spirit was so contagious, and you couldn’t think a negative thought because it was so peaceful and there was such a good spirit.

“It really affected my testimony. I don’t think it would be as strong as it is now without the temple. It made me reevaluate what I believe and made me stronger in wanting to be married in the temple and to go on a mission.”

One of the great blessings the temple has brought the young people of Atlanta is the opportunity to do baptisms for the dead. The youth in each ward go regularly to the temple as a group to perform the ordinance.

“I like going because it helps me remember my own baptism and gives more people a chance to be baptized into the Church,” said Lisa Lehnhof. “The workers there thanked us for coming last week, but that seems strange to me because it’s a blessing for us to be able to go.”

“When I got there, there were older people walking around in white,” said one girl. “It was so neat to see these older people who are still married, because my parents are divorced. They’re so sweet together, holding hands. It shows how things can be eternal.”

Christy Arrowood was able to do baptisms for her relatives. “I was baptized for my great-great-grandmother and her sister,” said Christy. “I felt their spirits and kind of got a picture in my mind of what it would be like up there and how long they had been waiting. It was really neat.”

The peace that the temple brings is another blessing that came to the young people.

“When you’re there, you don’t have to worry about anything outside,” said Shawn Tueller, 17. “It’s like you’re in a spiritual fort, and you’re protected by that.

“My grandma works in the temple on Thursday and Friday, and I drive her down when it’s still dark outside and the temple lights are still on. That gives me a big lift.”

“When you go to the temple, there are special feelings that you can’t find anywhere else,” said Brad Day, 16. “Besides the warmth and calm and serene feeling you find there, you also get feelings of purpose and achievement. This comes from knowing that you’re doing what the Lord has commanded us.”

“When I lived in Utah, I’d do baptisms for the dead, and I didn’t know the people who baptized me,” said Kent Edman, 16. “In Atlanta, sometimes I go with my ward, so I may have my home teacher baptizing me. It makes it special when you know the person that you’re in the water with.”

“The thing that also makes the temple so peaceful is the fact that Jesus could have walked there,” said Lisa Lehnhof. “That awes me that I can be there too. He’s so perfect and good.”

“A temple is the only place on earth that’s perfect all the time, where the Lord can dwell,” said Emily Nielsen. “As I think back on doing baptisms for the dead, I think there’s no place more peaceful, more beautiful, where I can become closer to my Heavenly Father.”

Another blessing has been the impact on missionary work. “My dad is mission president, and they’ve had some baptisms from the open house,” said Kent Edman. “But the temple’s influence has been more than that, because it’s sparked a lot of interest.

“The people I work for live on the same road as the temple, and when they found out I was Mormon they were really interested. The lady wanted to know if she could have her daughter married in the temple, even though they’re Jewish. I’ve taken them some literature about the temple. The temple has helped the missionaries a lot because it’s a good door opener. People want to know more about it.”

“I work with a person named Moose,” said Brad Day.” Although that doesn’t seem like an intellectual name, he’s shown interest in the Church, and I’ve been able to share my testimony with him.”

“The temple’s been a great missionary tool,” added Scott Hammond. “It’s influenced me to want to help other people in our school learn what it is. They ask me more questions than ever.”

After the temple had been open for six months, the teens held a fireside about temples. Temple President Robert M. Winston and his wife, Susannah, the temple matron, gave a talk together. They discussed the goals each person should have concerning the temple.

“Your first goal should be to do baptisms,” said Sister Winston. “The temple interview helps you to maintain high standards. When you talk to your bishop and stake president, you certify that you are clean and pure.”

“The second goal should be to get your endowments,” said President Winston. “When you get your endowments, you’ve reached a level of maturity and state of understanding. You can go to the temple, listen and learn, and take solemn covenants that you’ll keep the rest of your life. One of the most significant is the covenant of consecration, which means you pledge to devote both talent and material means to build the kingdom. When you take out your endowments, you make these covenants for yourself. Each time you go back, you repeat them for someone you’re doing work for.”

“The third goal to work for is eternal marriage,” said Sister Winston. “Preparation for temple marriage doesn’t take months; it takes a lifetime. That preparation comes one step at a time, and you’re well on your way right now.” “Keep the temple in your life,” said President Winston. “Everything you see in the temple symbolizes some great truth. Everything is taught by symbols. It can be a symbol of its own, representing attainable goals, no matter what your age. It should be a standard of excellence for us all.”

And the youth in Atlanta are looking to that standard of excellence, direction, and inspiration in their lives. It’s helping them to become a people who look to the Lord.

As Kerry Soper summed it up, “The temple symbolizes everything that brings happiness in this life. We need to be worthy to enter the temple and take part in its ordinances to find eternal happiness.”

And that’s just what the young people in Atlanta are working toward.

Photos by Richard M. Romney

“I’m in awe that I can be where Jesus could have walked.”—Lisa Lehnhof, 15

“It’s made me want to help other people learn what it is.”—Scott Hammond, 14

Having a temple in their own city has been a wonderful opportunity for the youth of Atlanta. Many of their friends saw the beautiful sealing rooms when the building was open for public tours. Since the dedication, youth temple trips have been a regular activity.

In the House of the Lord, the power to bind on earth and in heaven is clearly evident. “Everything you see in the temple symbolizes some great truth,” President Winston told the young Saints. In particular, the celestial room represents the heights man may attain.

“There’s no more beautiful, more peaceful place on earth.”—Emily Nielsen, 16
